Example sentences of "in [pron] an [adj] " in BNC.

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1 At the other end are those with a remote myocardial infarction in whom an arrhythmogenic substrate is provided by an anatomically constant but electrically unstable border zone between scar tissue and viable myocardium .
2 Stewart is a traveller , one of the people of the road — among them , tinkers , pipers and folk-singers — in whom an oral culture has survived to the present day .
3 Be they shimmering Aegean jewels , or blue , mist-shrouded moments in the Outer Hebrides , they all induce in me an overwhelming urge just to drop everything and be gone .
4 Although I 'm not especially interested in food , and would never drive more than ten miles for any culinary feast , the lunch was so perfect , so many times better than anything we ever get at home , that it induced in me an unlikely surge of ecstasy .
5 Jean-Claude saw in me an exotic combination of youth and money .
6 Some of the most distinguished scientists at the Metropolitan Laboratory were women and Dalgliesh , recognizing in himself an old-fashioned sensitivity which he certainly would n't have confessed to them , was always glad when it was possible to remove the more horrific bodies before they arrived to track and photograph the bloodstains and supervise the collection of samples .
7 In 1915 Universal Broadway Features released Business is Business , in which an egotistical French capitalist rapidly risen from the peasantry rules over his employees with an iron will until his eventual downfall .
8 The following is an extract of conversation in which an experienced neighbourhood constable is talking while out on his beat about discretion , in which its exercise is linked to both the development of local knowledge and the possession of interactive skills :
9 A region such as East Anglia illustrates the kind of terrain in which an oral historian may profitably range .
10 The fief-rente was a feudal tenure in which an annual rent or money fee replaced the grant of land .
11 The commemoration came as police yesterday accused the PAC 's military wing , the Azanian People 's Liberation Army , of carrying out an attack on Saturday night on a hotel in the Eastern Cape town of Fort Beaufort in which an 18 year old student , Fredrick Yearling , was shot dead .
12 Tania Modleski , arguing within the specific context of women 's work and the forms of daytime television , has suggested the ways in which an interruptable , segmented television narrational time might flow smoothly into the interruptions and segmented structures of a particular form of the domestic everyday , generic form nesting easily into the rhythms of everyday reception .
13 ‘ Last Waltz ’ , in which an anthropomorphic black form occupies the centre foreground , is less rhythmical than others such as ‘ Night Riot ’ .
14 The circumstances in which an inherent uncertainty is regarded as fundamental in the auditors ' opinion must be identified but auditors should use words that clearly indicate their opinion on the financial statements is not qualified in respect of the paragraph 's contents .
15 Police in Germany have ended a hijack in which an Egyptian man held a Dutch plane and two crew hostage .
16 The three had been sentenced in June for an attack in February on RCD offices in which an elderly security guard was killed [ see pp. 38026 ; 38122 ] .
17 Inside there was a cart , its body mounted high upon the axle so that it would clear the stagings and pass along the narrow tunnels , and at the back of the enclosure there was a stall in which an aged p'tar browsed at a manger .
18 Chaucer 's pilgrims travelled only a short distance from London to Canterbury , but to embark on a pilgrimage was one of the ways in which an ordinary citizen of the Middle Ages could travel abroad .
19 the way in which an ordinary , reasonable employee would understand the words used ;
20 Many will remember a street interview , I think by Scottish TV , in which an ordinary guy from Glasgow upbraided an old woman who was happy to see Thatcher back at Number 10 , with the all-too appropriate retort : ‘ Are you off your fucking head , Mrs ? ’
21 Weeks in which an attacking force could be rallied and sent against the besiegers .
22 The lack of epidemiological information about endometriosis is lamentable and can be improved only by studies in which an accurate visual diagnosis is made .
23 His most important work , St Peter 's Leeds ( 1837–41 ) , a rebuilding of the town 's old parish church , was one of the key ecclesiastical projects of the 1830s , a landmark in both the scholarly revival of the Gothic style and the High Church revival of Anglican Christianity , in which an accurate use of Perpendicular Gothic detail was combined with an approximation to a medieval plan-form , complete with a fully developed chancel .
24 The results are of doubtful relevance to clinical settings in which an uncertain — but usually larger — amount of drug has been taken after food and often in association with alcohol and other drugs .
25 A later development was the combination of track circuiting , in which an electrical circuit is completed by the wheels of a train passing over a section of track , with ‘ lock and block ’ so that the electric-block instruments were controlled by the trains themselves and thus safety was doubly assured .
26 Second , it was necessary to examine and define the ways in which an effective working relationship between both bodies might be agreed for the provision of adult education in rural areas .
27 In deciding the second of tests posed by the court in Waterfield , the court will consider not merely whether or not the power exists , but whether it has been properly exercised , and hold that , if the manner in which an admitted power is exercised is improper , it takes the constable outside the execution of his duty again .
28 Christmas number of Household Words , 1854 , in which an introductory chapter by CD about Watts 's Charity in Rochester provides a framework for stories by its narrator and six other travellers .
29 Like any faculty , the psychic sense is more prominent if it is used and If the society in which an individual lives is conducive in its attitudes to the encouragement of such ability .
30 By the end of the nineteenth century there was an almost perfect fit between the moral indoctrination pursued by the school and what was perhaps the most obvious way in which an individual boy might try to resolve the conflicting demands which the experience of school made on him .
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