Example sentences of "in [noun] [to-vb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 But Fiver was nowhere to be seen and Hazel was afraid to ask for him , in case to do so should seem like weakness and a need for comfort .
2 It was all very well for the government in Moscow to lay down severe penalties for its servants who maltreated the natives .
3 Alice took off the cotton dress which was what young mothers wore in Chelmsford to shop in , put on jeans and a black T-shirt , the kind of clothes she would always wear now , through an indefinitely stretching future .
4 A law to require any manufacturer selling computers in Germany to take back its equipment for reuse or recycling is being drafted for next year , while governments in Denmark and Sweden are considering legislation this spring for mandating some kind of electronics scrap recycling program .
5 Lucy says it has been a lesson in sympathy to begin again as a ‘ new ’ teacher , finding a way to pull our work more into line with the current fitness scene .
6 Come and be glad and , it goes on in chorus to use yet another picture of the Holy Spirit , we 've talked of one being of fire , another picture is that of water , I will pour water on him that is thirsty !
7 We have already been in touch with two GP practices in Middlesbrough to see how much of the medical history we can pick up , and shall be doing the same in Sunderland .
8 So it was naturally with great affection and nostalgia that as an adult I laced up my boots on a damp October morning at the starting point in the station car park at Bridge of Orchy , in preparation to find out what really lurked at the top of Beinn Dorain .
9 Pressures in adolescence to conform e.g. in relation to alcohol abuse , drug abuse etc .
10 The passage was a ghastly limbo between death and life , a place where men fought and screamed in semi-darkness to get out , splashing up to their crotches in fast-moving water .
11 ‘ Chelmsford seems to be taking a very hard line , but our legal department and the council 's legal department are in discussions to see just what we would be able to sell on Sundays . ’
12 In 1986 , the Argyll group of companies and Guinness were rival bidders in attempts to take over Distillers Ltd .
13 Some 140 of those on board had died either of hunger and heat exhaustion on the ship , or in attempts to swim ashore .
14 The area around the Guest House where the body of Christine Campbell was found , hidden in a suitcase , is still the focus of police efforts in Swindon to track down her killer .
15 Her father Jeffery attended the inquest in Swindon to hear how his daughter had not eaten … and resorted to self-induced vomiting when she did .
16 The Copyright Tribunal 's decision in March to charge only nominal fees for that information caused outrage at the BBC , which would like remuneration to be much higher .
17 However in 1956 Unwins listed only one geranium mixture , ‘ Zonale Mixed ’ , with instructions to sow in the autumn for flowers 12 months later , but now 22 varieties are included , along with many separate colours , most of which like the ‘ Multiblooms ’ , can be sown in March to flower just five months later in July .
18 The shadow fundholding exercise was focused in Grampian because of the readiness and willing cooperation of the health board and the enthusiasm of practices of suitable size in Grampian to test out fundholding .
19 Townsend 's most important definition of poverty which emphasizes that lack of money leads to in inability to join in fully in social life , producing in exclusion of individuals and social groups from ordinary life , focuses crucially on the role of lack of participation and powerlessness in the social construction of the ‘ poor ’ .
20 He also confirmed that France , which left NATO 's military structure in 1966 [ see pp. 21605-10 ] , would be invited to participate in plans to set up multinational units .
21 The most he would concede was that positions should be filled by the advice of the lords and the council around the king , and that officers should take an oath in parliament to act justly .
22 The wording is very clear and in view of the dicta in the Vestey decision and the major shift in the approach to be adopted to that section — restricting the same to the settlor and his spouse and taking into account the provisions of TA 1988 , s740 — it is felt that the Revenue will have to concede this point unless they change the law ( in which case one would have to watch very carefully what was said in Parliament to see how the change is to have effect ! ) .
23 Alternatively , and in the long term , plan building in cities to cut down on travel overall .
24 As Basingstoke closed , Holmes was up in support to carry on and , with a three-man overlap , he dummied the full-back and outpaced the cover to race under the posts .
25 The vortices merge in pairs to form more diffuse vortices with larger overall circulation .
26 In developing its plans for the redeployment of the Army , the General Staff were faced with three major difficulties : lack of genuine air mobility ; loss of overflying rights over Arab countries and restricted overflying of the Indian subcontinent due to India 's ‘ non-aligned ’ stance and Pakistan 's natural sympathy for Moslem Arab Nationalism ; and the justifiable reluctance in Whitehall to build up new overseas bases .
27 This is both in respect of the run up to the seventy fifth birthday and also with the increase in responsibility to take on the remit for the development of our work in relation to the European Community , central and Eastern Europe .
28 The wingers provide a sudden increase in width to encourage early planing , good jumping , and tight or long turns .
29 This will entail all curriculum areas in schools to establish more coherent and thorough techniques of assessment , capable of being linked to schools ' reporting procedures .
30 This ignorance could be exaggerated , of course ; there were several anecdotes in circulation to suggest as much .
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