Example sentences of "in [pron] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 To determine the outcome and to assess how safe this approach is we have followed up 93 consecutive patients presenting between 1980 and 1988 with iron deficiency anaemia in whom the above investigations were negative .
2 These two distributions ( of differences in skill between left and right hands ) consist of those individuals in whom the right shift factor biasing the left hemisphere towards subserving speech , and coincidentally favouring greater skill of the right hand , is present ( RS + ) and those in whom it is absent ( RS ) .
3 Now , individuals with right-sided speech constitute one half of those in whom the right shift factor is absent since in the absence of this factor speech dominance is distributed between left and right hemispheres according to chance expectation .
4 It seems that in addition to a large number of pernicious anaemia patients with stable nodular hyperplasia of fundic endocrine cells , there are patients in whom the hyperplastic change may progress to carcinoid tumours and some in whom it regresses .
5 More recent interpretations of religion as illusory self-projection ( Sigmund Freud ) or as expressions of the structure and self-understanding of human society ( Emile Durkheim ) owe a great deal to Feuerbach , in whom the broad lines are already laid down .
6 Our data might have been less affected by bias than those in other studies because we considered only women in whom the primary diagnosis was endometriosis .
7 Seventy six consecutive patients attending the general medical clinic of a physician with a special interest in gastroenterology , in whom the principal diagnosis of painful rib syndrome was made , were selected for study .
8 In the 10 subjects in whom the gastrojejunal migrating motor complex was monitored on the oesophageal pressure days , 95% of the bursts occurred in the 15 minute time window before phase 3 of the migrating motor complex in the antrum or proximal intestine .
9 In the seminary library he came across the works of the medieval Franciscan theologian Duns Scotus [ q.v. ] , and almost instantly recognized in them the philosophical backing for his own instinctive perception of the uniqueness of each being and created thing .
10 When you sort out your notes , Sergeant , you might include in them the additional information that my car was parked at the other end of Boundary Drive , the end furthest away from Glenfair Road , see ?
11 They have seen Pop Will Eat Itself close up and seen in them the terrible cost of debauchery .
12 However , the dissemination of this knowledge to newcomers has the additional purpose of inculcating in them the common sense that is necessary to police Easton .
13 The documents he mentions are those which now have in them the forged primatial passages , and the only question which arises is : were these passages already in them when Lanfranc wrote these words , or were they added later ?
14 His age and status induced in me the normal mixture of deference , fear and cheek .
15 If ‘ There has just taken place in me the mental process of remembering … ’ means nothing more than ‘ I have just remembered … ’ then to deny the mental process would mean to deny the remembering .
16 These ideas are no better illustrated than by Massine in his The Three-Cornered Hat .
17 It was well received in the horticultural press , but drew fire from the advocates of formal gardening , especially ( Sir ) Reginald Blomfield [ q.v. ] in his The Formal Garden in England ( 1892 ) .
18 In his The Dual Mandate in British Tropical Africa ( 1922 ) he referred obscurely to considerations of ‘ policy ’ as well as of economy which had guided his thinking .
19 Early in 1831 he began transplanting mature trees , becoming expert in their removal ; he described his techniques in his The British Winter Garden ( 1852 ) .
20 He developed a sociological approach to the study of church history in his The Social Teaching of the Christian Churches ( 1911 ; E.T .
21 I looked in my the other day and I thought I thought now I have n't got it now .
22 He never doubts that it is possible or desirable for the critic to recreate in himself the mental condition of the author ; he only recognizes that it is difficult .
23 Which was true , though that morning , as he had spied on the French , Sharpe had recognized in himself the undeniable pleasure of doing his job well .
24 When you are interrupted in contemplative devotion , says Hilton , do n't be angry and depressed but This is the mode by which man following a mixed life realises in himself the creative love of God — the fire of love that Rolle talked of as consuming all that is dark .
25 And if Jesus incorporated in himself the double role of royal and priestly Messiah , he would indeed have been a figure worthy of such adherence .
26 Jesus is therefore not simply the human instrument of God 's purposes , nor simply a man responding to divine grace : he is God come as man in order to work out and establish in himself the true destiny of man in friendship and communion with God .
27 If he held his hand over a flowering plant , he could sense in himself the healing properties of that flower .
28 The vehicle was composed of three compartments , in which the rear one was constructed so that the passenger , lying down to sleep , extended her feet beneath what would have been the ‘ boot ’ of a road coach .
29 Our data support a multicomponent model for the articulatory loop , in which the subvocal rehearsal system and the phonological store are anatomically distinct .
30 The unfriendly comment of Edgar Wind in Art and Anarchy was : ‘ What has optimistically been called a ‘ museum without walls ' ’ is in fact a museum on paper — a paper-world of art in which the epic oratory of Malraux proclaims , with the voice of a crier in the market place , that all art is composed in a single key , that huge monuments and small coins have the same plastic eloquence if transferred to the scale of the printed page , that a gouache can equal a fresco . ’
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