Example sentences of "in [noun] [prep] long " in BNC.

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1 Compared to states or executives , governments tend to be of short duration — state institutions often remain in existence for long periods and officials in the executive may have lifelong careers , while governments come and go ( although some of their personnel may hold office in more than one government ) .
2 In cases of long standing suppression this potency works marvellously ; this is because where one or two doses of the centesimal potency may fail to revive the suppressed symptoms , the repeated application of potencies of this scale can , and cure is begun .
3 In cases of long standing chronic disease I expect the patient to start feeling better within a day or two and certainly would n't continue with a remedy if there was no improvement after a week .
4 While the adults distinguish between particular predator species within a class and only call to species that are likely to give them trouble , the young vervets give leopard alarm calls in response to a wide variety of terrestrial mammals , the eagle calls in response to a great many different birds and snake alarm calls in response to long thin objects , many of which are not snakes .
5 It is really , it 's a philosophy , is n't it , over the last how many years , you do n't have this philosophy , about being in fear of long term debt in in this authority .
6 In areas with long nursery waiting lists it has been usual for governors to establish admission panels drawn from their own members .
7 They must be able to cope with aridity , high daily and seasonal temperature ranges , seasonal swings in photoperiod from long days to long nights , and a growing season ranging in length from three to four months on the polar fringes to a few days or even hours in higher latitudes .
8 Pollock died 34 years ago in a car accident near his house in Springs on Long Island in New York .
9 Defence is n't always at the top of the political agenda and in periods of long time peace as we have now enjoyed , people tend to forget the dangers are still genuine and still there .
10 Spellings , titles , and the use of initials in place of long names are all very important .
11 A significant number of them end up in jail for long prison terms , often at an age when less adventurous corporate executives are retiring to the golf course .
12 All perforations in the corrosive group occurred in patients with long , tight , and eccentric strictures in whom , after the first few sessions , dilatation was performed without fluoroscopic guidance .
13 All perforations occurred in patients with long , eccentric , and tight strictures in whom , after the first few sittings , dilatation was performed without fluoroscopic control .
14 Collectively these data also suggest that the main site of NSAID induced blood loss in patients on long term NSAID treatment is the small intestine .
15 This could be because of the small number of patients studied , but it is in agreement with the results of Hopman et al , who measured postprandial gall bladder contraction in patients on long term ( six months ) intermittent injection treatment .
16 Try to limit juice and other sugary drinks to mealtimes when they 'll do the least damage , dilute them well and do n't give them in a bottle used as a dummy because these bathe the teeth in sugar for long periods of time .
17 It is concluded that oesophageal transection and gastric devascularisation confers no benefit over endoscopic sclerotherapy in terms of long term survival and that it is not cost effective as judged by the current health care costs in the United Kingdom .
18 In conclusion oesophageal transection and gastric devascularisation appears to confer no benefit over endoscopic sclerotherapy in terms of long term survival after variceal haemorrhage .
19 So small was the number of beneficiaries , they were outnumbered in the war years by those children who joined the RCM ranks having turned up in Britain by long and roundabout escape routes .
20 Because Miyagi did not stay in Japan for long periods , it was Yamaguchi who made a great headway with his own system of goju-kai .
21 Studies of people kept in bed for long periods show a redistribution of calcium in the skeleton .
22 The decentralized Evans model underestimates the amount of material which lies unused in departments for long periods of the year and which might be of value to another discipline , or to a pupil in the enquiry mode ; it certainly contains no element which would stress interdisciplinary thinking , inter.departmental cooperation or the sharing of acquisitions and experience .
23 The reason , I 've often reflected , is that programme companies , not entirely untroubled by conscience , feel that the occasional , massive genuflection enables them to live in virtue for long periods .
24 Numbers of refugees seeking asylum in the United Kingdom are held in detention for long periods following their arrival .
25 The findings led some scientists to advise people staying out in sunlight for long periods to wear sun cream and sunglasses to guard against the effects of ultra-violet radiation .
26 The perch lays eggs around 2mm in diameter in long strings as flat bands or as a meshwork in the vegetation .
27 But he also insists that his main task was to deliver the prisoner to the torturers , who were specialists in interrogation with long experience in the service .
28 It often stands motionless in pools for long periods and is easily watched from a car or hide .
29 There was no movement either , along the quay in front of long rows of deserted customs sheds .
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