Example sentences of "in [verb] [pos pn] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 With the prospect of a depleted income , Lyell considered that his energies would be better spent in completing his Principles of geology .
2 There is little doubt that the consistent media focus was a critical factor in maintaining our supporters ' faith in the message and in shifting even more people against the project .
3 The official imposition of Christian orthodoxy at the end of the century reinforced the tendency to merge church and empire ; the Christian emperors became God 's agents in bringing their subjects under the yoke of Christ .
4 We discuss and enjoy celebrating the seasonal festivals such at Christmas , Easter and Harvest , when we join with the rest of the Junior School in bringing our gifts for the sick , and those in need in the neighbourhood of the School .
5 ( Nevertheless , it is clear from the report that the Committee took into account identified causes of indiscipline in schools in producing their recommendations . )
6 Charlie Woods , director of Scottish Enterprise 's Scottish and international operations , said that Scotland 's success in attracting the ninth Europartenariat offered a great opportunity for small and medium-size companies to make real progress in realising their ambitions on the European stage .
7 At the other extreme , there are groups who face an enormous task in realising their goals .
8 Strategy , in this everyday sense , is incompatible with the abolition of the subject , and it is therefore reasonable to suppose that Poulantzas is not proposing to explain the course of the class struggle in terms of the ingenuity exercised by classes and class members in realising their goals .
9 Goals are a necessary element in realising our objectives .
10 To this letter I received a reply dated I March which contained some of the most interesting remarks he ever communicated to me , and which is of permanent value in reflecting his opinions on much wider issues :
11 In pursuing its objectives , the marketing department will inevitably experience tensions between its aims and methods and those of its sister departments .
12 For most local history purposes a simple wordlist will suffice for both Old and Middle English — the dictionary for the latter being Stratmann 's Middle English Dictionary ( Oxford 1891 ) — and what now follows are words the author has found most useful in pursuing his studies .
13 We need not doubt that the epithet is justified and I think we are on the right track in attributing its powers to nerve cells with their trigger features and projective zones , but the connecting links are missing .
14 It should come through day-to-day teacher contact , and through language specialists ' involvement in support teaching and in helping their colleagues to use appropriate language consistently across the curriculum .
15 That a man so well known in educational circles should be so ill-informed demonstrates the problems we had in helping our readers to understand our proposals .
16 Fiona Goodman , the wife of the Special Constable shot dead by suspected IRA terrorists in Yorkshire , has appeared in public to make an appeal for help in catching his killers .
17 Nevertheless , the Guild succeeded in imbuing its members with a firm sense of self-worth and purpose .
18 Any responsive and responsible organisation should be interested in receiving feedback from groups involved in using its services or products — and SCOTVEC is no exception .
19 Summary : In using its funds , i.e. customer deposits and capital , a bank must balance liquidity against profitability .
20 As with all regulations , there are a few on the fringe who are willing to exploit the weaknesses of planning authorities or , in this case , the inherent difficulty they have in using their powers quickly and effectively .
21 The Pope is affirming here that women have work to do not only in the Church , but also in using their gifts for the good of society .
22 just for fun , you know but I 'm not a believer in using your fists , you ought to be using your brain to teach with but there were no there are no sanctions , if you say you must stay behind after school , you have to send a letter home and half the parents will write back and say my son or daughter is not staying after school and that is that !
23 For most of the period from 1912 to 1945 Rhee lived in the United States where he was eventually to build up support from American friends , who assisted in financing his activities .
24 Despite the increasing difficulties which Edward faced in financing his wars in Scotland , the parliaments of these years are free of the political and constitutional arguments which had characterized the last years of Edward I 's reign .
25 She saw that they were useless and she did not believe in wasting her effects .
26 The principal obstacles to its success were : the economic climate in which the Geddes Report emphasized the low priority of education when financial restraint was inevitable ; the less than enthusiastic response from numerous LEAs in submitting their schemes ( they were allowed to proceed at their own pace without a universal appointed day ) ; the beginning of opposition from the National Union of Teachers and the labour movement in favour of ‘ Secondary Education for All ’ and a school-leaving age of 15 ; and , perhaps most significantly , the opposition of large sections of industry , including the Federation of British Industries .
27 I am proud that we succeeded in submitting our Reports on time .
28 But if film executives were to be believed , the majority of the audience was less interested in salving their fears about wars and conflicts ahead than in looking back to the time when Britain had a role to play in the world .
29 Point of sale systems supplier Riva Group Plc has succeeded in stemming its losses for the year to December 31 by drastic cost-cutting and leaving unprofitable market sectors .
30 I have not included in this estimate any involvement by us in assisting your lawyers with the preparation of the contract and disclosure letter which is usually a time consuming exercise .
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