Example sentences of "to [pron] any [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The defendants at the time of the victims ' deaths were presumably unconscious and it is accordingly difficult to attribute to them any mens rea .
2 Life here is very beautiful , to me any life is preferable to death .
3 ‘ Now is your opportunity to put to me any questions you have on the detailed implications for the people of the World of the Council 's decisions . ’
4 The Reporter would be the first person to whom any child referrals would be made .
5 For those in the middle of these events , there was in addition to the tension and the menace , a certain air of unreality ; this raises the part played by drugs , not merely in the emergence of a forceful counter-culture , but in the attitudes of plain straightforward young people to whom any kind of illicit substance a couple of years earlier would have been a complete mystery .
6 In 1970 the Committee on Safety of Medicines was set up under the Act and began work in the following year … with the purpose of ‘ a. giving advice with respect to safety , quality and efficacy in relation to human use of any substance or article ( not being an instrument apparatus or appliance ) to which any provision of the Act is applicable and b. promoting the collection and investigation of information relating to adverse reaction for the purpose of enabling such advice to be given . ’
7 This raises many questions about the extent to which any depreciation charge could yield a useful measure of this use but , given the policy of fixed depreciation charges imposed by Government , it would be hard to see how these charges would be capable of measuring actual usage of assets ( a point which is at the heart of the difference between the two accounting traditions ) .
8 If we wanted to summarize the extent to which any type of school selected disproportionately from the children of particular class backgrounds , we might use the difference between the service and the working class in the proportion attending that school .
9 The name of an output file to which any errors detected by the scan are to be written .
10 Her scheme envisaged a palatial brothel for women only — a sanctuary ‘ to which any lady of rank and fortune may subscribe , and to which she may repair incog ; the married to commit what the world calls adultery , and the single to commit what at the tabernacle is called fornication , or in a gentler phrase , to obey the dictates of all-powerful Nature , by offering up a cheerful sacrifice to the God Priapus , the most ancient of deities . ’
11 Watercourses vary in size from the merest trickle in a ditch to large tidal rivers ; size is significant since it controls the extent to which any pollution will be diluted , thereby more readily purified by natural processes , and less noticeable .
12 An assessment framework is a structure to which any test item can be related .
13 To avoid these problems , addition and deletion algorithms will have to ensure that at least one home record remains in any bucket to which any records randomize .
14 As is well brought out in a recent paper , the views of Carnap 's which Quine opposed involved the claim that conventionally adopted analytic linguistic frameworks provided criteria of reality , which set up the standards according to which any question that might arise was settlable ( Ricketts 1982 ) .
15 Under the English Rules of the Supreme Court ( and comparable rules of court in other Commonwealth jurisdictions ) , the court may make an order for the ‘ detention , custody or presentation ’ of any property which is the subject-matter of a cause or matter before the court or as to which any question may arise in the case ; and may order the inspection of any such property in the possession of a party .
16 Section 52(1) of the 1984 Act gives the court power to make any order for inspection , preservation and detention of property which is the subject matter of proceedings or to which any question may arise in any such proceedings and Ord 13 , r 7(b) again applies the Rules of the Supreme Court .
17 What concerns me is the extent to which any warning signals included on the computer record are made available to the control officer and conveyed to the officer on the beat .
18 The datums to which any pitch attitude is related is the level flight cruise datums , the wings of the aircraft symbol covering the Horizon Bar .
19 That is the last recourse to which any politician comes .
20 We have a rough idea ( although we may be mistaken ) of the rate at which new stars form ; we suspect that many , if not most , of them have planets — and so on until we come to the question about how long our ‘ ideal ’ technological civilization might expect to endure , to which any answer must be the most unfounded of guesses .
21 In the standard Keynesian view of macroeconomics such a policy will soften the fluctuations in real output and other real variables to which any economy is prone and which are due to fluctuations in private-sector spending .
22 The extent to which this inter-generational equity is achieved in practice depends upon Assumptions 1 and 2 as well as upon the extent to which any pattern of principal repayments is capable of reflecting assets usage .
23 Whatever the curriculum there is no reason in principle why some appropriate means should not be devised to assess the extent to which any pupil has achieved some desirable level of understanding , knowledge or competence as a consequence of following that curriculum .
24 A solicitor must not only disclose to you any commission over £10 that he or she receives but must also account to you for it unless you have agreed that he or she should keep it .
25 Add to it any points that you may be particularly anxious to get right and discuss it together .
26 You will essentially be following the diet in Stage I , but adding to it any food or drink you now have listed in column 3 of the Grand Review Chart on page 228 .
27 Even fixtures can be goods for the purposes of the CPA 1987 because s45(1) defines " goods " to include , " substances , growing crops and things comprised in land by virtue of being attached to it any ship , aircraft or vehicle " .
28 A surprising contrast to what any anthropologist would have to report about the religious beliefs of modem Westerners is Turnbull 's authoritative and intimate account is of the lives of pygmies in the forests of the Congo — containing no references to dreaming at all , and very little evidence of pygmy mysticism .
29 certainly I think er we 'd be looking perhaps for a minimum of er er of one mile but I ca n't advise you on any level of agreement as to as to what any definition of it .
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