Example sentences of "to [verb] for [art] " in BNC.

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1 See basically if a customer objects , you 're about to cover the , the fact that if the customer objects , say come back to canvassing for a minute , you get somebody , you phone somebody up and they say , urgh , urgh , and they just mumble away and they listen to you and they do n't listen to you , right , it 's a waste of bloody time , but if they talk to you and they give you objections and you deal with these objections , right , they 're bound to buy
2 And to asked for the cream teas to be retained .
3 He slams the company 's parking proposals as ‘ wholly inadequate ’ to catering for the extra visitors .
4 Neither the programme of resettlement in Siberia , nor peasant purchases of noble land came close to compensating for the continued steep rise in the rural population in these regions .
5 Professor Max Beloff , Principal of the College , wrote in June welcoming assurances that there were no legal impediments to applying for the ‘ accreditation ’ of courses , and in November the CNAA considered that the College had agreed various conditions , and the Council approved a statement of principles to be communicated to Buckingham .
6 She teaches at Sleaford division of the Girls ' Brigade and also at her local Sunday school ; Phyl McMillan , of London , for her contribution to swimming for the disabled and for the over-50s , for whom she and her husband formed a club .
7 Since primary school teachers have responsibility for all areas of the school curriculum , special consideration be given to the language curricular genres and to writing for a variety of purposes .
8 Examples of such tasks are : an adolescent girl who has been having unprotected sexual intercourse with her boyfriend agrees to go to her local family planning clinic to seek contraceptive advice and to avoid having intercourse until contraception has been arranged ; a student with difficulty getting down to revising for an important examination decides that he must make a list of what he needs to do — his therapist suggests he also arranges the topics in their order of importance .
9 I strongly applaud Mr. Baker 's continued commitment to pushing for a settlement and we will maintain our full support of that effort .
10 Sexual responsiveness to a familiar member of the opposite sex may not be zero — particularly when the time allotted to searching for an alternative has run out .
11 ‘ Let's stick to acting for the moment , ’ he drawled .
12 Firstly , in addition to looking for a general description of the information available in the films , this study was concerned particularly with information which is related to risks and potential risks in the scenes .
13 Now , they can work towards a qualification which has greater value when it comes to looking for a job or a place in further education .
14 And erm and then we went and got my fruit and veg and then we went in Top Marks and got them so we never got we went through for a video really , never got round to looking for a video did we ?
15 British customers have got used to looking for the date stamp on goods so that they can identify the ‘ life ’ of a product .
16 You would become accustomed to looking for the ambiguous and the turgid , to cutting the text down to its basic message .
17 Having started along the path of gas-cooled reactors , the nuclear industry stuck with them when it came to looking for an improved model .
18 THE IDEA of preparing a budget for the building of a house is a daunting thought , especially to someone who is more used to budgeting for the family holiday .
19 As we have already seen , a boy might not have got beyond typesetting at an equivalent stage either , nor did he automatically get much further anyway ; but the girls were almost all set to handsetting for the firm once they were competent at it .
20 The potential saving compared to paying for a childminder can be considerable ; more so for a nanny .
21 It may be true , as some suggest , that working-class budgets would not stretch to paying for the regular use of new birth-control methods but old , tried and cheap techniques might still be used .
22 An additional complication comes from the fact that Congress has never committed itself to paying for the entire SSC .
23 Only Japan , of the major exporters , remained virtually impervious to import penetration — all the phenomenal growth of manufactured exports being devoted to paying for the soaring import bill for materials ( chapter 12 )
24 In the space of a few weeks they went from favouring broadly no change in taxation ( which is what the chancellor gave them ) to yearning for the rod — in one case a tax rise of £5 billion-10 billion .
25 My hon. Friend the Member for Norfolk , North ( Mr. Howell ) spoke recently on the radio about his idea of paying , say , £100 a week to people joining a community task force , enabling them to obtain work experience and contribute to society , which does not simply mean filling in holes in the road but involves going in for a range of useful activities , from working on environmental improvements to caring for the vulnerable in society .
26 Mr Gummer said : ‘ The proposals complement the range of environmental incentives already available to farmers and reflect the Government 's continuing commitment to caring for the countryside and to integrating environmental objectives into agricultural policy . ’
27 It 's all part of Wimpey 's commitment to caring for the environment .
28 The massive exodus of the rural populace to towns in Spain or abroad , which began in earnest towards the end of the 1950s , bore witness to the priority given , in the Francoist scale of values , to preserving the patrimony of the strong , rather than to caring for the welfare of the weak .
29 He worked in an environment dedicated to caring for the homeless .
30 It is bound to affect the way we handle real and potential conflict situations , as much as dislike of fresh air and exercise may contribute to deciding for a family camping holiday or not .
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