Example sentences of "in any [noun pl] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Thus it was hoped that they would seize any opportunity of increasing awareness and understanding of mental frailty in old age , among professionals , lay carers and local people in such a way as to increase people 's sympathy and confidence in any contacts they might have with elderly mentally frail people .
2 Controversy in the medical profession still rages about the benefits of vitamins and dietary supplements and manufacturers are closely restricted in any claims they can make about what their various products can do .
3 Many teachers thought that their subject advisers were very constructive and fair in any comments they made after lessons .
4 ‘ I 'm sure I will have the support of Mr McWhirter in any representations I may feel called upon to make to the Board , ’ said the headmaster .
5 The assignee may have to join the assignor in any proceedings he brings against the bank , but this is a pragmatic procedural requirement and does not affect the assignee 's substantive right to the assigned part of the debt .
6 In any proceedings it shall be a defence for the accused to prove that , at the date of the alleged contravention , the instrument had not been issued by Her Majesty 's Stationery Office .
7 Do not be afraid to ask questions , particularly , perhaps , questions as to why things are done in the way they are — though you should for a long time be very restrained in any suggestions you make for improvement .
8 ‘ I ca n't imagine you being even remotely interested in any daydreams I 've had in the past , ’ he said with a slight twist to his mouth .
9 Also needed are the date , venue and number of people involved in any Displays you have Produced , Lecture/Dems given , ‘ Come & Try Its ’ , Other Events you have taught at or arranged , and Static displays mounted .
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