Example sentences of "in the time it " in BNC.

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1 No problem to Lucy , who kept smiling through , witty and charming , zipping through three courses of creative cuisine into a smart frock and an atomised squirt of Coty L'Amant in the time it took Martin and ‘ the gang ’ to get home .
2 It is important though to have corner blocks , and these I make in the time it takes for my tea to go cold .
3 We had wagers on how many times the horse 's prick bounced back and forth in the time it took to cross the Parade .
4 I judge that in the time it takes the lift to creep the height of the building I have to be out the door and on my way .
5 I saw a school essay containing the word ‘ yrnetn ’ for wire netting ; and only the other day the Independent Magazine carried an advertisement for Philips Dictation Systems with the interesting sentence : ‘ In the time it took Dickens to write A Tale of Two Cities he could of told us a dozen more . ’
6 In the time it takes to get the better of this slope , you could raise a family and marry them off .
7 Light goes maybe 30 metres in the time it takes sound to travel the 0.2mm thickness of the emulsion .
8 We are told he could outpace a pack of hounds and catch a fleeing fox with ease , and run from Porth to Llantrisant in the time it took his mother to boil a kettle .
9 In the time it took Nick to arrive Harriet forced herself to wash and change into a clean sweatshirt , though the most mundane of everyday actions seemed a huge effort .
10 At the height of the inflation , prices were rising by the hour so that the price of a meal in a restaurant could rise by as much as 25 per cent in the time it took to eat it !
11 In the time it took you to write this letter you could have stripped the guitar down , sprayed the switch with contact cleaner and fitted new strings — you do change your strings occasionally , I assume ?
12 And in the time it 's taken you to read this , it 's sold out .
13 ( In the time it takes you to read this you could be enjoying it . )
14 In other words , in the time it takes for one murder on the crime clock , six workers have died ‘ just trying to make a living ’ ! ’
15 In the time it took me to turn my head , Ewen Mackay came upright , and a hand moved — incredibly — towards a pocket .
16 To allow the horses and their appended jockeys through , all points of the tape must rise by about 1 metre in the time it takes a horse to travel about the same distance from rest , perhaps much less than 0.1 seconds .
17 In the time it took to flicker across her vision , a card appeared in it , depicting a young knight .
18 Yet in the time it would take her to reach the café , tell Oliver and return with him , the flat would be empty and she would never know who her intruder was .
19 She stared out of the window and thought she could write a book in the time it was taking them to get to Nice , which really was just around the corner .
20 Frightening a woman by looking into her bedsit at eleven at night causing her to fear violence was held to be immediate despite the fact that the victim could have escaped in the time it would have taken for the accused to get to her : Smith v Chief Superintendent , Woking Police Station ( 1983 ) 76 Cr App R 234 ( DC ) .
21 That light travels at the speed of five times around the earth in the time it takes to say rice pudding is indeed an amazing matter .
22 But in the time it takes me to do this , the incoming train has reached the other end of the station platform .
23 Order 7 , r 10(4) which provides that the date of service is deemed to be the seventh day after posting does not apply , and the summons is in this case deemed , by virtue of s 7 of the Interpretation Act 1978 , to be received in the time it would be delivered " in the ordinary course of post " .
24 But in the time it takes these children to ask for a drink of water an accomplice has slipped in the back and helped himself .
25 In the time it took to negotiate the funds Rothmans came to an arrangement with Sedgefield . ’
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