Example sentences of "in his [noun] first " in BNC.

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1 The pastoralist who can control his aggression with regard to his animals has in his childhood first had to learn how to do it with regard to his excremental activities and the parental authority-figures who insisted .
2 Similarly , in his novel First Men in the Moon ( 1901 ) , HG Wells fantasized about a substance called cavorite , which could shield a spacecraft from the pull of gravity , thus allowing its propulsion units to work very much more efficiently !
3 By the age of thirteen , Worrell 's ability was obvious and , still in short trousers , he was playing top-grade cricket in his school first team , modelling himself on Derek Sealy , who was one of his masters .
4 HE 'S the heart-throb thousands of schoolgirls want to date — but they 'll have to get past the secret woman in his life first .
5 In fact , I suggested it before Richard did , though it was obviously in his mind first — had been , almost certainly , from the moment Adam left .
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