Example sentences of "in [adj] that it " in BNC.

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1 The BBC 's coverage of the election caused great offence to Mr Major and senior Tories , who voiced concern in private that it wanted to see the return of a Labour government to safeguard its future .
2 Hay & Maddock note that in the United Kingdom there is no statutory obligation to notify theses to any central body , and Urquhart said in 1971 that it was often more difficult to obtain sight of a British doctoral thesis than it would be to obtain copies of theses emanating from European and North American Universities .
3 While exploiting the conquered territories France constantly proclaimed in public that it had come to Indochina on a " mission civilisatrice " to help the backward nation into the light of the twentieth century .
4 North America was still such a young country in 1700 that it will be more useful to look at Europe during this time .
5 Unlike the US agencies and the EC , the DHSS/DoE Joint Committee on Medical Aspects of Water Quality proposed in 1984 that it would be acceptable to relax the EC standard by 60 per cent , from 50 to 80 mg/litre .
6 Wright confessed : ‘ When the ball goes in like that it 's hard to contain yourself .
7 Fraser ( of Neill 's printing office ) said in his evidence to the Fair Wages Committee in 1908 that it was " three years , but they are not expert immediately after the three years " .
8 Sometimes mistaken for the name of a tribe of redskins , the word ‘ Hooliganism ’ established itself in Russia with such authority and incomprehensible rapidity that one observer thought in 1912 that it was ‘ as if it had long been expected , as if necessary for the filling of an empty space ’ .
9 What is required , Locke argues , is that the law of nature be embodied in a set of known and established laws that there be an ind in short that it 's not just up to the individual to state what the law of nature is in any particular case , you know , you 've got a set of known and established laws , you know , which do that .
10 The Industrial Revolution had , of course , begun some twenty years before Jane Austen 's birth , at a time when the Rule of Taste had established an unquestioned supremacy ; but it was in the twenty years following her death in 1817 that it really began to change the face of England .
11 I gave warning in 1987 that it is part of Gorbachev 's character to search for absolute personal power .
12 Mr Ridley said in 1987 that it could not lend to those who seemed unlikely to be able to service their debts — He went too far : technically , it could .
13 Although there had been a long established tradition of community and private forestry schemes , it was not until the launching of the Saemol Undong ( or New Community Movement ) in 1970 that it was possible to conceive of a nation-wide forestry policy and programme .
14 Britain 's previously firm stand against tear-gas was significantly undermined by a government statement in 1970 that it did not consider CS and similar gases to be covered by the Protocol .
15 Stanley Baldwin had argued in 1923 that it was not ‘ wise , as some suggest , to give everybody a secondary education .
16 For , even if they knew in general that it was unlikely to be the case , they could not afford to take chances .
17 This letter from Mactavish reveals the assumption made in 1926 that it was the WEA 's exclusive duty and responsibility to provide working class education , but had he read the 1926 UEMCC report more searchingly he would have realised that the universities ' role was not merely advisory but intended to promote the development of liberal adult education independently of other providers .
18 We are determined that Iraq should comply with the terms of the Gulf War cease-fire agreement , and in particular that it should co-operate with the UN in dismantling its weapons of mass destruction .
19 More recently studies have attempted to refine their research methodologies so that reviews of this research are much clearer about what we can claim to know and not know about abuse and in particular that it is a much more complex problem than was first thought .
20 The learning outcomes in these modules have so much in common that it seems inappropriate to have three teachers teaching them in three separate classrooms .
21 A second body was the Protestant Dissenting Deputies which had been founded in 1732 and was , by the end of the nineteenth century , healthier than its older friend although The Christian World noted in 1901 that it ‘ seems to have fallen on evil days ’ .
22 And am I correct in worrying that it may be difficult to frame ?
23 The separate announcement by BR in 1989 that it was proposing closure of the Doncaster-Gainsborough line was a surprise for there are many lines which lose more money than this with its nine daily trains .
24 A former Russian ambassador in London complained in 1803 that it had " more people than the offices of all the secretaries of state in Europe combined " .
25 Former President Reagan announced in 1983 that it was United States ' policy to accept the normative provisions of the Convention as reflecting customary international law .
26 Although the NUR still has some members among drivers , it agreed in 1983 that it would stop recruiting them .
27 The record for ambition to be speedy seems to be held by the Selangor State government in Malaysia , which announced in 1988 that it was now ‘ possible for applications to be approved in one day ’ .
28 Although economic recovery led to a resurgence in manufacturing investment after 1983 , it was only in 1988 that it finally surpassed the level achieved at the end of the 1970s .
29 The AWB claimed in 1990 that it had already trained 12,000 men .
30 Dr Harvey McGillivray , head of the Observatory 's COSMOS unit told The Scotsman in 1990 that it could take a trained observer up to 20 minutes to scan an X-ray plate by eye , with no certainty of spotting abnormalities .
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