Example sentences of "in our [noun pl] for " in BNC.

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1 Believe me , we all had a warm place in our hearts for Sidney .
2 People have sought gold in our islands for at least two thousand years , and I do n't believe any significant pannable sites are left to be discovered .
3 An essential element in our proposals for the secondary school is that pupils should increasingly make their own decisions about their writing : what it is about , what form it should take , and to whom it is addressed .
4 Chief executive Geoffrey Key said : ‘ We have great confidence in our proposals for north Sunderland .
5 Just over a year ago , I told the House that child benefit is , and will remain , a strong element in our policies for family support .
6 Furthermore , by UV-cross-linking experiments , a polypeptide of 85,000 daltons has been found to bind to this region , a molecular weight similar to that found in our experiments for the factor binding to oligonucleotide I ( see Fig. 6 ) .
7 But we sat up there in the mouth of the Clyde — off Greenock — in our troopers for three whole days — seemed like three years . ’
8 Vigno had taken two lumps of granite from the side of the hill and made us keep them in our mouths for three hours .
9 That is what we are seeking to do in our slum improvement programme and in our programmes for children on the streets .
10 In our plans for the life assurance industry if you like .
11 He moved as easily ; and like Chance Wayne at the height of his beauty you , or I , would just , well , would just have died for him , stopped in our tracks for him , stopped the car for him , fallen silent if we saw him cross the street or across a crowded bar .
12 If any of you attacks your brother from now on , if not ordered to do so by a superior , that attacker will be enslaved and used for chirurgical experiments in our laboratories for as long as he lives .
13 Although originally the Roman calendar began in the spring on 1 March ( as reflected in our names for the months September to December ) , the consuls , who were elected for one year , in 153 BC began to take office on 1 January .
14 Radioactive elements remain in our bodies for a long time .
15 They joined in our events for young women , and devoured our publications , because it gave them the springboard for taking action themselves .
16 So , we if we our receptionist if we can say those are our key specifications , again it 's a loose idea this is not easy sometimes to look into it , partly because we 've been in our jobs for quite a while and you know we do n't , we can clarify it , but think about your subordinates and people that might be trained .
17 We need to ensure that the management of community care is improved to meet the needs of those who are discharged from hospitals and , more particularly , of those who have never been long-stay patients in our hospitals for the mentally ill .
18 This is reflected in our recommendations for programmes of study in both the reading and the writing profile components .
19 More than 90 per cent of people in this country are against hunting in any form but we still have to pay in our rates for the cost of police to protect those who hunt .
20 For some years at Tesco , we have been collecting the boxes in which our products are delivered to stores and some of the paper that we use in our offices for re-cycling .
21 The Phoenicians , and in particular the Carthaginians , are still given pride of place in our handbooks for their institutions and their colonization because the Greeks recognized themselves in such things .
22 We black Catholics must speak out in our schools for equality for our children , so that they can become the clergy and laity for the future without having to apologise for being black .
23 It I think forty five they started negotiating forty five forty to forty seven and er when we tried to alter the national agreement or change it in our minds for the better you always had the solid block of these wee fellows up and down the country sticking by the national agreement because they got such a good deal out of it it brought their standards right up to the the best that was going .
24 And this depends on our having very powerful and general rules in our minds for relating what is said to the broader context .
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