Example sentences of "in [noun] [to-vb] down " in BNC.

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1 It was all very well for the government in Moscow to lay down severe penalties for its servants who maltreated the natives .
2 The area around the Guest House where the body of Christine Campbell was found , hidden in a suitcase , is still the focus of police efforts in Swindon to track down her killer .
3 Alternatively , and in the long term , plan building in cities to cut down on travel overall .
4 They used Druze fighters as a colonial militia just as they used members of the minority Muslim Alawite community in Syria to put down Sunni Muslim nationalist revolt .
5 Fellow director Eryl Morris underlined the need for productivity improvements : ‘ We have to put programmes in place to drive down costs and push up return on sales . ’
6 For more than two weeks prior to Oct. 29 , the Central Bank had been selling an estimated US$50,000,000 in gold each day , in efforts to keep down the gold price ( and thereby to hold down the black-market dollar rate , whose divergence from the official rate provided a barometer of business confidence ) .
7 The Chief Constable was also asked to launch a major operation in Wirral to crack down on suppliers .
8 As soon as steam trains were invented , up and running , they became the tools of the industrialist and of the punter on holiday , noisy , smelly , usually late , and the last word in ways to go down the coast .
9 R. Louis Stevenson remarked ‘ it is worth a climb even in Summer to look down upon the lock from Arthur 's Seat , but it is tenfold more so on a day of Skating ’ .
10 In a report presented to the Polish parliament , the State Inspectorate for Environmental Protection has stated that preparations are in hand to close down 100 out of the 800 industrial plants which were identified as causing dangerous levels of pollution .
11 Mr Major resisted the temptation to leave some excise duties unchanged in order to hold down the inflation rate .
12 In order to damp down monarchist hopes that it might now be possible to pressure him into resigning , Franco wrote to Don Juan on 2 December 1954 , telling him that power would not be transferred in Franco 's lifetime and that his successor would be bound by the guiding principles of the regime set up in 1939 .
13 Two and a half years ago Camel Laird started a campaign to gain access to the intervention funding and because of the total lack of any sort of industrial policy by this government , and their refusal to support the Camel Laird application to the E E C , next month will see the closure of Camel Lairds which will lead to a loss of skills that amounts almost to a criminal act on the part of this government , who seem prepared to allow this country to become a skill-free zone in order to drive down wages and conditions to a rate comparable with some Third World countries .
14 Statute-backed regulation is necessary in order to lay down minimum standards in the public domain .
15 The declaration also announced that a national convention would be held within six months " in order to lay down basic principles to draft a firm constitution " .
16 I asked Alan to fish the first drift , in order to settle down , and towards the end he suggested that I put up the dap .
17 The man 's hairy arm had strayed across into her space , and she had to move it in order to lie down .
18 A Goebbels article in Das Reich at the beginning of March , in which he had emphasized ‘ the great honour of the victims and of holding out for the new Europe ’ , for which it was worthwhile ‘ fighting to the last man in order to go down in history ’ , met with heavy criticism .
19 It is my contention that ‘ time ’ is now under the control of such an individual , who manipulates it in order to do down the working man .
20 In order to break down lactose , we have an enzyme ( see p 18 ) known as lactase ( the -ase ending denotes an enzyme ) in our intestines .
21 In order to break down the straw , a greater use of chemicals will be required to encourage bacterial growth in time to assimilate the product , before the new crop emerges .
22 He was also committed to and involved in the admission of women to the medical school , which obviously involved much tact and understanding in order to break down prejudices .
23 Specific work on it in secondary schools is often essential in order to break down resistance to the subject .
24 Sixtyone per cent of women sink into a hot bath in order to wind down , half have tried exercising as a means of relieving stress rather than simply getting fit , and one in four has a stiff drink when the going gets tough .
25 For example , you may want to cover only part of the loan , in order to keep down premiums .
26 Attitudes appear to be somewhat unfavourable to ‘ welfare state ’ provision ; Newby ( 1979 ) suggests that influential local interests ( farmers and landowners ) have been keen to minimize local council house building in order to keep down rates — and through key positions on councils have been able to realize this objective .
27 By allowing , in the interests of economic profitability , the financial institutions to regulate themselves , by weakening , in order to keep down industry 's costs , the power of the agencies who are meant to control health and safety and pollution , the Conservatives again have revealed the ideological basis to their law and order position .
28 Or ( assuming breach of contract to be unlawful means ) that A is liable in tort if , in order to bring down B , he breaches his contract with him ?
29 In order to cut down on salt intake , first remove salt containers from the table .
30 Not all alternatives are looked at , rather those most familiar to decision-makers or deviating least from existing practice are examined first , in order to cut down the information and transition costs associated with more radical changes .
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