Example sentences of "in its [adj] years " in BNC.

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1 The Daily Mail sold well over 200,000 copies daily in its first years and reached half-a-million sales after three years .
2 All the ambitions and aspirations which had animated the Criterion in its first years had either been abandoned or destroyed .
3 The most important vehicle for this , the Dante Alighieri Society , founded in 1889 , soon became a semi-official purveyor of cultural propaganda , notably in the Trentino , the most important focus of its activities in its first years .
4 To sum up , in 1922 the Soviet government found itself in a situation similar to that of the late Tsarist regime , which in its final years had grasped the connection between literacy and modernization and between formal schoolwork and social control .
5 The most important English writer of the seventeenth century on international law still thought in its middle years that " the reception of ambassadors further requires that hospitality should be provided befitting their rank , and necessaries supplied to them " , and practice varied considerably between different states .
6 Thus in its latter years the Soviet Union was constitutionally a mainstream presidential system .
7 It 's the first time in its 500 years of activity that the volcano has claimed lives .
8 Altogether the Johnson Administration claimed to have seen 226 out of 252 pieces of major legislation through Congress in its four years .
9 But tomorrow the British Olympic Association holds its annual meeting in Manchester , the first time in its 85 years that the meeting has taken place outside London , and the reason is that Scott asked .
10 Instinet is still small in London , but has had reasonable success in its five years in the US and , says Cavill , ‘ once you get the ball rolling this is the only game in town . ’
11 This was only the second or third time in its five years existence that the company had bought a car .
12 THE SOVIET Foreign Minister , Eduard Shevardnadze , arrives in Nicaragua today , the highest-ranking Moscow official to visit the country in its 10 years of revolutionary rule .
13 In its fifty years ' existence it has poured out a stream of bishops , priests , doctors , engineers , businessmen , civil servants and politicians .
14 In its two years of existence , Charterail has tried to demonstrate that the railways could be used not only for bulk freight such as coal , aggregates and steel , but were also flexible enough to shift fast-selling consumer goods efficiently .
15 In its early years Scrutiny was a fine embodiment of the spirit of criticism , literary and cultural .
16 Given the poor publicity generated by the Soviet Union 's agricultural failings , it comes as something of a surprise to look at the statistics and see that the Soviet Union is still the world 's largest wheat producer , greater than the European Community ( which also made agricultural self-sufficiency a goal in its early years ) by about 10 million tons in 1989 , outstripping the United States and Canada , the world 's ‘ breadbasket ’ , by almost the same amount .
17 The Eastern District had already experienced some success in its early years through the appointment of Sophie Green in the Kettering district and John Newlove in Norfolk as resident tutor-organisers .
18 It also marked the breaking of a link with the past through the death of Miss Helen Stocks who had done much to promote and sustain the work of the District and the WEA in its early years in Northamptonshire .
19 The success of PRL in its early years led to the expansion of its activities , with the construction of pilot plant and production facilities enabling the company to offer a complete service from laboratory research , through pilot plant development and the production of intermediate quantities of material to large-scale commercial manufacture .
20 Cashflow is very important to a business , particularly in its early years .
21 If the success of the service is measured against an economic criterion , it appears to have been partial , at least in its early years .
22 When the College was in its early years , certain outstanding medical men signed the diploma awarded to successful candidates .
23 The Royal Society seems to have achieved little in this direction in its early years ; in Paris , however , the academie fostered someone who worked diligently at the applications of science .
24 This may have held great promise in its early years but it soon became divided and then fragmented , due largely , if not wholly to the same age-old misconception whereby the basis of the religion is the assumption of the existence of a completely undefined ‘ god ’ , in this case the ancient ‘ god ’ of the Jews .
25 In its early years the new police force had poor relations with headmen , and there is no indication of any general decline in crime at this time .
26 ‘ In fact , the club 's most successful time was in its early years and we 'd like to re-create that .
27 And the European Community — even the Treaty of Rome which had created a European Economic Community without British participation in 1957 — could be dismissed by Tories and Socialists alike , in its early years , as a dream and an illusion .
28 It was as large a set as had been developed earlier for general use , except for the London area ( where a few larger sets had been installed in the 1930s and some larger sets of somewhat antiquated design were also completed by the BEA in its early years ) , There were , however , doubts about the flexibility in start-up and shut-down times for the new 60MW and other new designs , and a fortiori about more advanced designs .
29 From the start , ITV programme scheduling was almost entirely determined , apart from the IBA 's requirements , by the need to get advertising revenue ( in its early years , one-quarter of ITV 's money came simply from the great washing-powder war ) .
30 Thus from the beginning the BUF exhibited a Janus-faced appearance ; it was a movement which was intellectually the most coherent and rational of all the fascist parties in Europe in its early years , yet whose aggressive style and vigorous self-defence attracted political violence .
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