Example sentences of "in that [pers pn] [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 I did notice in that they sell , sell erm cushion covers with the sofas
2 The instability of the horizons in these solutions can easily be demonstrated in that they require very specific forms for the initial functions f(u) and g(v) .
3 In many countries public libraries and school education have often been administratively closely linked in that they draw financial support from the same source .
4 However , they are limited in that they create artificial contexts which may not provide a good basis for predicting performance in other settings .
5 Archaeologists can reveal only very fragmentary glimpses of how people lived at any period , but what they imagined and thought is beyond recovery — the meagre scraps of records are useless or , at best , tantalizing in that they provide details torn from their context .
6 Yet they are like the cases which follow in that they do not directly ask the trustee to do anything , but none the less cause an obligation under trust to arise in him .
7 In fact my honourable friend , the parliamentary under secretary of state for the department of trade and industry who 's responsible for deregulation is also the sponsoring minister for one of these orders , namely the one on the insurance companies , and secondly our intention is that the cost here should be negligible , or nil er in that they do n't go beyond er what is already required or or possible by way of a right to report , here we 're imposing a duty to report .
8 The new community care arrangements are consistent with the Conservative government 's general policy aims in that they have privatisation as one of their major objectives .
9 Most are very similar , but some differ in that they have a flat ‘ tread ’ at the top of the blade .
10 Of the other verbs denoting causality , get and occasion resemble cause more than force and oblige do in that they evoke causality without the idea of coercion .
11 I believe that both views of their writing are justified in that they seem to have oscillated between these two poles and such oscillations are noted in several places in this book .
12 have a similarity in that they exist because of spatial aspects .
13 But they are worth looking at in that they give an understanding of royal taste in the 16 and 17C , and indeed their founder , Rudolf II , is considered to be one of the greatest European patrons of the arts ( see p. 9 ) .
14 In Raman spectra totally symmetric modes are uniquely identified in that they give rise only to Q-branches , whereas vibrations of any other symmetry give , ± 1 and ± 2 branches .
15 You are right in that we serve .
16 You need an awful lot of persuading to get doctors to start to use a new medicine and a classic example was of the treatment of depression , where the pharmaceutical manufacturers started to produce tablets which were very effective in stopping depression , not just feeling a bit blue but actual serious clinical depression where the person 's sat in the corner and stared at the wall and did nothing — I mean really serious depression — doctors took a long time to realize that there was an effective treatment for that and to start to prescribe it , and in fact actually doctors in Britain are rather good in that we prescribe many more effective treatments for depression , we diagnose it more often , and this we believe in our office that this is one of the reasons why the suicide rate has gone down in Britain quite dramatically in the last few years , because depression , which is obviously one of the main causes of suicide , is being effectively treated .
17 some sense is a technical amendment in that we know that there are a whole series of schemes which we which have been .
18 Newspaper , difficult one , generally , but we 're lucky in that we 've got a place down in Exmouth that shred this all up for animal bedding , and they 'll take that , and again we 'll get recycling credits , so although it 's low value in terms of the actual material , it attracts this big recycling credit so so a subsidized market , if you like .
19 Well we were lucky in that we 've been able to do , have a , a very good relationship with a company called well known in the marine side and they put in forty five thousand pounds into er the scheme and promised that before Christmas and that was reading the paper one day in November the , the Robert the National Heritage Minister saying that they may be , may , if you 're lucky , going to put some money into sport and er so we contacted them and we were one of the first sports to get , had money doubled as they say in the bingo hall , so we er we now have ninety , ninety thousand pounds and which I wh has been distributed or will be distributed in the , in the following way so that 's how we 're gon na spend it and er these er , the administration represent we were basically overwhelmed with enquiries and s we took on a person in order to , to do it , the normal R Y A staff had already got enough on so we took on a girl called Sara who answers all the queries on the Year of Youth Hotline and erm we are also running the boat shows , the four or five N B L challenge which is the flagship event for our sponsors which is er I wo n't go into the , the details but is a , a talent fight , talent spotting event for under sixteen year olds around the country and it provided fleet of dinghies , the prize for which is a dinghy which is not , not a bad prize I think you 'll agree .
20 It is not a very profound play Francesca , anything else you wanted to throw in that we 've not included here ?
21 Go on Jo go , go on Jo , go and get your word in that we 've missed off a few times .
22 We are ‘ pluralists ’ in that we recognize that a large number of varied elements ( including a variety of interest groups with greater or lesser power ) are involved in the penal system and its crisis , and that these elements interact in a highly complex manner .
23 We have , however , been somewhat haphazard in our plans in that we have not progressed all of the key issues in parallel and we are in the process of preparing detailed quarry plans for each location progressing estate issues , planning requirements , confirming geological and hydro geological aspects and setting all of this against market requirements .
24 Right again that 's slightly complicated in that we have two roads coming from the Leeds direction and the
25 Erm there is an error in that we have included er at two in that we have added in a reference there to further additional meant that we have taken the budget earlier guidelines here three point three , we are not proposing to do that and therefore that should be deleted .
26 Erm there is an error in that we have included er at two in that we have added in a reference there to further additional meant that we have taken the budget earlier guidelines here three point three , we are not proposing to do that and therefore that should be deleted .
27 Well I 'm prepared to say th th that I that I think that we do do good practice in that we do sit down with the children and help them , each individual along with the with our joint statements .
28 We have power over our parents in that we cry out for our needs to be met , and our parents may be anxious and confused about how to do this .
29 That as compared with the one you can put in that you know one at the top one at the side and .
30 Erm , but agricultural supply is complicated simply by the , the actual nature of supply in that you know , farmer has N , N products that he could produce .
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