Example sentences of "in [adv] [pers pn] [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 Now they were in midstream they could see the new bridge more clearly .
2 You know I mean you er er it 's al I , I think the same would happen if you put a five note in inside it would get thrown out with the rubbish but erm the thing is that obviously some , some early day , if one can say in inverted commas early day publicity erm from the Northumberland side of things could a and I mean my view when , when Ros was telling me what happened at the last meeting erm was that was gon na be acting as an icebreaker as opposed waiting till the last minute somebody 's gon na and they think erm as it were , a and build up from , from that because there 's obviously gon na be one or two other things coming directly from national level .
3 But there was no getting away from it ; the overwhelming feeling was one of relief , because if they had ridden in together they would undoubtedly have been spotted .
4 okay , round the base of your thumb , basically what we want to do is we want to clamp these fingers in so they ca n't come un unstuck , we want to push them together because she ca n't keep them shut like that , but the next thing is that you come round to the back where the little finger is , the next time you come round here , you 're gon na come round to about the first thumb joint okay and then you 're gon na go over the top okay and if you come round again the little thumb , by , by the little finger , you come round again to the thumb joint okay , come over the top again , round , we 're just making really like the figure of eight , but all the time we 're keeping off of this wrist here and I 'm keeping her fingers in , are you alright still ?
5 interested in so we 'll say excuse me to Martin .
6 ‘ We 're hoping to get some sort of fail-safe mechanism written in so we can take control of the club and sort out the legal matters after that , ’ he said .
7 They would be repairing the skylight , I guessed correctly , and were probably a firm Nassim had shares in so he could fiddle the invoices for the insurance company .
8 I mean you could never load er , you could never load a hopper down to its plimsoll mark with peat , that was so light and cos you could n't put any more in so you used to have to take it to sea perhaps we we well you would call it half loaded .
9 I was gon na give it to Ian to take to college tonight , but he 's not in so I ca n't , so I 've got ta send it now but I ca n't address .
10 I had five shots of local anaesthetic , and after about 10 minutes the surgeon pulled out this wriggling black larva and everyone burst into applause , but the photographer said , ‘ Oh , I missed that , can you put it back in so I can take a shot ? ’
11 Well cos said that this guy said that 's the guy in so I could
12 Its crushed her windpipe , and the doctors have put a pipe in so she can breathe .
13 you know , so if we can ge if we can get fifteen in quickly we can start saying well look , while
14 right cos then you 're taking them away from the fact that you want other quotes right , they 'll say to you oh we were n't thinking of doing it actually until the winter , right and then you can say to them well let me just say that by placing your order in now we can put your installation in hand , right , basically at today 's prices , right , on an extended delivery , right , and you can still qualify for a special offer , right
15 Could n't be sure that if he walked back in now she would n't still feel that leap of the heart , that curl of excitement .
16 Oh we wo n't faff about in here we 'll just
17 And er I said to her , you know , you must realise that when we 're in here we can hear , no , you 'd of thought they was in around our feet !
18 In here they ca n't get me .
19 Yeah but as soon as he walks in here he 'll go , ah new machine !
20 Wan na have a look in here She 'll be coming in , look , follow her
21 I told them I would n't have her , I , I if they wanted to go on holiday I would n't have her , I could n't have her in here she 'd knock everything to bits , try to move everything in here that she would n't chew
22 I mean that 's the only thing in here you ca n't put I mean I could do away with me birds and have another single chair standing there , but it shortens your room
23 and you come back , er and you come back in here you would smell it again
24 But you know , here , in this place , in Haileybury alone , when you get out of here fine cos no one 's gon na know that you have this name , you know , for being a joke erm when you get out of here it 'll be completely different but here you should keep your wits about you , in here you should think well hang on I do n't know , just be more careful .
25 Like , when they come in here I 'll bring them down to the canteen and let them have Coke and sweets .
26 In here I 'll look for them when you 're out .
27 All , all my windows have got locks on and I said I 'm about six foot four and anyone gets in here I 'll kill them .
28 ‘ If you will wait in here I will let Lady Ursula know that you have arrived . ’
29 I would n't exactly fit in here I can see .
30 There 's nothing in here I can chuck away .
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