Example sentences of "in [adj] years there " in BNC.

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31 In recent years there has in fact been an increased incidence of heart disease in women in their thirties and forties .
32 In recent years there has been increasing emphasis on the importance of training for staff at all levels in libraries of all kinds but apart from a circular letter sent out by The Library Association in 1976 , and two publications on the subject , one in 1977 and another in 1978 , there have been no systematic attempts to assess overall provision of training in the UK .
33 In recent years there has been an ongoing controversy relating to unmated females .
34 In recent years there have been increasing numbers of visitors who enjoy the facilities which have been developed for windsurfing , scuba diving and game fishing ( tunny , marlin , barracuda etc ) .
35 In recent years there has been an enormous increase in the range and complexity of capital market instruments .
36 In much of Western Europe a predominant characteristic has been trade union pluralism ( and sometimes reluctance to engage in continuous relationships with employers ) promoted by ideological , philosophical and religious differences , although in recent years there has been rather less emphasis upon the importance of religious affinity .
37 In recent years there has been a steady accumulation of evidence that personality and allied affective factors play a crucial role in determining subject choice and student success .
38 In recent years there has been an increasing tendency in some circles to investigate the evolutionary record of fossils in terms of general rules and processes without regard to specific causes operating on specific taxa .
39 In recent years there have been some significant advances in studying the auditory system , especially in the analysis of computational maps that recode intensity and phase differences in the two ears into the representation of auditory space ( Knudsen , DuLac , and Esterly 1987 ) , but this work has focused on subcortical mechanisms .
40 In recent years there have been , regrettably , a number of major accidents involving large passenger transport aircraft which have attracted much public attention .
41 Yet research into contemporary demography and statistics soon demonstrates that in recent years there have been dramatic changes in trends and patterns of marriage , divorce and cohabitation .
42 In recent years there has been considerable interest in assessing the general feasibility of predicting future violence and dangerousness in individuals and families ( see Parton and Parton , 1989 ; Parton and Small , 1989 ) .
43 In recent years there has been a move to teach young people in residential care practical skills such as cooking and budgeting which they will need when they leave care .
44 In recent years there have been feminist theologians who , far from believing there to be a gap to be bridged between past and present , have emphasized rather the continuity to be found in the situation of women .
45 In recent years there has been a major media hype about the supposed increase of government funding of initiatives in West Belfast .
46 In recent years there has been an increased reliance on statute law , for example , in relation to public order and the powers of the police , but , of course , here too , the judges have a role to play in the interpretation of the statutory provisions .
47 although in recent years there have been significant improvements in the provision of research and library facilities for M.P.s these still lag fir behind those available to their counterparts abroad .
48 In recent years there has been a trend on the part of certain police authorities to move from discussing equipment , etc. , to attempting to influence styles of policing and indeed to involve themselves in operational matters , for example in relation to industrial disputes and demonstrations .
49 In recent years there have been many attacks on what is sometimes called the classic realist novel on similar grounds : that far from being a means of communication it is a means of ideological domination and repression , reproducing on the cultural level the processes of industrial capitalism , making its audience passive consumers , reconciling them to their alienated state instead of liberating them from it , by making it appear normal or natural .
50 In recent years there has been some awareness on the part of planners of the role of rural planning policies in exaggerating the scarcity of rural housing and achieving comparatively little for those in greatest housing need .
51 However , in recent years there has been a mounting tendency for civil servants to ‘ leak ’ information to the press .
52 In recent years there has been among social scientists an extensive debate about the extent to which the analysis of society and of social institutions can be ‘ value-free ’ .
53 The choice of channels utilised by a producer is determined ultimately by the customer , and in recent years there has been a trend towards shorter channels , as customers , especially in consumer markets , realise that there are price advantages to be gained when middlemen , or retailers , are by-passed in the chain of distribution .
54 As we shall see in chapter 27 , in recent years there seems to have been a greater willingness in the Western liberal democracies to take action outside the normal channels of group and party politics .
55 The police is still seen as the first line of defence , but in recent years there has been increased co-operation between the police and the military , as in the joint exercises conducted at Heathrow in preparation for possible terrorist incidents .
56 In recent years there had been considerable debate about the nature of the railways ' contribution to economic growth .
57 Our knowledge of life histories of most deep-sea ophiuroids is poor ( see Tyler , 1980 for a review ) although in recent years there have been several accounts of the reproductive biology of the more common species ( Schoener 1968 , 1972 : Tyler & Gage 1979 , 1980 , 1982 ; Gage & Tyler , 1981 , 1982 ) together with some work on the post-larval stages ( Schoener 1967 , 1969 ; Gage & Tyler 1981 ) .
58 There is no presumption that monopoly is necessarily bad , and the Commission is charged to investigate whether or not the monopoly acts against the public interest , a brief that may be widely interpreted though in recent years there has been increasing emphasis on the ‘ maintenance and promotion of effective competition ’ .
59 In recent years there may have been more wealth and consumer goods around but people have seemed cynical , weary , amoral …
60 In recent years there have been language conflicts in Spain , Wales , India and South Africa and more recently in the Soviet Union and Yugoslavia — as different ethnic groups have chosen the language they love as a rallying point .
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