Example sentences of "in these [noun pl] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In these sections punishment will be understood to mean the infliction of pain and the review of the project will seek to demonstrate that the probation practice described is not only more demanding but also more effective than this traditional understanding of punishment .
2 In these countries unionisation emphasises the ( collective ) situation of employees as sellers of labour power , counteracting the bargaining strength of the owners of capital who direct their labour .
3 It is interesting to note , however , that in these countries breast cancer in younger women is comparative more prevalent than in older women .
4 They might find themselves having to issue a succession of fixed-term contracts to each worker , and having to take steps to include in these contracts provisions for their premature termination .
5 The derogation of women In these texts women are relegated to a subordinate role or else portrayed through grotesque cartoons .
6 In these houses Burn evolved the elements of the plan types which made his reputation .
7 In these moves Charles was displaying the combination of martial skill , courage , and shrewd politics that were to become such a feature of his rapid growth from king into emperor .
8 In these instances loans or substitute gifts may be considered .
9 No nation quite so much as the British likes its art to tell a story ( witness the pictures of Victorian England ) and no nation went overboard quite like the British to buy the Vung Tau cargo ; but with French , German , Italian , Dutch and Taiwanese buyers sharing out these decorations of the age of William and Mary , we must assume that the ‘ shipwreck factor ’ in these prices appeals to more than the nation which owned the Titanic and whose schoolboys read Mr Midshipman Easy and Moby Dick .
10 Mostly , these were people in lower socio-economic groups ; but it is worth noting that even in these groups people with high credit commitments , or people who said that if they had to arrange a loan it would be for a relatively large sum of money , generally said they would prefer monthly repayments .
11 In these accounts bureaucracy can and should be a hyper-efficient organizational format for designing and executing policies , exemplifying an ideal of perfect or frictionless administration ( Hood , 1976 ) .
12 The hardness of Pharaoh 's heart : several times in these chapters God is said to have hardened Pharaoh 's heart and made him obstinate ( 4:21 ; 10:1 ; 20 , 27 ) .
13 In these areas development is not normally permitted and will be approved only if there are exceptional circumstances , although in practice these guidelines are not always adhered to ( Davidson and Wibberley 1977 ) .
14 Household surveys will be carried out in four low income areas of Merseyside , both to discover the overall pattern of transport use in these areas ant to discuss in detail the problems of people in low income families .
15 In these areas Gloucester 's appointment in 1480 as the king 's lieutenant in the north did not do much more than recognize existing realities .
16 In these areas Gloucester 's appointment in 1480 as the king 's lieutenant in the north did not do much more than recognize existing realities .
17 The free-kick from Cruz that beat Italy was one , and the run and cross from Jorginho which led to Careca heading the winner in Rotterdam another , but in these games Brazil have impressed as a team without making you want to leap out of your seat as Pele once did .
18 In these tasks precision is important .
19 They are creating new rituals of worship which reflect this unity , this wholeness , and in these rituals celebration can be offered of the capacities for weeping , laughter , joy and for creativity .
20 In these cases A is to a greater or lesser extent unclear , ambiguous .
21 They may even marry quite young to escape the pressures of the courting scene , but in these cases choice of partner is based more on the need for a mutual defence against a mutual problem than in hope of a mutual problem being resolved .
22 In these cases Committee and Report Stages will be combined .
23 None the less , even in these cases parents may find the concepts of ‘ disclosure ’ and ‘ involvement ’ to operate implicitly as disempowering forces .
24 In these cases abortions are legal if the mother or child is diagnosed by two doctors ( usually the G.P. and the gynaecologist performing the operation ) .
25 On the other hand , dry pellets were stronger and afforded some protection to the bones , although even in these cases skulls were broken by the single trampling event , with the only recognizable pieces left being fragments of zygomatic bone and maxilla .
26 ( In these cases flashbacks may involve little more than a ‘ graininess ’ of vision under anxiety provoking circumstances . )
27 Many of the questions did not encourage informative or useful replies and in these cases pupils discovered they had not thought of enough questions or areas for inquiry in the time allocated .
28 Thus high values of B seem to be associated with unusual situations and drivers going relatively slowly ( i.e. in these cases subjects are more likely to say ‘ No ’ than ‘ Yes ’ when they are in fact unsure whether they saw the film previously ) .
29 If she has older brothers and sisters , then the idea of sharing will be less of a shock for her , although even in these cases children cling to those things they think of as theirs .
30 In these cases judgment can be entered in default of delivery of a defence within 14 days ( Ord 9 , r 4A ) ; " fixed date actions " is therefore something of a misnomer since they more closely resemble default actions .
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