Example sentences of "in [adj] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Thus it was a natural step that in 1875 the Probate , Divorce , and Admiralty jurisdictions should be entrusted to a single division of the High Court .
2 On Hicks 's death in 1869 the business was taken over by G. R. Crickmay of Weymouth and , with the exception of a few weeks in 1870 spent in London with John Raphael Brandon , architect of the Catholic Apostolic Church in Gordon Square , Hardy worked intermittently with Crickmay in Dorchester and Weymouth until 1872 .
3 In 1771 the Chancellor , Maupeou , exiled the Parlement of Paris once more and abolished the offices held by its members .
4 He established trading connections with the sultan of Kedah , by whom he was offered in 1771 the port and the coast as far as the island of Penang in return for help against the Bugis of Selangor .
5 In 1771 the completion of the Bromberg Canal had linked the Vistula with the Oder and Berlin ; the Dniepr-Bug Canal and the Dniepr-Niemen Canal ( 1775–84 ) opened up the possibility of river trade as far south as Kiew and the Black Sea .
6 In 1934 the Hall Committee made a set of regulations for lending which were stuck in each book on a numbered bookplate ; the highest number remaining is over 800 .
7 In 1934 the Home Office twice re-drafted a bill banning political uniforms , but concluded that the difficulties involved in definition , and the need to protect the civil liberties of other groups who wore distinctive clothing , together with the expected nit-picking objections of MPs like A.P .
8 In 1934 the Minister of Transport , then Hore-Belisha , inaugurated a comprehensive survey of highway developments required in the London traffic area for the next 30 years , and an Origin and Destination census was conducted in June 1936 at London Docks ( note the then fixation in London road-traffic circles of facilitating good road communications to the Docks ) .
9 After Simmons 's departure in 1934 the situation deteriorated and escapes became a major problem , to such an extent that a most unusual political event occurred .
10 In Brighton in 1934 the torso of a woman was found in a ply-wood trunk , wrapped in brown paper and tied with blind cord .
11 Zhdanov , in particular , evidently did not share Bukharin 's view that in 1934 the time was past when literary criticism should be a " battering ram which smashed the enemy " For Zhdanov and company the socio-political climate was ripe for battering and smashing the ideological enemies of the Soviet Union with every available cultural and artistic weapon .
12 In 1934 the population of the entire Free City area was about 400,000 and of these 50,000 were Polish or Kaszubian .
13 In 1934 the son of Britain 's most controversial psychoanalyst was reported killed in a climbing accident .
14 In 1176 the League defeated Barbarossa at Legnano to the north-west of Milan .
15 In 1140 the monk Gratian in Bologna produced his Decretum or Concordance of Discordant Canons , in which he demonstrated that , given the proper techniques of critical examination , the authoritative statements of church fathers and ecclesiastical councils could be harmonized to yield fundamental principles of church law .
16 In vain the Hawthorn spreads her snowy Pride ,
17 By the time the second oil shock hit Japan in 1979–80 the rate of inflation had been brought under tight control by a sharp reduction in the level of wage increases , energy-saving technology had been introduced , stricter pollution controls were enacted and LDP support had revived .
18 In 1756 the Museum was compiling records of its acquisitions in bound ledgers called ‘ The Book of Presents ’ and in 1836 the then single Department of Antiquities began to complete bound Acquisition Registers of a type still in use today ( fig. 10.1 ) .
19 In 1891 the landlord was Jeremiah Addison , who ran the Theatre Royal in Bishop Auckland with his brother .
20 In 1891 the Society conducted a ‘ Census of Hallucinations ’ throughout the country and Mr W. T. Stead , the journalist , assisted by enclosing some 100,000 census papers in the Review of Reviews which he edited .
21 It suggests that there has been hitherto no perceived need for local authorities to assert the right for denying which in 1891 the court was severely criticised , or to use the right which was held to exist by Browne J. , to whom no submissions were made based on article 10 , in the Bognor Regis case [ 1972 ] 2 Q.B. 169 in 1972 .
22 In 1891 the family emigrated to Cape Colony , and his father lectured at Victoria College , Stellenbosch ( later Stellenbosch University ) and was in charge of a college hostel .
23 In 1891 the director , ( Sir ) Archibald Geikie [ q.v. ] ,
24 In 1891 the tenor bell was recast by the bell founders Mears & Stainbank at a cost of £30 , being shipped to London by barge and returned the same way .
25 In 1891 the Review of the Churches began publication and it included representative editors from not only Nonconformity but from the Roman Catholic Church and the Church of England .
26 In 1891 the point was severely reiterated by Dr Maclagan , the Archbishop of York , who was a strong objector to moustaches despite having been a major in the Madras cavalry and who walked ‘ as though he had his loins girded by a sword belt ’ .
27 A similar exchange opened in 1880 in Ipswich , and in 1891 the Borough of Chelsea launched the first municipal exchange .
28 In 476 the west Roman Empire came to an end with the deposition of Romulus Augustulus .
29 In 1614 the Prince of Wales himself had to be excluded from a dinner at which the Russian ambassador was to be present , since it was feared that the latter would refuse to accept a place on the king 's left if the prince were seated on his right .
30 In 1558 the Hoby family became firmly entrenched as Lords and owners of Bisham .
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