Example sentences of "in [art] few [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I 've been involved in a few of these things but I 've never seen anyone bring it up to the level he did — he turned it up a few notches . ’
2 With on-site inspections , seals , analysis of materials , electronic surveillance and satellite links they cover some 95 per cent of the world 's nuclear installations outside the five nuclear weapon states — Britain , France , the Soviet Union and the United States , which all allow safeguards monitoring in a few of their civil installations , and China , which has signed a safeguards agreement but has not yet had a single inspection .
3 Fortunately most of the corridors were bright enough and only in a few of the darker , damper ones did he need his torch to see where he was going .
4 Though natural light was obviously not an amenity they thought much of , there are traces of glazing in a few of those infrequent and shapeless holes that howl in the wind ; elsewhere , of a primitive and not altogether unsuccessful stab at ferrocrete .
5 As darkness made it impossible to continue , all that remained was to put in a few of the darkest reflections .
6 This is but a small selection of events and festivals taking place in a few of our worldwide destinations — an ideal and enjoyable way to appreciate the culture and local traditions in each country .
7 Following the implementation of the new Financial Services Act , licensed dealers dragged their nets to pull in a few of the old-style hard sell merchants .
8 People and animals portray in this , in the Tahiti painting , never seemed to be in a hurry , erm , even when always relaxed even when working and I wondered how much of this was cultural and erm , how much was due to the large amounts of erm drugs consumed in most paintings at this , this period but that I suppose I 'll , I 'll never know for sure about , erm with this painting I found in the background , er there 's a figure , that 's looking in on the situation and I , I for myself think 's its probably Gaugin , as he portrays himself as Christ , which I think he did quite a lot to me in , in , in a few of his paintings and so this painting gave me tremendous sense of being looked in on and this figure in the background , was the person that was doing the looking in .
9 ‘ I 'm going to put in a few of those brutal German proverbs that do n't mean anything .
10 ( 6.5 ) unc provided x is free in no unc ( 6.6 ) unc provided x is free in no unc Note that it is possible to deal with cases where x is only declared in a few of the
11 All you 've got to do is chat to him about Tuscany and then twist the conversation around so you can slide in a few of my questions . ’
12 Hovering in the background to it all was the commanding officer ( played by Eric Barker , also to be seen in a few of the other early ‘ Carry On ’ films ) and his instruction that was so familiar to every ‘ sprog ’ who ever put on a uniform , ‘ Carry on Sergeant ’ .
13 Wooden cocktail sticks and skewers are used in a few of the cakes in this book for propping up , for securing and also for decorative items such as flagpoles .
14 Neurological deterioration in adulthood has also been recorded in some late and untreated subjects , and in a few in whom a neuropathological report was available the findings suggested active and diffuse demyelination as well as hypomyelination and reduced brain size .
15 And in a few in a fraction of a second , if you try and if you short it all out , give it a very you know great big wide pipe to rush through , the virtually the whole contents of the electricity of the battery tries to get through that , and a spanner is like that , very
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