Example sentences of "in his [adj] years " in BNC.

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1 After his record-breaking exploits with Wigan , Iro did n't strike gold in his two years at Manly .
2 Everyone who raced against him in his good years says roughly the same thing : as a driver , Emerson was enormously consistent , not especially aggressive , very thoughtful and possessed of an excellent racing technique , the source of which was undoubtedly a long apprenticeship spent in motor-cycle racing , karting , Formula Vee , in Renault Gordinis , sports-car racing and so on .
3 Nothing in his many years ' service had prepared him for this sort of situation .
4 This ability was evident in his many years of A.R.C .
5 It was certainly one of the most surreal sights the Doctor had experienced in his many years of travelling .
6 This is the only quotation from Panaetius ( De officiis 1.26.90 ) which can give us some idea of the conversations he had with Scipio in his many years of familiarity with him .
7 The famous British journalist and broadcaster , Alistair Cooke , recalled that at no time in his many years in the United States did he receive such a " blizzard of disgusted mail " from the old country .
8 That seems to have been his view in his first years as archbishop .
9 Sometimes he acted too hastily or was too reluctant to compromise , and in his first years in the White House he had to endure some harsh criticism .
10 In his first years he developed his interests in stratigraphy of the Chalk and in Pleistocene and Recent deposits , before he was transferred to the Lake District .
11 I remember discussing broken tanks with perhaps the most experienced fishkeeper I know ‘ Aquarian ’ expert Dr David Ford , and he 's had only one breakage in his fifty years in the hobby .
12 But Mr Kohl , usually underestimated in his eight years as chancellor , has never looked more firmly in command or keener to carry on .
13 Erlich thought that the last week , waiting in the Legal Attaché 's section , had been the slowest in his eight years with the Bureau .
14 Emile Al-Uzaizi , deputy leader of the council 's Tory opposition group and a social services committee member , said this was the first case of its kind he had known in his eight years on the council .
15 Emile Al-Uzaizi , the deputy leader of the council 's Tory opposition group and a social services committee member , said that this was the first case of its kind he had known in his eight years on the council .
16 Hogarth also lived there , but he was often at his business address in Leicester Fields , and in his latter years he became ‘ Sergeant Painter ’ to the King .
17 In resisting rationalism he risks emphasising paradox to the point where it can seem sheerly irrational ; his insistence on the otherness of God and the sinfulness of man , and his fondness for some of the more arbitrary-seeming accounts of God in the stories of Abraham and Job , leave much too little place for a positive grasp of grace and mercy , goodness and love , though he does attempt to give them place ; his stress upon the centrality of the incarnation of God in Jesus commonly seems to reduce to the bare repetition of the claim that Jesus was also , paradoxically , God , but not fully to work through the implications and purpose of this identification of God with man ; his bitter attacks upon ‘ Christendom ’ in his latter years reveal rather too much of the solitary individualist who has little sense of the nature of community .
18 His cases were apt to be commonplace affairs , or at least to begin as such , as opposed to the affairs of state that occupied Holmes in his latter years , and where Holmes was tall and hawk-faced Hewitt was stoutish , of average height and had a round , smiling face .
19 In his latter years he created an elaborate water garden at the cottage ornée he had built for himself on the outskirts of Plymouth , and was wont to drive round the streets of the town in a gig disguised as a Roman war chariot , looking , in Wightwick 's words ‘ ( as far as his true English face and costume allowed ) like Ictinus of the Parthenon , ‘ out for a lark ’ . ’
20 His wealth in his latter years is problematic ; he lived in Bethnal Green , died intestate , and was buried in Kensington 6 July 1701 .
21 In his latter years Tilden also studied the specific heat of metals over a wide range of temperatures , and the history of chemistry .
22 In his latter years , though plagued by failing eyesight , he gave considerable practical encouragement to the Oxford ‘ methodists ’ , whose predilection for preaching and catechizing accorded fully with his own .
23 Occasionally , in his latter years , his pride could be wounded .
24 In his latter years he took little day-to-day interest in racing , but was seen as an elder statesman of the turf .
25 This is John Fisher , who is remembered for his disputes in his latter years and finally his execution in London by order of Henry VIII .
26 Even in India , where Owen had served before he came to Egypt , and where in his latter years he had been seconded from his regiment to an Intelligence post on the Frontier , it had been normal practice to purchase information .
27 His custom in his latter years was to attend here at all on Sunday mornings when he would occasionally the sermon being preached by one of his curates or his nephew , Reverend .
28 After a good deal of success in his 13 years of moto cross , Zeelenberg would have gone with them but for the advice of manager Jan Huberts , who still manages Zeelenberg and the Sharp Samson team .
29 The journalist , attracted by Roosevelt 's easy charm , had failed to detect the underlying strength of character and iron determination that were clearly revealed in his 13 years as president .
30 Gurney , who scored 205 goals in his fourteen years with Sunderland , worked out a way of drawing the centre-half with him while collecting the ball from the wing then suddenly laying it back to the centre for another forward .
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