Example sentences of "in order [to-vb] [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 At this point it would appear that a consultant 's job is now over , but in fact he should co-ordinate with the contractors , and stand by until the equipment is fully installed and be present at the opening of the facility for a number of days in order to iron out any problems that may arise immediately after opening .
2 Some studies are being made ( by the Department of Energy amongst others ) of user responses to solar heating systems in private houses ; these are chiefly in order to iron out operating problems , since to obtain maximum benefit the home owner or tenant must pay a little more attention to energy use patterns with active solar collector systems and avoid leaving doors and windows open with passive systems .
3 In addition Housing Action Trusts were proposed in order to take over the operation of specific run-down council estates , with the intention of changing their tenure to the private sector or housing associations .
4 Not taking on more work yourself in order to take over financial responsibility from the primary sufferer while he or she continues to drink .
5 The transfer of Baker , who in 1988 had resigned as Treasury Secretary in order to take over Bush 's election campaign when it was trailing badly in the polls , had been widely anticipated in the month prior to the announcement .
6 He succeeds Seru Verebalavu who resigned in order to take up the position of the region 's Coordinator as part of WACC 's Animation Programme ( see Action number 160 ) .
7 absorbency both in order to take up cosmetics and cleansing agents , and a the same time to hold sufficient of the cleansing agents whilst they are being applied .
8 He became a Swedish citizen in 1937 in order to take up the offer of teaching posts in the Royal Opera School and the Music High School ( later renamed the Royal Academy of Music ) , Stockholm , where he had great influence on a generation of singers , including Birgit Nilsson and Jussi Björling , whom he taught privately .
9 Angel Alcalde , who became a deputy for United People ( Herri Batasuna — HB ) , the political wing of ETA , following the assassination on Nov. 20 , 1989 , of Josu Muguruza , an HB deputy in the Cortes [ see p. 37050 ] , was released from prison by order of the courts on Dec. 1 in order to take up his seat .
10 The new Prime Minister and Finance Minister , Juan Carlos Hurtado Miller , a former Agriculture Minister , resigned from the conservative Popular Action party ( AP ) in order to take up his new government role .
11 The election was precipitated by the resignation of William H. Gray in order to take up a job with the United Negro College Fund .
12 From then on , Matilda would visit the library only once a week in order to take out new books and return the old ones .
13 At the end of 1919 Lenin showed Russian indifference by offering virtually all of Belorussia to Poland in order to stave off a Polish offensive , but the most telling instance of Russia 's attitude had already occurred after the German withdrawal in December 1918 , when the Northwestern Regional Committee of the Russian Communist Party held a conference at Smolensk .
14 Following the publication of the White Paper , Understanding British Industry ( UBI ) was contracted to the Department of Trade and Industry in order to set up , monitor and evaluate a series of pilot programmes .
15 These are powerful controls , and Hartke recommend using them first in order to set up the initial sound .
16 They must have been sick and tired of my harping about gay rights , but by the time I had decided to move to London in order to set up home with the man of my dreams , my workmates organized a leaving party which was a touching celebration of the relationship between Keith and myself .
17 Fuchs wanted to solve his finance problems by selling off two Picassos in order to set up an endowment fund : the attempt was foiled although it resulted in a healthy debate about de-accessioning in Dutch museums .
18 To interpret is to impoverish , to deplete the world — in order to set up a shadow of ‘ meanings ’ ’ .
19 In order to set out an appropriate treatment plan , the physiotherapist has to understand normal movement , and how brain damage interferes with it .
20 In order to set out the Keynesian theory more formally , we must first make a number of assumptions .
21 Isabelle must have left a legacy of frightening bitterness behind her in this place in order to set off a reaction like that .
22 In order to hold on to what is most important to them it is as if the courting couple enter into an unconscious agreement with each other not to expose differences , even if this results in negating themselves .
23 Mr Major resisted the temptation to leave some excise duties unchanged in order to hold down the inflation rate .
24 A large force , which landed there in July 1346 , proceeded eastwards in order to join up with the Flemings , routed the French at Crécy in August 1346 and captured Calais a year later .
25 Each user has a unique username and a password which must be used in order to log on to the network .
26 This is done first by examining the analytics of the cost and demand sides , the subject of this chapter , and then concentrating more on the internal structure of the firm ( in chapter 3 ) , in order to move on to the question of efficiency .
27 A corporation may get into a certain line of business as a short-term objective simply in order to generate cash-flow , a customer base or a better price-earnings ratio in order to move on to something quite different .
28 They must be able to spot strengths and weaknesses and gaps in knowledge , not so as to compare pupils with each other , but in order to move on to the next stage , in the most effective way .
29 In order to move on to the second phase , further satisfactory and lasting progress towards real and monetary convergence will have to be achieved , especially as regards price stability and the restoration of sound public finances .
30 Originally a three-year trained teacher , by 1976 he had successfully completed a part time B.Phil degree and subsequently had tried , unsuccessfully , to obtain the pastoral experience which he considered to be necessary in order to move up the comprehensive school hierarchy .
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