Example sentences of "in [adj] years [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 His predecessors had farmed these revenues for less than £50 a year , and in some years failed to make any payment at all .
2 She had to face the handicaps of severe diabetes but , true to Greek ideals , she endured them with stoicism ; only on four occasions in 30 years did she break down under these cruel burdens .
3 Hugh Gaitskell , an economics don and wartime civil servant who was elected to Parliament in 1945 and in six years rose from backbencher to Chancellor of the Exchequer , illustrates with his diary entry for 14 October 1947 ( when he was Minister of Fuel and Power ) just how little impact Attlee 's directive of a year before had had on the performance of individuals :
4 The uncertain nature of political alignments in these years made it inevitable , then , that a National Government would come under serious consideration as a remedy for Britain 's ills .
5 But at no point in these years did the Armed Forces take the initiative in resolving political disputes and at no stage was it brought into intrigue by discontented Party factions ( exempting , of course , the First Secretary himself ) .
6 A survey by the National Association of Head Teachers conducted in 1987 found that half of the schools questioned were using voluntary funds to supplement their spending on materials and equipment which in previous years had been provided entirely out of local authority funds .
7 Mr Reg Watson , CHC chief officer , said answers given in previous years included the fact that in-service training was given to nurses .
8 Belzebub was owned by Mr Olavi Pasanen and his wife Maria , who in later years bred many well-known dogs under the Heidenmoor prefix .
9 Geoffrey Fisher wrote a last school report which in later years became legendary : ‘ A boy with plenty of force of character who , in spite of certain uncouthnesses , has done good service on his own lines ’ .
10 This comprised quite a large industrial site and in later years became an important iron and tinplate rolling works .
11 Tom Parker left to manage Norwich , and in later years became assistant manager of his original club , Southampton .
12 TW3 , staffed by the likes of David Frost , William Rushton , Bernard Levin ( who in later years became a critic of ‘ permissiveness ’ ) , and a future bête-noir of Mrs Whitehouse , John Mortimer , was , in its short history , massively popular and controversial .
13 This blunted the edge of their potential impact , though the steady rise in factor prices to nearer market levels in later years did help propel the BEA into more adventurous policies to achieve capital economies and improved fuel efficiencies .
14 But his second title in three years came in 1977 when , after an intensely close battle in the first half of the season with South African Jody Scheckter and American Mario Andretti , Lauda pulled clear to win the title with 17 points to spare .
15 Nine jobs in sixteen years gave me an average of almost two years in each job .
16 He sailed for Bombay in 1818 and in succeeding years travelled between Bombay and Canton , as supercargo on the Sarah , of which he was co-owner .
17 But on the day , of course , the heaviest rain in 80 years fell on West Glamorgan .
18 After the failure of 16 broadcasting bills and proposals since the Liberation , the first text to organize television in 25 years failed to command a consensus comparable to the 1957 law on AFP .
19 ‘ All the people who worked with Laura in those years experienced the rough edge of her humour at some time or other , usually when you were so run down and exhausted , after four or five days travelling with no proper sleep , that you could not fight back . ’
20 Colin Renfrew On the international scene , archaeology in those years underwent the revolution sometimes referred to as the ‘ new archaeology ’ and has continued , as I see it , with what is now called processual archaeology : the most important component is a much greater concern to make archaeological theory and reasoning methods explicit .
21 Stephanie had in other years enjoyed this believed fairy tale : this year her own heaviness , fear perhaps of real birth , prevented her .
22 Public sector wages were squeezed tighter still , and in four years fell 9 per cent behind the private sector .
23 The most telling passage , indeed , were those recapitulating the Ripper trial — which uniquely in recent years illustrated the harshness of that interface , for all our liberal decencies .
24 All in all , Britain has in recent years received six times as much investment from abroad as Germany , and three times as much as France — a major success story for the UK .
25 Government changes to the tax system in recent years had allowed the company to come up with a solution which would make shares which had been trading at less than £3 last month to £5 , Mr Ritblat said .
26 Officials said the supply of money remained high relative to economic activity , and that companies that did not speculate excessively in land and shares in recent years had plenty of liquidity .
27 The Federal Cartel Office had on April 20 , 1989 , objected to the proposed takeover on the grounds that it would lead to market domination in the arms , aerospace and truck industries by Daimler-Benz , which in recent years had taken over another aerospace company , Dornier , the electrical concern AEG and the engineering company MTU .
28 The Democratic candidate made a clean sweep of the states in New England ( the first time since 1964 ) and made inroads into the southern states which in recent years had been solidly Republican .
29 Several problems with the control of asbestos on the North tees Works in recent years had highlighted the need to take action .
30 One of the more striking interventions by the courts in recent years came when the Court of Appeal overturned the decision by the Secretary of State for the Environment to allow the demolition of listed buildings in the City of London .
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