Example sentences of "in [adj] they [verb] " in BNC.

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1 In 1869 they sent him to Peru to supervise running two of their steam ploughs , and there he remained for thirteen years , soon finding scope for his natural business acumen .
2 By the peace of Paris , the inhabitants of ‘ Gascony beyond the Garonne ’ had become arrière-vassaux of Louis IX , although in 1224 they had refused to transfer their ultimate allegiance to the king of France .
3 In vain they look for a contrast with the adult world in the family which is yielding and running after them .
4 In 1838 they had 38 hand looms in use , as well as two power versions .
5 As in 1813 the people looked to us to destroy the Napoleonic terror , so today in 1943 they look to us to destroy the terror of National Socialism .
6 In 1948 they abolished allegiance as the basis of the status of British subjects .
7 In each they struggled with considerable success to overcome that opposition .
8 When Lorne and our mother , Lydia , visited the Toraja in 1971 they found that the last great king , Lasso Rinding Puang Sangalla , had been dead for three years , and was still lying in state awaiting his final star-launch .
9 On the other hand there was some investment in being able to assess performance such that it was possible to reward people for ‘ good ’ performance , and the group were not entirely able to sort this one out in that it was representing to them a dependent desire to be judged and be judged as good , and yet a refusal to accept the terms upon which judgement was being made in that they felt depersonalized by it ’
10 I did notice in that they sell , sell erm cushion covers with the sofas
11 The instability of the horizons in these solutions can easily be demonstrated in that they require very specific forms for the initial functions f(u) and g(v) .
12 The Lamar Alternator Failure Warning Light Relays ( Lamar Part No 00258 , Piper number 587863 ) had catastrophically failed in that they had caught fire .
13 Forty per cent were poorly supported in that they had neither of these contacts at such frequency .
14 In 1979 , for example , of the 80,000 full-time teachers employed in further education only just over 36,000 , or about 45 per cent , were trained in that they had successfully completed a course of professional training approved by the DES .
15 They had grown so used to her not joining in that they had not really noticed that she had stayed up there when they came down .
16 In many countries public libraries and school education have often been administratively closely linked in that they draw financial support from the same source .
17 However , they are limited in that they create artificial contexts which may not provide a good basis for predicting performance in other settings .
18 Verderers might also be removed from office on a report by the Justice of the Forest to the Chancery that they were incapacitated by old age or sickness , or occupied with other duties , or were insufficiently qualified in that they held no land within the forest and did not dwell there , or had committed or connived at trespasses of vert or venison , or had become a paid officer of the forest , or , in one case , had ‘ entered the priestly order ’ .
19 The ILP was specifically socialist " while many Labour unionists and politicians were essentially " labour " in that they regarded the protection of living standards and of trade unions as their primary reason for entering parliament .
20 Archaeologists can reveal only very fragmentary glimpses of how people lived at any period , but what they imagined and thought is beyond recovery — the meagre scraps of records are useless or , at best , tantalizing in that they provide details torn from their context .
21 Yet they are like the cases which follow in that they do not directly ask the trustee to do anything , but none the less cause an obligation under trust to arise in him .
22 In fact my honourable friend , the parliamentary under secretary of state for the department of trade and industry who 's responsible for deregulation is also the sponsoring minister for one of these orders , namely the one on the insurance companies , and secondly our intention is that the cost here should be negligible , or nil er in that they do n't go beyond er what is already required or or possible by way of a right to report , here we 're imposing a duty to report .
23 The new community care arrangements are consistent with the Conservative government 's general policy aims in that they have privatisation as one of their major objectives .
24 Most are very similar , but some differ in that they have a flat ‘ tread ’ at the top of the blade .
25 Of the other verbs denoting causality , get and occasion resemble cause more than force and oblige do in that they evoke causality without the idea of coercion .
26 I believe that both views of their writing are justified in that they seem to have oscillated between these two poles and such oscillations are noted in several places in this book .
27 have a similarity in that they exist because of spatial aspects .
28 But they are worth looking at in that they give an understanding of royal taste in the 16 and 17C , and indeed their founder , Rudolf II , is considered to be one of the greatest European patrons of the arts ( see p. 9 ) .
29 In Raman spectra totally symmetric modes are uniquely identified in that they give rise only to Q-branches , whereas vibrations of any other symmetry give , ± 1 and ± 2 branches .
30 In 1986 they shut down the mine and offered all the workers a pay-off .
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