Example sentences of "in [adj] [prep] an " in BNC.

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1 But the real start to his career came in 1875 with an appointment as professor of geology and mining at the Imperial College of Engineering , Tokyo .
2 They were in their time incomparably more famous and influential than Marx , whose Capital was described in 1875 by an anonymous German expert as the work of a self-educated man ignorant of the progress of the past twenty-five years .
3 In fact , the reader will seek in vain for an explanation of just how the column-inches in 2 million articles in local American newspapers over 12 years are converted into the 10 ‘ megatrends ’ .
4 One looks in vain for an alternative vision of the State 's role in relation to the arts .
5 He then worked for eighteen months in the Southampton naval works before returning to Glasgow late in 1891 as an assistant lecturer in naval architecture and marine engineering at the university , and it was soon after this that his intensive study of the design of bird-like gliders began .
6 Charles crossed the River Elbe in 789 with an army of Franks , Frisians and Saxons .
7 We plan to replace this machine when funds become available some time in 1993/94 with an upgraded machine .
8 Charles Whiteside , of Tivoli Cottages , Moresby , joined Sekers in 1943 as an apprentice overlooker before becoming shift manager and later production manager .
9 In line with DES directives on admissions , the number of students admitted to teacher-training courses fell from 850 in 1971 to an estimated 240 in 1982–3 .
10 The UDA was formed in 1971 as an umbrella group of Loyalists .
11 The nature of the old system also illustrates the way ‘ notches ’ or ‘ traps ’ are introduced into the pay system in that as an employee moved from , say , £74 to £75 a week , NICs went from 2 to 7 per cent of all income .
12 If so , the law will be the same in their case as in that of an individual , and the statement will be libellous .
13 He considered that ‘ Consent is the act of man , in his character of a rational and intelligent being , not in that of an animal .
14 Caesium-137 for instance can stay in the body of a child for 30-50 days and in that of an adult for 70-100 days .
15 ( Silcott remained in prison , to complete a separate life sentence imposed in 1986 for an unrelated murder committed in 1984 . )
16 Although Iraq had paid some $1,300 million ( or roughly one-half ) of the money for the ships , their delivery had been blocked by the imposition in 1986 of an Italian embargo on lethal weaponry to Iran and Iraq .
17 Lawrence , 41 , who had been elected to the legislature in 1986 after an outstanding academic career , was the first woman ever to hold the office of Australian state premier .
18 He said that the woman , who had been diagnosed as a schizophrenic in 1986 after an attempted arson attack , would probably not be fit to stand trial because of her mental condition .
19 What had been perceived in 1935 as an implicit fascist disease had by 1939 reached epidemic proportions .
20 In the first case , the purchaser had bought a £17,500 house in 1980 with an Abbey National Building Society mortgage .
21 The first signs that neutrinos might oscillate came in 1980 from an experiment by Fred Reines and colleagues at the University of California , Irvine .
22 Palmer , who has n't won since last season 's Asian Classic in Bangkok , came home in 32 for an impressive 68 , while Haeggman had five birdies and an eagle in his 67 .
23 This was discovered in 1925 by an Austrian physicist , Wolfgang Pauli-for which he received the Nobel prize in 1945 .
24 Although ‘ systematization ’ struck many of its critics in the West in 1988–89 as an insane novelty , in fact its roots went back a long way .
25 John Mowlem , founder of the well-known London contractors , was born in 1788 in an ancient cottage at what is now Court Hill .
26 After two years of anxiety , one of the finest seams of steam coal in the world was struck in the Maendy pit , Cwmparc , and the Ocean Collieries Company was set up in 1867 with an authorized capital of £240,000 .
27 The Cottage Illuminated tram was built in 1933 on an old tram to resemble Anne Hathaway 's Cottage .
28 A review of current practice in the assessment of low attainers in mathematics was carried out in 1983–4 as an adjunct to the main project in its first year .
29 It was an order — a rare thing from Therese — and Flavia could not refuse it short of gross discourtesy in public to an older woman and a friend .
30 She was born in 1895 to an army major and his wife and was granddaughter to a field marshal .
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