Example sentences of "in which [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 There are several ways in which coronary artery disease can cause sudden death .
2 Resolution 731 also demanded that Libya co-operate with the French inquiry into the destruction of a UTA aircraft near the Chad-Niger border in 1989 in which 170 people died [ see p. 36910 ] .
3 The judge was to carry out an agreed investigation into the bombing of a French UTA airliner over Niger in September 1989 in which 170 people died [ see p. 36910 ] .
4 From the high of an extraordinary pastoral letter in which Catholic bishops called for reform , in unprecedented criticism of Dr Banda 's 28 years of one-party rule , there is now the low of Chihana 's arrest , the church 's silence , re-establishment of government-by-fear and doubts about western bite once the barking stops .
5 Navarre was a conservative , stable agrarian society in which Catholic Credit societies flourished in the late nineteenth century .
6 Also new this spring are two packs of tree notecards in which botanical drawings illustrate the life cycle of four British trees : oak , copper beech , field maple and ash .
7 For example , he mentions the Argus experiment , in which atomic bombs were exploded above the South Atlantic to inject particles into the Earth 's radiation belts .
8 It is an excellent example of the way in which thorough research methodology can be applied to complex human experience and provide useful and thought-provoking results .
9 This corresponds to what Deleuze terms ‘ schizo-logic ’ in which contradictory propositions are accepted simultaneously .
10 There is a useful general classification into two types : flows in which turbulent motion first occurs in small patches , and flows in which the randomness characteristic of turbulence develops at a roughly equal rate throughout the transition region .
11 In the next two sections I shall concentrate on ways in which Saussurean linguistics enlarged and refined Formalist theories of literature , before considering other less ambitious approaches to literary language .
12 In cell culture conditions , however , in which exogenous EGF can readly be shown to down regulate its receptor and start hepatocyte DNA synthesis , TAGH showed no ability to down regulate the receptor , nor did it competitively inhibit EGF binding .
13 After the disastrous storms and floods of 1890 in which vast sections of Grisedale and Garsdale were washed away , bridges destroyed and people made homeless , the stone lip of the waterfall was found to have been destroyed completely by the force of the water , so much so that instead of falling from an overhanging shelf a majestic hundred feet on to the rocks below , the waterfall now raced down in a series of cascades .
14 Elias ' theory of the civilising process has also been described as a history of manners , in which changing patterns of living are documented , and within which what he refers to as ‘ affect ’ becomes increasingly regulated .
15 He was soon making explicit , too , a fundamental teleological analogy , in which changing conditions are to sexual generation as sexual crossing is to asexual generation .
16 One way in which changing State ideology has been felt in the cities since 1979 is the determination of central governments to reduce and even eradicate public-sector policies and organizations .
17 Industrialized countries in which illegal drugs were consumed agreed to limit the supply of chemicals used to manufacture such drugs and to control the flow of arms to drug cartels .
18 There is a sense in which outer power is an illusion ; inner strength can change the world .
19 Shortly before his complaint was received by West Midlands Police the Court of Appeal allowed an appeal in an unrelated case in which electrostatic depression analysis of interview notes had exposed police malpractice .
20 It was the first case in which electrostatic depression analysis evidence had exposed police malpractice by analysis of the interview notes .
21 On July 18 an appeal court in Bologna overturned the convictions of four people sentenced to life imprisonment in July 1988 for complicity in the neo-fascist bomb attack on Bologna railway station on Aug. 2 , 1980 , in which 85 people were killed and over 200 injured .
22 On Feb. 12 the Italian Supreme Court overturned the decision of the Bologna appeal court , which in July 1990 [ see p. 37624 ] had quashed the convictions of 13 individuals in connection with the bomb attack in August 1980 on Bologna railway station , in which 85 people were killed [ see p. 30522 ] .
23 Control over the manner in which offensive trades are carried out
24 The ANC 's letter described it as inconceivable that the authorities lacked the capacity to stop the factional fighting , in which 1,200 people had died in the past seven months .
25 The bridge though sturdy was not very wide , and one did not desire , on this of all days , an accident in which innocent children might come to harm .
26 An English radical commented in 1887 that ‘ the present position of the European world is one in which sheer force holds a larger place than it has held in modern times since the fall of Napoleon ’ .
27 But if it did , it was apparently to have been a big affair — no mere helicopter-borne ‘ surgical strike ’ — in which sheer weight of numbers and firepower could have been expected to guarantee ultimate success .
28 In a major study of sexual offences conducted by the Cambridge Institute of Criminology between 1950 and 1954 in which 3000 cases involving sexual offences were investigated , it was found that the proportion of offenders recorded by the police as having committed carnal knowledge of girls aged 13 to 16 who were not brought before the courts was much higher ( 46 per cent. ) than for men charged with other heterosexual offences ( 12 per cent . ) .
29 This was especially significant for a society in which demonic possession was so prevalent and feared .
30 At the same time , however , the government condemned a wave of guerrilla attacks in the departments of Cundinamarca and Antioquia and the intendency of Putumayo in which eight members of the judiciary , a businessman and 10 policemen died .
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