Example sentences of "in [adj] [vb base] the " in BNC.

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1 They have hitherto rejected Nauru 's claim , not least because an independent inquiry in 1986 set the appropriate compensation level at A$72 million .
2 In some measure the effusion of academic material was coloured by ideological commitments .
3 The hermeneutic code raises questions , delays their answers and leads to solutions and as such structures in some measure the succeeding narrative .
4 The argument continued into the following year , Samuel Whitbread being deluged with medical journals and copies of letters in support of what can now be recognised as an untenable position i.e. that the stomach in this case had ‘ really taken up in some measure the office of the kidnies ( sic ) ’ .
5 It follows that the nature of jewellery is bound to reflect in some measure the structure and activities of the society in which it was current .
6 And yet , the burden of life that her mother and father , separately and together , had to bear far exceeds that which Hannah endured , and amy explain in some measure the genesis of Hannah 's fortitude and sublime character , which have inspired so many .
7 Each side of the politician-media professional partnership is striving to realize certain goals vis-à-vis the audience : yet it can not pursue them without securing in some form the co-operation of the other side .
8 Husam eddin rejects the story of the quarrel and the dating of Molla Fenari 's departure in the reign of Bayezid I , asserting that Karaman had been wholly taken over by the Ottomans in 793/1391 while the documents ( dated 796,802 and 804 ) show Molla Fenari 's period of office as kadi to have fallen after that date ; and he says rather that Molla Fenari returned to Karaman with Karamanoglu Mehmed Bey in early 805/summer 1402 , following the battle of Ankara ( Dhu " l-Hijja 804/July 1402 ) , when the latter was freed and reinstated by Timur and Karaman reconstituted as an independent state .
9 The words used by Lord Bacon when he was arraigned for corruption as Lord Chancellor in 1621 illustrate the problem .
10 Nevertheless , the probability that early in 1023 Thorkell the Tall was willing to accept one of Ælfgifu 's sons in exchange for his own when he and Cnut were reconciled strongly implies that the boy was openly acknowledged by Cnut .
11 In particular , the 14 departmental select committees established in 1979 shadow the various departments of state such as Industry , Education , Environment but excluding the Lord Chancellor 's Department .
12 In simple shear the shape change is not accompanied by any change in volume .
13 In such work the proportion of numerical to algebraic analysis varies greatly .
14 Areas where soil will still be damaged in 2005 include the Lake and Peak District , the Pennines , Snowdonia , and the southern uplands and south-east highlands of Scotland .
15 In three alter the amounts calculated to read as follows , I hope that we can take that block in three as one since it all follows from what 's gone before .
16 The name of the Association remained a divisive issue within the deaf community and its hearing supporters , but the issue was allowed to smoulder for eighty years until the Delegates Conference in 1960 put the matter back on the agenda with a suggestion that the words " and dumb " should be omitted from the title of the Association .
17 Finally , the judicature Acts in 1873–5 abolish the old Court of Chancery , as they abolish the Common Law Courts and certain other courts , and establish a new court — the High Court of justice — which has all the powers of a Court of Common Law and a Court of Equity , and in which both sets of rules , the rules of Law and the rules of Equity , are administered ; but in which , if there is ‘ conflict or variance ’ between them , the rules of Equity are to prevail .
18 Next time you work something out in rough keep the paper for a week and then look at it again .
19 The Australian army won their first Victoria Cross of the Second World War in a tank battle against Vichy forces near the south Lebanese town of Marjayoun — which would in 1978 become the headquarters of Israel 's local Christian militia — while in the coastal village of Damour , the future Israeli minister of defence , Moshe Dayan , lost his eye to a Vichy French sniper while fighting as a British soldier .
20 The survey carried out by Pannell Kerr Forster and BBC Scotland shows that fewer than three in ten of them understand the Government 's economic policy , while only four in ten think the Government understands business needs .
21 In short apply the means test to wages ’ ( Tribune , 8 July 1938 ) .
22 Only two in five use the time to work .
23 But one large finance house which circulates new customers with literature promoting other loan possibilities reported that one in five pursue the offer no indication that the ‘ loans as loans ’ stage is with us yet , but a tribute to the power of the advertising which could bring it closer .
24 One in five report the rise as ‘ significant ’ and one in two have increased their own prices to cover the extra costs .
25 He can impose his choice because the president is elected not by the voters but by the National Assembly , where the Motherland party still has an ample majority : it holds 290 seats out of 450 Should a party which , judging by the latest test at the polls , is supported by only one voter in five choose the head of state ?
26 Charlie downed in one gulp the tot of rum that was handed out to all the men up and down the trenches just before a battle .
27 In effect , in one step the concept of the turbidity current took us back to the catastrophism of earlier geological thought .
28 We think evolution took place not by sort of hitting in one bang the right answer — that would be like the surgeon moving his scalpel a foot and hitting the right point , but by successive changes , changing one amino acid at a time , each change being a slight improvement on what was there before .
29 Where , in one place the track was lined with trees which stood between the carriage and the sun , she became gratefully aware of the cool shade cast by their dense foliage .
30 The great peace congresses which punctuated the history of the period gave particular scope , by bringing together in one place the representatives of a large number of different States , for disputes of this kind .
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