Example sentences of "in one [noun sg] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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31 If all this had to be summed up in one sentence I suppose it would have to be that Wittgenstein 's treatment of the ‘ Other Minds ’ problem is an extended illustration of a point in philosophical logic : namely , that the meaningfulness of some of the things we say is dependent on contingent facts of nature — such as that the Earth revolves on its axis , and that we moan with pain and react as we do to others who moan .
32 In one direction you will see the normal wave movement of the needles knitting , but in the other direction the needles hardly move at all , that is they SLIP ( and , even if you 'd had yarn threaded and stitches on the needles , they would n't have knitted on this row ) .
33 looking in one direction you might imagine yourself in Greenland ; another , and you gazed down upon a nest of' mill chimneys .
34 In one incident they attempted to saw through its supporting pillars .
35 In one sense they are the British equivalent of political advertising on American television ‘ but they differ from such advertising in three very important ways : first , PFB broadcasting is free ( although the parties have to bear at least some of the production costs — indeed , all of the production costs if they wish to use private production facilities ) ; second , the number of PEB broadcasts is fixed by agreement between broadcasters and the parties to reflect ( roughly ) the current popular standing of the parties ( in 1987 Labour , the Liberal-SDP Alliance , and the Conservatives got exactly equal time for PEBs while other parties received very much less ) ; third , the broadcasters have insisted , against the politicians ’ wishes , that PEBs be short programmes typically ten minutes long , rather than high-impact adverts of perhaps twenty or thirty seconds ' duration .
36 In one sense they may be regarded as the successors to , sometimes the heirs of , the small- nationality movements directed against the Habsburg , Tsarist and Ottoman empires , that is to say against what were considered historically obsolete modes of political organisation , in the name of a model of political modernity , the nation-state .
37 Where people have value as group members , our lives are not only our own or our immediate families ' ; in one sense they belong to the whole community , therefore each death is a loss to everyone .
38 In one sense it 's very much like good investigative journalism , ’ explains Malcolm Smart , Head of Research at the IS .
39 In Northern Ireland 's divided society therefore , community policing has both a specific and a general meaning , for in one sense it focuses narrowly on overcoming Catholic hostility to the police , while in another the ‘ community ’ which is addressed is defined more broadly to encompass all residents in the province , although often these two aspects intermingle .
40 Perhaps in one sense it does not matter that he ignored the sometimes vandalistic assaults on the gospel texts by Form-critics and Redaction-critics ; just as it could be seen not to matter that the school of philosophy in which he was reared had been rendered more or less obsolete by the man who — in the year that Lewis was writing The Problem of Pain — had become a professor of philosophy at Cambridge : Ludwig Wittgenstein .
41 By the Wittenbergplatz U-Bahn station there is something which looks like a very large public information notice , which in one sense it is , but which is in fact a memorial .
42 In one sense it is paradoxical to talk of fluidity in tenth- or eleventh-century society .
43 In one sense it is simply a matter of keeping the value far ahead of the cost .
44 In one sense it is fragile , for it has the naivety of a child 's game of ‘ let's play house ’ , with a little patch of ground called ‘ home ’ , set out with sticks and stones .
45 In one sense it was an occupation that Joyce had never abandoned , for he had held classes in public speaking for members of the BUF .
46 In one sense it is an optimistic phenomenon .
47 In one sense it is the written version of what they constantly hear — two other people talking perhaps , as in this case , arguing .
48 In one sense it was .
49 If the owner does not resist the taking of his property , or actually hands it over , because of , for example , threats of violence , in one sense it could be said that there is ‘ consent : ’ yet the offence of robbery , as defined in section 8(1) of the Theft Act 1968 , involves , as one of its elements , theft .
50 In one sense it can be argued that generalizations are of little use .
51 In one sense it might also be said to have laboured to produce a mouse .
52 In one sense it 's part of every man 's dream at some time or other — to make for the country and live off and in nature .
53 In one sense it is a simplification , but also it is a clarification which is intended to provide understanding and prediction .
54 It is very true that in one sense it must be implied that although there is no existing difference , still that a difference may arise between the parties : yet I think the distinction between an existing difference and one which may arise is a material one , and one which has properly been relied on in this case …
55 In one sense you could say that we begin our lives in the wheelchair of the womb ; we begin our lives literally by being carried around .
56 I sometimes think , he wrote , that if in one sense I am back in the nursery trying to make a big toy with nothing but wood and string , in another I am back in the classroom fiddling with bunsen burners while Mr Alexander walks round sniffing with his long distinguished nose in the air .
57 So , in one sense I was not starting entirely from scratch .
58 Well in one sense I , I would like to see Jane addressing it , because she can do it from a non-divisional point of view .
59 By the time they met , Leonard was indeed pushing hard at the doors of his own individuality — in one sense he had been doing that for years .
60 In one sense he would be right — the person he had in mind had not arrived .
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