Example sentences of "in [art] same [conj] " in BNC.

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1 This was , this was , if you like a record of the eye approach , we went round , we felt the air and erm , er made judgement , in the same that people like to be making judgements
2 a person of one sex is treated less favourably , on the ground of sex , than a person of the other sex would be in the same or not materially different circumstances .
3 Direct discrimination against a married person occurs where a married person is treated less favourably on the grounds of marital status , than an unmarried person of the same sex would be in the same or not materially different circumstances .
4 But the incidence of cancer among paranoid schizophrenics in the same or similar institutions eating the same or similar American diet is higher than that of the normal population ( Simonton et al .
5 It does n't have to be from the same range , but the pieces should have something in common — such as being in the same or similar wood or style , having the same upholstery fabric or the same colour .
6 While each individual futures position may be highly risky , holding both long and short positions in the same or similar assets means that most of these risks cancel out because of the strong negative correlation in the profits from the two positions .
7 To test the appropriateness of the model by empirical study of data from leading international companies in the same or related manufacturing sectors and set up comparisons with consumer-orientated companies ( e.g. electronics , electrical goods ) .
8 In some passerine species it even justifies slightly larger clutches than are found in the same or closely related species of lower latitudes ( Ricklefs , 1980 ) .
9 However , if artistic representations of my experience are to do more than merely reflect a personal trauma , it is imperative that the work connect with the common experiences of other women in the same or similar situations .
10 The only year where they coincide is nineteen twenty , the great erm influenza epidemic actually killed more people than the first world war , and er as you 'll see , despite increasing trends in health care which have reduced the overall rate , the difference in death rate between males and females has remained in the same or , if anything , widened slightly in recent years .
11 The test , as always , is whether the public is likely to be deceived by the use of the name and in applying this test it is important to consider the fields of activity involved ; do both parties operate in the same or different fields ?
12 Firms , whether in the same or related activities , need and benefit from close business contacts with each other : for example , the lead manager and other participants in a eurobond issue require close links .
13 Instead , the vendor will normally seek undertakings from the purchaser only to operate the business in the same or a similar manner to the way it was operated before the sale .
14 very briefly please why the Ryedale figures do n't change in the same as , and the Selby figures , do n't change in the same sort of way as the figures for other districts ?
15 He will go in the same as myself .
16 The evaluation dimension of the project will thus focus on both the nature and degrees of cultural learning during the year and on the feasibility of extending the training of students in ethnographic concepts and techniques to other non-specialist tutors in the same and other institutions of higher education .
17 In many palms , there is also a rise in temperature at the beginning of anthesis , associated with beetle pollination : in Astrocaryum mexicanum at Los Tuxtlas , there is a wide range of pollinating species , besides many other herbivorous visitors and this suite is shared with other palms in the same and different genera represented there .
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