Example sentences of "in this [noun sg] it " in BNC.

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1 Which had apparently been a a steam There had been a steam engine turning this er mill crushing mill and er er I remember there was a name in in this engine it was Queen of the Valley .
2 While there may be much to be said for the views expressed in this passage it seems to me with all respect to Wilson J. that she was stating what she thought the law ought to be rather than what it is .
3 Our God is a communicator ; we see that in a supreme way in His gift of Jesus — but in this passage it is clear that God wanted to make sure that everyone in the land could understand the seriousness of the problem .
4 In this state it can seem as if there is a drive not to know too much about the other person .
5 In this state it is not unusual for the subject to think that he has not been hypnotized at all , but has simply felt very relaxed for a short time .
6 In this connexion it is worth remembering that it takes a little longer to change where cymbals are concerned ( owing to the way in which they are held ) but from bass drum to side-drum , triangle , or tambourine , or from any of these to any other , is a matter of seconds .
7 It 's a it 's a very bold thing of Toby Baldwin to run him in this race it seems to me , you know I mean he definitely appeared to not like .
8 in this brochure it does n't
9 In this system it is possible to replace the tactile , behavioural stimulus by its neurophysiological analogue , that is , by direct electrical stimulation of the sensory nerve inputs .
10 But he is soon forced to the conclusion that in this case it is impossible to keep the aesthetic side entirely apart from the biographical .
11 In this case it appears that the bolts have been placed , not for the purpose of protection , but to create an artificial gangway .
12 If this process is done with a proper crimping tool there is very little chance of serious damage , although in this case it seemed by the damage done to the line that a normal pair of pliers had been used .
13 In this case it shows a period of about 21 hours which is too rapid to be adjusted to a normal value of 24 hours .
14 In this case it is based on the Parachute Regiment 's 2nd Battalion ( 2 PARA ) , supported by light armoured vehicles of the Life Guards , gunners from 7 Parachute Regiment Royal Horse Artillery ( 7 PARA RHA ) , engineers from ?
15 In this case it was a matter for local authorities .
16 In this case it is open to question whether the authors of the limited number of extant documents were writing about contemporary events or were recording what they believed to have happened , based on oral tradition .
17 In this case it is clear that the original excavators included only those coins which they deemed of sufficient importance for publication .
18 In this case it was to play the symphony as Shostakovich might have imagined it in his dreams .
19 In this case it is difficult to apply argument from analogy , because the graptolites are really rather different from any animals now alive .
20 One possibility is that the DGSE somehow hoped that by buying the dinghy in London blame for the operation would be placed on MI6 , although in this case it would have made more sense to buy one made in Britain .
21 The church is in Romanesque style , but in this case it is mock-Romanesque , completion being many years after the style had ceased to be used .
22 In this case it was a combination of steam power and the proximity of the River Severn that allowed it to prosper to such a comparatively late date .
23 In this case it will not be possible for the parish or cathedral to pass the resolution referred to above .
24 In many instances , pellet formation is stimulated by the availability of the next meal ( Chitty , 1938 ) , with the previous meal being regurgitated even if not fully digested in order to leave room for the next and in this case it seems likely that the initial level of pH would be higher than normal .
25 In this case it may either be categorized as a C k ( or C k- ) non-scalar curvature singularity if all scalars in the metric tensor , the alternating symbol , the Riemann tensor and its first k derivatives are bounded , that is , tend to a C ( or C - ) function .
26 ( 10.40 ) In this case it is remarkable that the junction conditions place no constraint on the parameter a .
27 In this case it is wrong to speak of the wording of the trust as being free ; the point is instead that it is possible to construe a trust in order to validate a disposition , for their existence or non-existence is not attested purely by the use or non-use of certain forms .
28 In this case it is not a matter of constructing a trust ex nihilo , since one is already involved .
29 The nominal subject of such quarrels is of course secondary to the couple 's need to hurt each other , but in this case it appeared to centre on the Parsons ' childlessness .
30 In this case it seemed to increase it , and the kitchen rang with Mrs Blunt 's vituperations before she finally took her leave .
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