Example sentences of "in [Wh det] [pers pn] [modal v] " in BNC.

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1 index or database and indicates the form in which they shall be shown ; it thus acts as an authority list for index terms and their form ;
2 The Executive Committee of this party may tender such advice as it deems necessary to the General Committee on the nominations found to be valid , and may suggest to the General Committee the manner in which they shall be dealt with provided that all valid nominations shall be placed before that body for its consideration at an ordinary meeting .
3 In early 1983 , therefore , a somewhat difficult pact was concluded , the so-called ‘ Alliance ’ , between the Liberals and the SDP , in which they would agree to choose one Alliance candidate in the different constituencies , and fight a joint election campaign with Roy Jenkins as leader and putative Prime Minister .
4 It would move councils towards a ‘ sensible pattern of rents ’ , in which they would generally be lower in parts of the country where the value of houses and flats was lower , and higher where the values were relatively high .
5 West Midlands bureaux managers may feel proud at the number of workers who reported that they were very satisfied and could think of no way in which they would do things better .
6 A fast ship was sent to recall de Tourville but fog in the Channel delayed it and the French prepared , all unknowing , for a battle in which they would be seriously outnumbered .
7 These people would not be trained in law ; they would represent the interests , the social groupings and the nature of the community in which they would serve .
8 Although the interviewer stressed that this was a hypothetical situation , in which they would really need to borrow money , 26 per cent spontaneously said that they would on no account even consider borrowing money .
9 Young people were looking forward to a modern China in which they would play an active role .
10 Even now , they were following their own destinies , being drawn towards some Last Battle in which they would stand against things Hawk called the Dark Spirits , whose front man on Earth she recognized as Elder Seth .
11 Thus a course tutor may invite workshop members to identify their own learning needs , to write learning objectives and consider ways in which they would like to learn the new skills or information they need .
12 He envisaged a shift , in line with modern educational thinking , away from a system in which pupils are assessed in relation to each other ( a norm-referenced system ) to one in which they would be assessed in relation to certain pre-specified criteria ( a criterion-referenced system ) .
13 Before the first day of the project , both groups had been given a very general outline of the activities in which they would be involved .
14 The second is that it does not adequately take account of the sad fact of life that health authorities may on occasion find that they have too few resources , either human or material or both , to treat all the patients whom they would like to treat in the way in which they would like to treat them .
15 Growing herbs at random throughout a garden is in some ways the best arrangement — it is , after all , the way in which they would grow naturally — and species and varieties will be found that are happy on the rock garden , by the water , in bedding schemes , or as underplantings to tall perennials , shrubs and trees .
16 At the appropriate times of the year , caged migrant birds regularly hop in the direction relative to the sun in which they would normally migrate .
17 She scraped them carefully and put them in a steel pan , covering them with the bottled still water in which they would be boiled , thereby retaining the vitamin C which would otherwise have been poured down the sink .
18 In this example , No. 3 is the same as No. 1 , but it is easy to imagine many circumstances in which they would be different in practice .
19 None the less , it seems likely that the course of studies was so arranged that the students would pass through the same grades of medreses as those in which they would later teach : such would in any case seem to have been the practice in later times .
20 Sometimes he played games , drawing the assassins into verbal battles in which they would confess .
21 2 ( a ) List the following documents in the order in which they would arise in a business transaction and state the purpose of each document :
22 She flew into a rage and vowed she would not accept Silas 's ring until he 'd evicted that bossy , domineering woman from the house in which they would begin their married life . ’
23 In short , they should establish the kind of position in which they would wish to see themselves at the end of that period .
24 The member countries of the European Free Trade Association ( EFTA ) were seeking establishment of a wider European economic space ( EEC ) in which they would have a " close and structured partnership " with the EC [ see p. 37535 ] , although it remained possible that other EFTA member countries besides Austria would opt to seek full EC membership .
25 This definition would make central to pragmatics a notion of appropriateness or felicity : ( 14 ) Pragmatics is the study of the ability of language users to pair sentences with the contexts in which they would be appropriate Such a definition should have a nice ring to it , from the point of view of those who wish to place pragmatics on a par with other aspects of linguistic inquiry .
26 With the exception of Evaluation , the categories listed above are arranged in the sequence in which they would occur in a typical oral narrative .
27 Er now let me ask the Planners whether they see that as the way in which they would be trying to operate this policy through the local plan .
28 Later that afternoon the duty sergeant allowed him an hour off to dig the grave in which they would bury Private Prescott .
29 Jobbers often faced one-way markets in which they would either have to buy a greater number of shares than they had sold ( go ‘ long ’ ) or they had bought ( go ‘ short ’ ) .
30 As soon as any outbreak of violence , however mild , occurs in society , then damage is done , if it 's only to the social fabric of society , because one or two people can not go about their business , can not go about their pleasure , in the way in which they would wish to .
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