Example sentences of "in the [num ord] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Thus the silk industry of Valencia , frequently noted by travellers as one of the most promising features of the economy , apart from a period of prosperity between 1835 and 1852 , remained relatively stagnant throughout the nineteenth century ; in the late eighteenth century a technically advanced industry , in the nineteenth it could not keep pace with Lyons .
2 In the first we considered the linguistically motivated division of anaphoric expressions into two broad classes and its possible relation to a theory of how anaphoric expressions are interpreted .
3 We have also presented two examples of how rational expectations introduce testable restrictions : in the first we examined the relationship between the spot and the forward exchange rates and in the second we examined the implications for the term structure of interest rates .
4 Well I by good luck have had some copies of the petition sent down to me , so I started it , it immediately and I had in the first they made over one thousand one hundred and twenty five signatures .
5 In the first he regards it as antithetical to analytical reason , as truth to error , while in the second he sees it as complementary to it .
6 In the first he was seated , wearing ceremonial dress and the jewelled zoia of a doge .
7 In the first I shall review activity within the Engineering Branch before I took up my post within the MOD .
8 The way it gets most of its growth in the first I mean ,
9 In the first it is the negation of desire , in the second , of the culturally defined other of cultural difference .
10 In the first case we need a level ‘ above ’ physiology and in the second we need a level ‘ below ’ reasoning .
11 In the second we are describing the spatial distribution of people , not one person : this is the Euler method .
12 In the first , which we cover in this section , we examine the relationship between spot and forward exchange rates , and in the second we examine the relationship between the rates of return on assets with differing terms .
13 We have also presented two examples of how rational expectations introduce testable restrictions : in the first we examined the relationship between the spot and the forward exchange rates and in the second we examined the implications for the term structure of interest rates .
14 In the first and the third of these phases , roles and statuses are carefully distinguished ; in the second they are confused , " we " and " they " are mixed up , behaviour which would be outrageous in ordinary life becomes normal and even obligatory .
15 We restricted Apoel to one good chance in the first half and in the second they created little from open play .
16 In one case you are a pupil in the second you are a friend .
17 In the first picture he catches John Snow off Daniel 's bowling and in the second he celebrates as Murray catches Alan Ward off Holding .
18 He had played the first round , but before he had a chance even to hit a ball in the second he was out of the pre-qualifier , suffering from injuries he had received in a car accident with his caddie .
19 In the first he regards it as antithetical to analytical reason , as truth to error , while in the second he sees it as complementary to it .
20 So Harrison had lost the first fall unfairly : in the second he had twisted his man feet up and then let him crash to the ground .
21 In the first , he had been robbed of something on which he had set his heart ; in the second he was robbed of his life .
22 In the second he stood bareheaded , dressed in a swirling black cloak , fastened at the throat by a gold and enamel clasp .
23 In the first instance he was guilty of carelessness ; in the second he exposed Gough 's lack of match fitness and the defender 's mistake put Verheyen through on Goram though he was unable to score .
24 And Sam says , ‘ Well , in the first one I liked this moment , and in the second I liked this . ’
25 In the first the academic community denied the possibility of a biological basis of mind at all , in the second it denied the existence of mind and in the third , into which we have now entered , we are coming to accept both the existence and physical basis of the mind .
26 In the second it is the movement of objects .
27 Whitehouse 's was not primarily an attack on homosexuals : it was in the first instance an attack on the imputation of a sexual context to Christ 's death ; in the second it was a confrontation with an anti-Christian and , to her , sexually-obsessed society , and it was this latter symbolic aspect to the events of the blasphemy trial which was the main point .
28 In one case what counts is the ‘ objective positions ’ which ‘ white people ’ as such occupy within the ‘ racist power structure ’ ; in the second it is their socialization , or cultural traditions which racializes their relationships to blacks .
29 In the case of the first question the verb is thematicized ; in the second it is rhematic and is substituted for by a categorical verb , i.e. to do .
30 In the first case counselling has failed to protect others and in the second it has failed to protect the person counselled .
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