Example sentences of "to [pron] [adj] time " in BNC.

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1 If the public is to get the message , it must be presented to them many times .
2 He 's written to them numerous times and they say what money .
3 Bereavement and the sorrow it brings is the price most of us have to pay sooner or later for the joy of loving , and it is a bill that the elderly have usually had presented to them several times in their lives in one form or another .
4 The route the Phillips had been asked to consider had already been put to them three times and was the same as the existing one , he said .
5 In fact , now that I come to think of it , I have a feeling it may have been Lord Darlington himself who made that particular remark to me that time he called me into his study some two months after that exchange with Miss Kenton outside the billiard room .
6 Oh , the idea has been put to me many times .
7 Nevertheless , I had an odd feeling about this fellow and it came to me many times during my short period as an Instructor .
8 I knew she had to come to me each time , it was just a case of sticking it out .
9 ‘ You 've made love to me five times , ’ she said .
10 But erm anyway , she told a lie to me this time .
11 ‘ She gave it to me three times , then she got difficult . ’
12 But I think conductors would not be the answer because what happens when the driver is smoking as has happened to me three times in three weeks .
13 He wrote to me some time later about a meeting with Ivy at Madge Ashton 's when there was some talk about Angus Wilson .
14 as soon as possible , if you give them to me some time next week say Wednesday , Thursday , Friday , and we can say right , I want it Friday or Monday , okay , I 've just got to phone them and they will , they will put it on risk for you
15 And again as I say it 's rather a nice erm picture which erm er was given to me some time ago .
16 ‘ She would n't speak to me last time I was in your home , ’ she complained .
17 Someone used that phrase to me last time .
18 Did that to me last time .
19 The people I like best of all are those who write to me several times as this gives me ‘ feed-back ’ on whether my solution to their original problem was correct , or the information I provided useful .
20 I made Stuart repeat the name to me several times : Squires Wine Bar .
21 Well , do n't come screaming to me next time one of the local hippies pinches a load of your acid off you .
22 Will you before you come to me next time
23 Well let's say , if you feel you 've got more than , you should hand over to somebody next time .
24 At the moment of impact the kinetic energy possessed by the hammer is proportional to its mass times the square of its velocity .
25 Ruth had written to her four times and lived in the hope that her aunt would get the minister to reply .
26 Virginia had crept up to her several times trying to be friendly , but each time the house repelled her advances , do n't you dare to come near me with those nasty creepy little fingers she smiled , preventing the new young tendrils finding a hold on her walls .
27 The ranch , the children , all had snapped back to their normal time .
28 The contributors all came from the Anglo-Catholic wing of the Church of England , but their shared aim was to assist the re-expression of the central Christian doctrines in a way that would be appropriate to their own time , and that would take account of the historical character both of the Bible and of subsequent theology .
29 This " dark figure " is unknowable , but there is a clear enough indication that organisations of a type which would later become familiar as " trade unions " but were better known to their own time as workers ' " combinations " were well established and widespread among skilled workers in the eighteenth century .
30 Meanwhile , there was the question of his presents , to which much time and many column inches were devoted .
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