Example sentences of "in its [noun pl] for " in BNC.

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1 Similarly , an airline or even government operated air traffic control authority might amend a procedure promulgated in its manuals for the same reason .
2 Congress scolds the administration for not being forthcoming enough in its proposals for aid to Eastern Europe .
3 The Working Party included in its proposals for programmes of study those aspects of media education and IT which contribute most directly to the central aim of English : to widen the range of children 's understanding and use of language , and to develop their skills in it .
4 Particularly in its treatment of legal services the Report was alleged to be unduly supportive of the private profession and insufficiently imaginative in its proposals for the development of the public sector .
5 It is a fundamental assumption for structural sociology that when we are born we are confronted by a social world which is just as real — at least in its consequences for our behaviour — as other realities which we also confront .
6 In summary , the Local Plan should aim for an overall network of cycle routes and take a much bolder approach in its strategies for reducing the impact of the private car .
7 Whilst it may be desirable , for the reasons discussed above , for a business to make detailed provision in its contracts for contingencies which may arise , it will generally be impossible to negotiate separate contracts for each transaction .
8 Or , alternatively , in what way can the religious experience of conversion , both personal and in its ramifications for social change and conversion of community , shed light on the process of profound socio-political transformation ?
9 Castle Communications ( the audio and video group ) has introduced a number of accounting policy changes in its accounts for the year ended 30 June 1992 .
10 Berisford International ( food , agribusinesses and property ) has revalued the holding company 's investments in subsidiary entities at the year end to their underlying net asset values of £386.9m ( v £599.2m ) in its accounts for the year ended 30 September 1992 .
11 In its accounts for the year ended 30 September 1992 , the investment trust , which specialises in Far East markets , has allocated 50% of its management fee , net of tax relief , to capital reserve .
12 In its accounts for the year ended 31 March 1992 , 3i has changed its policy for accounting for operating costs .
13 In its accounts for 1991/92 , Marling says that the going concern basis is dependent on the successful conclusion to a fully underwritten rights issue announced on 26 June to raise about £18m net of expenses .
14 Birmingham City Council reported the following in its accounts for 1989/90 :
15 Sir Peter Holmes , Shell 's chairman who admitted that he was ‘ astonished ’ to discover that the irregularities had occurred through an associate company failing to follow strict rules against speculative dealing , said that he expected any further exposure to be limited to a £65 million charge which the company would take in its accounts for the first quarter of 1993 .
16 For example , in its recommendations for heparin prophylaxis in general surgery the group refers to a meta-analysis of the value of low molecular weight heparins versus heparin in thromboembolic prophylaxis in general and orthopaedic surgery as evidence that low molecular weight heparins are as effective as standard heparin in preventing venous thrombosis .
17 Beaverton , Oregon-based Sequent Computer Systems Inc says the rise in its profits for the year to January 2 1993 is a result of company restructuring , and a re-focus on high-end business .
18 The proposal , then , was momentous in its implications for the juvenile labour-market and for industrial training .
19 The EDC concept was perhaps too idealistic to have had great hopes of concrete achievement , and in its implications for European integration perhaps something of a paradox .
20 The return of their descendants to a multitude of towns and villages between Tolpuddle and Troon could be serious in its implications for Ashes loyalties .
21 For the citizens of Attica ( at least in classical tunes : it is remarkable , and sad in its implications for the vitality of deme life , that deme decrees are rare after the fourth century ) deme routine was more immediate , though no doubt objectively less important , than what happened on the Pnyx .
22 The importance of the practice lies in its implications for monetary control and we shall mention it again in sections 4.3 and 9.1 .
23 In its implications for the long-term US-Israeli military relationship , it was deeply disturbing for Israelis to contemplate the prospect of US forces fighting alongside Arab troops .
24 The US State Department , in its advice to a new president ( Harry S. Truman ) from April 1945 , took up this theme in some detail in its preparations for the Potsdam Conference ( July–August ) .
25 The US State Department in its preparations for Bermuda reiterated the interesting claim that the two powers in combination , both in Europe and the Middle East , formed a " more persuasive combination " than the United States alone .
26 Until then , the state will continue to trail its southern neighbours , and the rest of the country , in its rankings for income per head , productivity and pollution : keeping Alabama , as one resident put it , ‘ suckin' on the hind teat of poverty ’ .
27 She cavorted about in its depths for a while before gliding to the side to retrieve the soap and wash the collected grime from her skin and hair .
28 The group is the non-profit-making trading arm of the 1959 Group of Charities which provides access in its shops for the sale of cards from nearly 300 charities .
29 The Netherlands had been happy to accept the supranational principle in advance , but insisted on retaining the right to withdraw from the discussions should it prove impossible in its eyes for the ideas to be turned into economic practice .
30 The European Centre for Training Craftsmen in the Conservation of the Architectural Heritage , in Venice , has received $40,500 to enable crafts workers from Central and Eastern Europe to participate in its courses for stone masons , joiners , stucco plasterers , painters and blacksmiths .
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