Example sentences of "in [pron] [adv] the " in BNC.

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1 We are not directly concerned with cases in which the jurisdiction of the court has not been invoked , and in which accordingly the decision on treatment may depend upon the consent of the child or of the parent .
2 It serves them right for playing a game in which even the winners become losers if they try to repeat their success .
3 Against the background of a Judaism in which even the Pharisees had become thoroughly materialistic , Jesus 's primary message in this whole area is of the danger of materialism .
4 As he stood contemplating it , as if hesitating to violate its calm , there was a moment of extraordinary silence in which even the muted roar of the traffic in the avenue was stilled and in which it seemed to him that two images , the shining façade of the house and that dusty blood-boltered room in Paddington , were held suspended out of time , then fused so that the stones were blood splattered , the caryatids dripped red .
5 The subject is one of great theoretical complexity , in which even the so-called experts find it easy not merely to disagree but to disagree about what questions to ask .
6 But there are other ways in which even the most defenceless animals can improve their chances of survival .
7 Shocked cries were choked off as his fellow villagers followed him into oblivion , softly caressed by the spreading gossamer folds of vapour which billowed ever more thickly through streets in which even the babies ' cries faded into silence .
8 Today , the response based on total ignorance is still alive and well in circumstances in which even the limited attention given to gender discrimination in schools far exceeds its identification as an issue in the provision of educational opportunities for adult women .
9 It is a controversy in which even the authorities on individual countries disagree .
10 The model for much contemporary medical research is the double-blind trial , in which neither the patient nor the person administering the treatment knows what the treatment is ; controls ( such as sugar pills ) are always included .
11 Unfortunately , in present-day India , despite its openness in many areas of government and its generally good record on human rights , the state of the prisons remains a rather shameful secret , surfacing now and then , but basically an issue in which neither the politicians , nor the vocal pressure groups , nor the public , have an abiding interest or concern .
12 It is thus a contradictory ( quasi ) concept — a phantasm — in which neither the elements of totalization nor difference can be definitively achieved or dispatched .
13 It was likely that both the leading magnates and the commons in parliament would see a war on behalf of the disinherited as merely a factional struggle in which neither the honour nor the safety of the community was at stake , and which therefore did not merit support .
14 There must be free elections , in which neither the incumbent government nor any other group can determine the electoral result by means other than indications of how they will act if returned to power .
15 From there it is an easy step to the setting up of conventions of symbolic violence , in which just the display without the intention to perform the action , can serve a ritual purpose , that is fulfil some other intention than that usually associated with those expressions , stances , shouted insults and so on .
16 To conclude this chapter , we will look at another observational technique which has benefited from developments in audio and video technology , in which again the role of the observer is to be a detached onlooker , and in which detailed analyses of social activity are made .
17 According to Mary Frances Lyon , who discovered that only one of the X chromosomes is active in female mammals , it is completely random which particular X chromosome is inactivated in any given cell , so an individual female is made up of clones of cells in which either the maternal or paternal X chromosome has been switched off .
18 The key distinction is that between the case in which there is a known , finite number of periods in which firms will choose prices or outputs , and those in which either the number of periods , though finite , is not known with certainty , or the time horizon can be regarded as infinite .
19 To some extent , as I have suggested in the Introduction , these two themes were conceived in ways which gave rise to antithetical theories , in which either the influence of political forms and forces upon society or the influence of various social elements upon political forms was more strongly emphasized .
20 Raphael ( 1982 ) provides qualitative descriptions of the experiences of thirty-five children aged between two and eight years in twenty families in which either the mother or father had died in the previous two to eight weeks .
21 Tony Benn , who acknowledges that ‘ Jim Callaghan … ran the Cabinet with considerable skill ’ , brought to the 1976 Cabinet a set of Cabinet minutes from August 1931 ‘ in which exactly the same discussion took place … to remind them that there was a history in this matter ’ .
22 Do you think there are other ways in which perhaps the Gardener Centre could fit more into the Brighton community ?
23 The prospect of amalgamation led to a bitter battle amongst the aircraft contractors over the TSR 2 , in which only the fittest and most ruthless firms survived .
24 The mill is of the type known as a tower mill , in which only the cap bearing the sails turns in the wind .
25 Worse still are cases in which only the jurist seems to be in doubt as to what kind of disposition is involved .
26 During peacetime , the convoys will emerge periodically from their hiding places for practice runs in which only the warheads of the missiles will be dummies .
27 True egoism , as we have described it , is conceivable only under conditions of conflict in which only the pre-human ends remain .
28 But there is another form , known as ‘ ocular albinism ’ , in which only the eyes are affected .
29 In the version with dependent parameters , once Bacon has found a form of law relating two inputs while others have particular settings , it will expect that these two are always related by a law of the same form in which only the values of c and k vary .
30 Even the few examples we have seen illustrate how species with biparental care tend to be monogamous , species in which only the female looks after the young tend to be polygynous , and species in which only the males care for the young tend to be polyandrous .
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