Example sentences of "in [adj] [noun sg] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Scholes 's case is the more telling in that he is far from being a conservative opponent of all recent developments in theory ; he has written favourably of structuralism , and unsympathetically about fictional realism ( for which , indeed , he has been attacked by Tallis ) , and elsewhere in Textual Power he finds deconstructive reading — as opposed to the theory underlying it — a useful critical method .
2 In wounded puzzlement I had a sudden flashback to the time immediately after Dunkirk , when Leslie had referred to the projected formation of a parachute corps , and to service in it as ‘ absolute certain death ’ in a ‘ suicide squad ’ .
3 Even in normal society it is boring and , after a while , meaningless to trace everything to a common source , especially when the detail is elaborate .
4 In normal fashion we will be staging music in the Live Hall , and the weekend will see performances by some amazing artists .
5 Finally and in total conclusion I must tell you what happened when we took Adam to a specialist to find out if he had a particular familial complaint .
6 When a concerted and invasive effort has been made to find acid fast rods in sarcoid tissue they seem to be present , and acid fast bacteria without cell walls and tuberculostearic acid have also been isolated from lesions of patients with sarcoidosis .
7 In strong wind it was as nimble as one might wish and had exceptional stability at the extreme sides of the wind window .
8 Back in civvy street he landed a job at the Strand Cornerhouse in London ; from there a number of jobs with skilled confectioners allowed him to accumulate the experience needed to go it alone .
9 In civvy street she would have found it hard to find a fellow to chat with and so she likely considered the war a godsend .
10 In a simple case , we might have the following key set : These thirty-four records need only 34 storage positions , but if they were stored in self-indexing form they would take up 359 storage positions , and there would be five gaps of 91 , 1 , 1 , 94 and 138 positions respectively .
11 In professional practice it is the duty of the advocate to call the attention of the court to all decisions that are in any way against the submissions he makes ; but this may not be possible in moot conditions .
12 In broad outline we can designate the Asiatic , the ancient , the feudal , and the modern bourgeois modes of production as progressive epochs in the economic formation of society .
13 Wood will not come to much harm in moist heat below about 140°C. but , of course , in dry heat it will soon crack due to shrinkage .
14 Most awards tend to be hundreds of pounds rather than the tens of thousands in private compensation you read about in the papers — but as Victim Support director Helen Reeves ( pictured above ) points out : ‘ Compensation is an important way of acknowledging that such crime is not acceptable .
15 A long , lean man with an ascetic face , he looked the celibate monk he had always been , but in private conversation he was unpompous , outgoing , witty .
16 Even in private conversation he would explain how his client could not possibly have broken into the house in the way of which he was accused , because he was far too drunk at the time , and so on .
17 In private conversation he told Asquith " I am afraid that I shall have to show myself very vicious Mr Asquith this session .
18 The lesson to be derived was one of moderation : " Not only in the exercise of political power should men of prominence be considerate towards those of low estate , but also in private life they should — if they are sensible — treat their slaves gently .
19 Aloof in temperament , in private life he was pious , charitable , and of a simple way of living .
20 In private life he was very generous , and gave a large sum anonymously to St Edmund Hall , the first £10,000 characteristically arriving in a dirty used envelope .
21 If you were in private accommodation you were noth , you were nothing like so well off .
22 In private practice you could provide services for large , corporate clients , or for private individuals and small businesses .
23 Clare Lawrence ( Mrs Hatcher ) writes , ‘ Since qualifying as a solicitor specialising in corporate and commercial work in private practice I worked in industry 1986- 8 as a Legal Director of Bricom plc .
24 Harry and Fleury conferred about this problem and decided that they would club together and see if they could afford to buy some hermetically sealed provisions when there was an auction , though with the prices that food fetched now in private barter they were not very hopeful .
25 The Report declared that ‘ the country can not afford this wastage , humanly or economically speaking , ’ and therefore ‘ in human justice and in economic self-interest we ought as a country to give that help ’ to working-class youngsters who under-achieve at school .
26 In an imperfect capital market it need not be the same for all firms , and in an economy subject to cyclical fluctuations in economic activity it need not be the same over time .
27 Thirdly , in economic theory it is presumed that any level of output is always produced at the lowest technically feasible cost .
28 In thunderous silence he raced to the traffic lights and had to brake hard as the lights changed .
29 Since jealousy has its roots in emotional insecurity it is these feelings , so often experienced but not recognised , that you must try to treat with sympathy and imagination ; remembering that you , one day , may feel just as your mother-in-law does .
30 Perhaps Elena thought that if she was in sole charge she could make a proper tyrant out of him .
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