Example sentences of "in [noun] [adv] the " in BNC.

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1 It had shaken her faith , made her afraid to form deep attachments in case somehow the pain was repeated …
2 The fact that the Council 's Structure Plan , in which their planning policy is enshrined , has not yet been accepted by the Secretary of State makes these changes in direction all the easier .
3 In Germany even the most ‘ respectable ’ workers were pressed into the ranks of the proletariat by the distance which separated them from the bourgeoisie , and the strength of intermediate classes .
4 The mutuality and cooperativeness of the first hunting bands were also in part probably the outcome of the fact that the hunted quarry was not a member of their own species and , as such , the hunt would have been a crucial example of our species ' natural and very considerable aggression being directed away from fellow hominids on to animals .
5 When in 1939 a repetition of the conditions encountered during the First World War once more led the government to intervene in agriculture then the conditions were also created for a renewed round of trade union growth .
6 Among their reasons for submitting was a fear that outlawry would lead to the destruction of the church ; in February the king was already threatening to make the outlawry permanent , and in March even the archbishop had his horses seized by royal officers while he was en route from Maidstone to London .
7 More encouraging was another survey by HMI in 1950–51 of the adult education provision made by the Responsible Bodies in Norfolk viz. the Board of Extra-Mural Studies and the Eastern District , both grant-aided by the Norwich and Norfolk LEAs .
8 The Laws family ran a bakery in Northgate hence the nickname Teacakes .
9 the introduction of new semi-automatic machines … the increasing use of unskilled and semi-skilled labour in trades hitherto the exclusive preserve of the skilled man … the adaptation of a rudimentary system of standardised and interchangeable parts … the predominance of factory over the workshop as the unit of production … the introduction of aspects of Taylorism , particularly the premium-bonus system ’ .
10 If you 're saying auditors unlikely to make it in practice then the idea 's doomed anyway ’ ) was pointed to in a comment from .
11 However , in practice often the micros are not to be found near the chalkface : rather they tend to live on trolleys and inhabit locked cupboards in primary schools , and cluster in specialist departments at secondary and FE levels .
12 In contrast , some sort of appeal to , say , the authority of the government executive ( although in practice often the implicit outcome ) looks at odds with the individualistic framework of neoclassical economics .
13 Older texts are also reprinted in POPULAR EDITIONS ( popular = for ordinary people , generally for non-academic purposes , though in practice often the editions used on courses ) .
14 To the victims , the abstract Leftism of some of the Bolsheviks seemed in practice much the same as colonial domination .
15 There is authority for saying that the courts ( in practice usually the magistrates ) can and should intervene at both of these potential control points .
16 A line once appeared in Dublin in cine-variety Afterwards the Head Girl reported back to her : ‘ It went very well , Mrs Tiller , better than ‘ Ben Hur ! ’
17 Answer guide : If we assume the rent is paid in arrears then the entries would be to reduce cash and charge an expense of £50 .
18 His curiosity about the American South equalled that of Mark Twain , who saw in Natchez both the ‘ drinking , carousing , fisticuffing … riff-raff of the river ’ and the agreeable life of the cotton-rich people who lived in Natchez-on-the-hill .
19 SVQs are based on the national standards determined by those responsible for identifying standards of performance in industry ie. the Industry Lead Bodies ( ILBs ) .
20 Such was the ferment of the times throughout Europe , and such was the rising volume of political controversy within Britain ( bear in mind also the Suffragette agitation and the conflict over the future of Ireland ) , that a more dramatic tipping of the balance than actually occurred in the next few years might have been expected .
21 Having planned your rate of descent , you must have in mind also the attitude and power for that rate .
22 With hindsight , bearing in mind particularly the fatal events leading to Munich and the Second World War , Nizan 's gloomy prognostication might appear to have a certain validity .
23 He had in mind particularly the getting up of a patient in the morning , the morning routine and also the going to bed at night .
24 All three seem to have in mind both the riveting political events of November 1990 and the concurrent BBC adaptation of Michael Dobbs ' House of Cards , which owed much to Shakespearian tragedy .
25 Does the right hon. Gentleman appreciate the tremendous fear felt throughout the Province as we face the Christmas period , bearing in mind both the warning given by the security forces of an impending IRA outrage near Christmas and the signal given by the nationalist community in the result of a by-election at Magherafelt today , where there was a 43 per cent .
26 Bearing in mind constantly the radical interpreter at one 's shoulder , one could regard these as mainly nominal in character .
27 You can help yourself in this by keeping in mind constantly the reader you are writing for .
28 As we began to develop a feasible research design we had in mind initially the broad aim of developing a clearer picture of the referral and investigative work of the team .
29 A second objection is that where both parties carry on business in Contracting States they can reasonably be subjected to the Convention automatically since it forms part of their national law , whereas parties carrying on business in different non-Contracting States who agree that their contract is to be governed by the law of a third State which is a Contracting State may well have in mind only the domestic law of that State and arguably ought not to be bound by the Convention unless they contract into it .
30 In what follows , in so far as the requiredness of causal circumstances to effects is concerned , it will be enough to keep in mind only the great majority , which are of the ordinary kind .
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