Example sentences of "in [noun] so [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Many schools have team members in reserve so that a quota can always be mustered to stand in for any bona fide team member whose parents can not afford the trip .
2 In Nos. 1 and 3 you are particularly aware of how much he initially holds in reserve so as to reveal their full organic growth and cumulative excitement .
3 They were staying in a hotel until they could find a Hat , but his doctor insisted that they spend some days in Brighton so that he could properly recover .
4 Mainly for reasons of security , firms can not afford to keep stock in warehouses so that confronted with sudden large requests , most can not compete with their better-connected rivals in the Russian capital .
5 And I want you to try them in groups so that acid alkali
6 I mean why is n't there a tremendous outcry , saying this must change , we can still have democracy , but let's have reasonable , sensible , working hours in parliament so that we can get more women into parliament .
7 We tested children in pairs so that each child in the pair observed visual illusions from different angles such that one child saw one kind of illusory view and the partner saw an opposite but equally conflicting view .
8 Arrange the children in pairs so that each person has a partner .
9 It is generally accepted that in order to watch over an executive , the system of supervision has to be constructed in parallel so that information about the salient issues is extracted at the right time and the process of scrutiny is based on this information and takes place when the decision is still open .
10 Thus it has simple computational procedures , or ‘ perceptual primitives ’ , which address the visual array in parallel so as to identity area , centre , point of contact , symmetry , and so on .
11 Behavioural : Changes in values so that other people 's behaviour that would previously not have been accepted becomes progressively more tolerated if it relates to addictive disease .
12 On 7 June 1953 , on the occasion of a broadcast service from Thomas Street Church at 7.45 pm a receiving set was installed in Edenderry so that the congregation there could join in the worship .
13 That an idea can be selected and then clothed in words so that it will live forever appeals to me .
14 I suggested that it might be a good idea to get it in midsummer so that I could get plenty of practice in before the skiddy weather set in , but he thought there might be too much tourist traffic going through the town and on the roads around it in the middle of the summer .
15 Then f has a root in C. It follows that f factorises completely into linear factors in C[x] so that if deg f = n then f has , including repeats , n roots in C.
16 The majority423 asserted that Article 28 ( a ) as an entirety must be given its ordinary and natural meaning , and the word ‘ elected ’ could not be read in isolation so as automatically to imply a choice .
17 He strengthened the forces holding the gateway fortresses and initiated the system of rotating units to the forts in succession so that the forces holding these valuable citadels would always be fresh and near to full strength .
18 I made a point of saying to the Indian Ministers whom I met that , just as they had announced elections in the Punjab , so it would be excellent if they could start a political process in Kashmir so that there would be people representing the Kashmiris with whom the Government could talk .
19 Some firms of solicitors have offices in Brussels so that they can provide a good quality of service to their clients whose interests are governed directly by Community law .
20 He desperately tried to pull strings with people he knew in Parma so that he would not be called up , but eventually he had to go .
21 The chief executive or clerk of the authority will for the purpose of avoiding disqualification under this provision usually prepare the form in readiness so that as soon as the councillor is elected he may make the declaration as required .
22 When applying for a place on a re-entry course keep the following questions in mind so that you can compare what is on offer to your own best advantage .
23 Adults considering enrolment on further or higher education courses ‘ shop around : with various factors in mind so that failure to enrol on any specific course does not necessarily equal a rejection of the idea of further study .
24 Alternatively , you could make the screens or shutters easily detachable and have one surface painted or covered in fabric so that you could ring the changes when you felt like it or have different ones for summer and winter .
25 Mirrors are unfailingly useful in halls so that you can check your own appearance going out while visitors can check theirs coming in .
26 That was changed in February so that anyone earning under £61 gets the service free .
27 So that 's where the money 's going , and we 're hoping that we make enough money in sponsorship so that the money we earn , people will know that it 's all going out to help the projects we want to , and it 's not being wasted on administration , especially after there 's been erm a bit of a debark over Sting 's money , where only 5% went to the Indians and also the Rainforest Foundation has since collapsed , so our head-office is going to be absolutely stringent about making sure that the money is spent where we 've asked it to be spent .
28 The number of part-time staff has grown in proportion so that in 1978 there were about 140,000 part-time teachers in further and adult education employed by local authorities .
29 Be with them in peace so that we may remain with our family and children in peace .
30 Leaving her in peace so that she could think , he stripped the cover from the BMW .
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