Example sentences of "in time [to-vb] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 She knew that neither Jasper nor Bert would be up early , but made herself get up in time to join Jim for tea and cornflakes .
2 I quickly got out of the barrel and was in time to join Hunter and Dr Livesey and the rest , at the side of the ship .
3 He said he was afraid the delay over the book had lost him the opportunity of reaching the city in time to take part in any meaningful work , and promised to join the next summer 's dig in June . ’
4 He ran across the key , bandoleer slapping his chest , gun held at the port , and reached the beach in time to see Baccy ease the patrol boat in through a gap in the reef .
5 ‘ Yes , but will it get me home in time to see Coronation Street tonight ? ’
6 He was in Hollywood by 1915 in time to see Griffith at the height of his powers , and in a sense Vidor was always to remain a representative of the Griffith era ; he was to become Hollywood 's token Progressive in a period when the main energies of that phenomenon had been exhausted .
7 Ace spun round in time to see Petion drop his rifle and spin to the ground in a spray of blood , while Richmann swung his gun back to her , working the lever action .
8 He turned back in time to see Nell and Delaney step out of the lift .
9 Frowning slightly , she hurried across the highly polished floor back into the dining room , and was in time to see Patrick sneeze again and then again .
10 He looked down just in time to see Liawski 's diaries disappearing over the edge .
11 He was seated just in time to see Caballeros , now in his most swashbuckling mood , plant a superb iron shot on the platform green and hole the putt .
12 They arrived at the edge of the trees just in time to see Angel One advance to stand over the sprawled figure of Brett Grant .
13 Gabrielle and Emma arrived in time to see Crawford open in Boston , alongside Lynn Redgrave and Geraldine Page .
14 It was as she finished with the remainder of yesterday 's mail that she glanced through the window in time to see Silas walking towards the stables .
15 Then , after a couple of minutes , I entered the house in time to see Lovat and a few Commandos dashing upstairs .
16 There were giggles from the trees behind her , and she turned sharply , furious with her maids , then turned back in time to see Li Yuan summon the small boy forward .
17 At the hotel I paid him in cash with a bonus and sent him on his way , and was in time to see Filmer 's backview receding into a dark-looking bar as I walked into the big central hall lobby .
18 They all turned , just in time to see Sergeant bounding down the riverbank .
19 ‘ Your Grace , I and two others were some way behind , bringing up the spare horses , and came on the scene only in time to see Sir Edmund at grips , and the battle all but done .
20 Kicking down the side-rest as he jumped clear , he spun round in time to see Mariana slide down the bank .
21 Last night I opened my eyes when it was dark and feeling a sudden want of air opened the window when to my astonishment I was in time to see Oreste carried past in the arms of an angel and I wept and called out to him but there was no reply and soon they were gone up to the heavens and lost sight of .
22 10.00 Richard Mann and Maurice Eddy arrive at Stadium Plastics , just in time to see production commence with the replacement product .
23 Still fastening buttons , she hobbled to the door in time to see Travis down the beach , waving his hands to attract its attention .
24 She failed to find a donor in time to save Anthony , who died , aged just seven , but since then the register has helped to save hundreds of lives and continues to provide a vital service .
25 She knew that the chances of reaching it , giving the alarm , and getting men and equipment back and across the heath to Scawby Marsh in time to save Angela 's pony before he sank to his death in the marsh were very slight , but she must try .
26 Nolan took his attention off Sam for a split second , lashed out expertly at my face and whirled back to his prime target in time to parry Sam 's wildly lunging arm and kick him purposefully between the legs .
27 Barlow , who helped Freed State win the Nissan Shield for the first time during the past season , has taken up his appointment in time to lead Transvaal in partnership with captain Jimmy Cook on the short tour of England in July .
28 My father arrived back from Cairo in time to spend Christmas with us .
29 Can anyone wonder that disbelief and despondency settled upon many schools in time to give way to anger and protest at the possibility of carrying out tasks that has been imposed on them under impossible conditions .
30 And it got , in the end , actually , if I was , if I had to do something that was urgent or I had to go somewhere I used to have to say to her something like , you know , erm oh I better get on , I got a lot to do this morning , or I 'm goi I 've to be shopping and be back in time to cook Jim 's dinner or something like that cos he 's starting , oh I 've got ta have his dinner ready at twelve before he goes to work and if I really was pushed otherwise she would have come in every day .
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