Example sentences of "in [pron] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Table III presents the mucosal proliferation parameters in the 40 polyp patients in whom biopsies for proliferation studies were repeated during one of the follow up colonoscopies .
2 There were additional factors with this family which compounded their inevitable distress , not least the subsequent diagnosis of Duchenne muscular dystrophy in an elder son , in whom signs of clinical abnormality had been recognised before the birth of his younger brother .
3 The exceptions to this are : ( a ) patients with clear evidence of a new acute transmural ( Q wave ) myocardial infarction , in whom assessment of risk should follow routine post-infarction guidelines ; ( b ) those with severe irreversible anoxic brain damage or concomitant terminal illness ; and ( c ) those with uncorrected cardiac outflow obstruction ( eg , aortic stenosis ) or severe , life-threatening , or unstable coronary artery disease ( eg , severe left main stenosis ) .
4 However , this patient group will include some individuals with severely compromised left ventricular function in whom insertion of an ICD may prevent sudden death but can not realistically be expected to extend overall survival .
5 In the 1546 patients managed exclusively by the general practitioner in whom details of maintenance treatment before and after the attack were supplied , 349 ( 23% ) had been receiving no treatment ( step 0 ) before the attack , and 51 ( 15% ) of these were not prescribed any maintenance treatment after their attack .
6 A patient with chronic pancreatitis is described in whom thrombosis of a splenic artery pseudoaneurysm occurred .
7 And did the sound of her mastication and heavy breathing , occasioned by her excessive consumption , arouse in them feelings of disgust ?
8 Seventeen killed in them houses at the top of our street .
9 At Shechem , in them midst of Canaanite country , God speaks again .
10 Jesse found it hard not to see in them versions of her death .
11 If he could n't get rid of fruit here , he could get it in Holy rid of it in Holyhead because the country place were n't so fond of fruit in them days as the English people you know .
12 See in them days of the old steam boats and they came from er from Leith and Aberdeen .
13 The hope is that some will find in them food for thought .
14 ‘ When we were in Edinburgh , this bastard stuck a knife in me head for no reason .
15 ‘ When we were in Edinburgh , this bastard stuck a knife in me head for no reason .
16 Discontent with our literary projects seem to have provoked in me discontent of another , more general , kind : for I found my philosophical tutelage increasingly unsatisfactory .
17 In me garter at the top of me stocking . ’
18 Still virginal in my dealings with the music press , I was to be despatched to the Reading Festival to cover this bastion of the British rock calendar for NME .
19 In my talks to teachers I often repeat these five views .
20 I have not wavered in the slightest degree in my attitude to this war , nor have I changed my mind as to the need of a final and complete settlement , but I want to say that in a war in which losses of such terrible magnitude are being imposed on all the Nations it appears to me not only wise but imperative that every country should use its political weapon to supplement all its military organisation , if by so doing it can defeat the enemy .
21 In my wanderings to the Staff Colleges and branches of the Royal Aeronautical Society all over the world , the USAF Academy , Colorado Springs , and also that incredible edifice of aeronautical and technical learning — the Smithsonian in Washington , the main question that always crops up and in almost entirely the same way is " how was it possible to maintain morale ? "
22 ‘ My dear girl , it was no hardship to hold you in my arms for a while , I assure you ! ’
23 She was in my arms on January 15 . ’
24 ‘ Then you would n't say no if I asked to take you in my arms under the pretext of inviting you to dance . ’
25 In my dream I was carrying a small child in my arms down a long road .
26 My reply is that , to me , being cheated would have meant not being able to hold my beautiful son , Sam in my arms after nine months .
27 Shall I tell her that you did not come running to me , that instead you melted in my arms after looking at me since I came today with large , yearning eyes ?
28 yet he sleeps in my arms like the summer sea .
29 We had a phone call yesterday from a a civilian detention officer working at Trent who lives in my village of Tollerton who wants to be a special constable to work just in Tollerton .
30 I attended the medical centre for my test and stood in my underpants for an hour in a shiny-clean waiting room with yellow walls and a kitten sitting in the corner .
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