Example sentences of "in any [noun] it " in BNC.

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1 The presence of an attachment figure is considered to be vital to the emotional and social survival of the individual , and when attachments are threatened or removed in any way it can lead to intense forms of attachment behaviour , such as clinging , crying and extreme grief .
2 ‘ The sovereign Parliament quite clearly could limit the potential activities of its creatures in any way it liked . ’
3 Now , d do n't forget index-linking is not the same as salary increases , and in a time of rapid inflation , prices go up , salaries go up , and the government can interfere in any way it wants with the R P I index .
4 If your household is likely to expand in any way it might be cheaper in the long run to buy a larger model than the more modest affair you had thought of first .
5 That 's probably a set of tyres or something - it 's not a great deal of money in this day and age - but then failure is limited to actual breakage , wear and tear is excluded , it does n't cover the cost of working materials such as gaskets , if the vehicle has been modified in any way it 's excluded , it excludes any personal injury resulting from the breakdown , it covers erm the schedule is invalid if you have not covered the servicing aspects on page ten , the servicing aspects on page ten require you within ten days or two hundred and fifty miles of three thousand miles intervals — most cars now are six thousand mile intervals — to have the oil changed , so there 's a built-in additional service , and so it goes on .
6 But we could say that in any marriage it is important for both partners to be able to contain and at times to say ‘ enough is enough ’ .
7 In any case it was much further up to Tummelside .
8 In any case it did n't preclude , on Pound 's part , genuine affection .
9 Hatred of Jews is something that the Fascist is especially prone to , but it is n't a necessary consequence of his Fascism , and in any case it 's only a symptom , certainly not the root cause of his disease .
10 When it was discovered that a member of the Immigration Department was in the National Front his seniors merely glossed over it , saying that he was not a permanent member and in any case it did not affect the way he carried out his duties .
11 In a letter to Arthur Greeves , he said that Warnie and Mrs Moore liked each other , ‘ and , I hope , as W. gets broken into domestic life , they may come to do so still more : but in the interval mere is a ticklish time ahead and in any case it is a big sacrifice of our …
12 In any case it would be better if I sat at the table , the light was better there and I should not get lazy .
13 Only now have I come to understand what it was my sixth sense was trying to tell me then ; in any case it would have been too late , Aunt Nessy was waiting , and bending down , I put my arms round her , and kissed her .
14 The precautionary principle suggests that , as the future damage done by pollution is often more costly than the extra expense of avoiding it in the first place and in any case it is often unacceptable , even if a money cost ca n't be put on it , then prevention is better than cure .
15 In any case it soon demonstrated its reluctance to accept the discipline of the Unified National Leadership of the Uprising , by organizing a major strike on the twentieth anniversary of the arson attack on the al Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem on 21 August .
16 In any case it is very doubtful that the majority of Albanians in Kosovo would want to become part of Albania .
17 In any case it is important that librarians remain in close touch with the industry that produces their raw materials , through the literature , and through formal and informal contacts .
18 In any case it is always easier to initiate , rather than terminate , policy .
19 The snag with this is that it is often impossible to avoid the triggering events altogether and in any case it might be better to face them squarely and control your reactions to the events rather than the events themselves .
20 In any case it would be cowardly , he told himself .
21 In any case it is not easy to be sure about how an illness will progress or what the outcome of a treatment will be .
22 It can , however , no longer be assumed that that is so , and in any case it is not clear that if a clergyman wishes to stand and electors wish him to represent them the mere fact that the churches do not like the idea has anything to do with matter .
23 In any case it is the role of the Reporter to present the evidence and argue the case before the Sheriff .
24 In any case it remains very doubtful , whatever the view of liberals within these parties , whether the pro-Soviet elements would allow any fundamental rejection of Soviet policy .
25 Other people do n't need to be diminished by you in that way — and in any case it shows you 're insecure about your own status .
26 It is difficult to determine what proportion of these ships had wire rigging and which used the improved hemp but in any case it is clear that the West was largely won with better rope .
27 The police , most of whom I knew , because of the great help they had given us when we had been burgled a couple of years earlier , said no , they did n't have the key , and in any case it was the council who must be approached .
28 I am not sure how it achieves this as all CDs start from the inside and it is not part of the table of contents ; in any case it one puts a small size CD in an adaptor ring the machine still knows you have done it — something I must look into .
29 But in any case it follows that the necessary prerequisite for ordination is the presence of a baptized human being ( not a monkey — in that God in Christ took on humanity ) .
30 In any case it seemed at this point that the war might be lost , and only a month after finishing the poem he was expressing to Martin Browne grave misgivings about the worth and value of his poetic activities , which often appeared to be futile .
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