Example sentences of "in each [noun sg] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Another is the ease with which it is assumed that in actual democratic politics it should be the majority in each nation-state which has the right to decide on all issues .
2 In each trial he won a trophy given to the top twenty percent .
3 In each novel there is an effect of double-voicing : the female voice speaks through the discourses in question in such a way as to shift their emphasis .
4 In each unit there is a kitchen where the residents are able to make their own snacks and a communal television and activity room .
5 In each basket we compared like with like — so there were no cheap and nasty products with brand names you 've never heard before .
6 Reading the popular music press helps build a picture of which record companies deal in the different styles of music , but only by reading the trade papers will you identify the key individuals in each company who should be invited to your gigs and sent your tape .
7 Figure 5.5 shows the percentage of people in poverty ( i.e. below the Federally-defined poverty level ) in each State who were receiving AFDC benefits in 1980 .
8 Both are projected activities , for in each case one 's attention is directed away from oneself , which is of course what offers the protection .
9 In each case one constructs the meaning from the context and following referent or clause .
10 In each case one begins with a problem , seeks to understand it as fully as possible , works out purposes , devises a plan of action , carries it out , and reviews what has happened in order to judge its implications for future action .
11 More significantly , in each case what is primary is the male — male rivalry .
12 As far as those artists go you must ask in each case what proportion of their careers were actually spent here and did their stay in America fundamentally affect their work ?
13 If , however , the shares are expressly divided into separate classes ( thus necessarily contradicting the presumed equality ) it is a question of construction in each case what the rights of each class are .
14 But in order to do this he must decide in each case what these conventions declare the law to be ; in order to do this he must decide what the content of each convention really is .
15 Our aim was to determine whether our authors met the criteria for any of these forms of psychosis and , if so , to ascertain in each case which ‘ diagnosis ’ provided the best description .
16 It appears to me that the omission from the Lautro Rules reflects an omission from the Act , and in my judgment the omission was made with a deliberation in each case which makes an implication impossible .
17 It appears to me that the omission from the Lautro Rules reflects an omission from the Act , and in my judgment the omission was made with a deliberation in each case which makes an implication impossible .
18 But does this enable us actually to decide in each case which predicates do and which do n't apply to the item concerned ?
19 There are , equally , factors such as the differences in the approaches of the principal biographical sources in each case which affect one 's sense of what is important in each man 's life ; and for these , due allowance must be made when measuring the growth of the hierarchy and assessing the effects of that growth .
20 In each case we may trace from them important effects on learning in schools today on the curriculum plans , on policy and programmes for teacher training and , most significant , on the attitudes of teachers themselves and of those who train them .
21 In each case we can choose a scale above which the material may be considered homogeneous , but below which the structure needs to be considered .
22 We shall assume that the syntactic positions for adjectives in English are as below ; we give first the intensional pattern of which each is the surface exponent , as well as an example for each , and also an instance which is ungrammatical and where we shall later be able to suggest reasons for the ungrammaticality ; in each case we shall underline in the intensional pattern the property which is instantiated by the adjective , merely for clarification and not as an integral part of the notation : [ P E ] prenominal attributive position surface syntactic sequence : adjective + noun as in hungry passengers ; but note that *asleep kittens is ungrammatical { [ E ] ( P ) } ordinary predicative position surface syntactic sequence : noun phrase + be + adjective as in the critics were upset ; but note that her husband was mere is ungrammatical [ E P ] postnominal attributive position surface syntactic sequence : noun phrase + adjective as in the crimes alleged ; but note that the road wide is ungrammatical ( ( P E ) P ) predicate qualifying position surface syntactic sequence : verb phrase + noun phrase + adjective as in he brought his gun loaded ; but note that she uses her mixer lightweight is ungrammatical [ E ( P P ) ] postverbal position surface syntactic sequence : verb phrase + adjective as in the crowd remained angry ; but note that his brother resisted obstinate is ungrammatical ( ( P P ) E ) adverbal position surface syntactic sequence ( usually ) : verb + noun phrase + adjective as in Ali rubbed the lamp clean ; but note that Mark resembles the officer sinister is ungrammatical ( P { E P } ) clausal position = surface syntactic sequence : verb + noun phrase ( + be ) + adjective as in he considers the prosecution case hopeless but note that Sue reported the prizes aplenty is ungrammatical { E P } P extraclausal position surface syntactic sequence ( usually ) : adjective + clause as in furious , the king ordered many arrests but note that furious , the king had three wives is ungrammatical As we have said , these are the adjectival positions of English ( and possibly of any natural human language ) .
23 The temptation to equate the two positions relies apparently on two things : on the fact that in each case we have an adjective and a noun or noun phrase , and on the supposition that attributive adjectives and predicative adjectives all share the referential locus of the head noun to which they are related .
24 In each case they inevitably begin to denigrate their opposite numbers for not doing ‘ real police work ’ .
25 A number of rarer departures from Mendel 's laws were found , and in each case they were able to find a corresponding abnormality in the chromosomes , of precisely the kind required to explain the genetic findings .
26 Even for the three vertebrate cases , the ways in which the wing is constructed are quite different , although in each case they are modifications of the same fundamental structure , the pentadactyl limb .
27 In all three studies , the children were selected to be as representative as possible and in each case they were asked to perform exhaustive intelligence tests and behavioural exercises .
28 In each case they have proved a potentially effective instrument for channelling productive local suggestions and for achieving sensible modifications in centrally designed materials .
29 In each case they run between the intersegmental folds or antecostae of successive segments .
30 In each case they vary by only 0.002 millimetres .
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