Example sentences of "in [det] [pos pn] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Nationalised industries usually have an advantage against their ‘ sponsoring ’ ministry in that their management is more continuous than that of ministers and mandarins , but this was not the case for Citrine .
2 Continuously varying traits differ from Mendel 's peas in that their variation is probably controlled by a large number of genes , and by environmental differences too .
3 There are many cases of conversion of documents which are intrinsically valueless but have a value in that their possession confers rights on the holder .
4 Organisms , then , are like vortices in that their structure is maintained by a flow of energy , but the complexity of that structure is controlled by stable replicating molecules .
5 Most are basically uncoordinated in that their planning probably represents the outcome of good fortune or minimal management .
6 ‘ Could we ? ’ both Leith and Sebastian asked together , the idea of renting accommodation swiftly tossed aside , as it quickly sank in that their father , trustee to the considerable amount of money left to them by his father , seemed prepared to use his discretionary right and let them have it now .
7 They 'll be saying , Do you remember a a big fat woman living in that their house , with a white apron running after us .
8 With reference to Genette 's definition they are exceptional in that their object texts are not only other ‘ noble ’ works of literature but quotations from scholars , product labels , radio broadcasts , advertisements , propaganda slogans , and various other ‘ public texts ’ or textual objets trouvés .
9 They made a conscious decision not to deal with the new carpet superstores , largely because profit margins would be so low in that their bulk purchasing power made them able to demand low margins .
10 The effect on the indigenous peoples has been debilitating in that their loss of faith in , for example , indigenous medicine has been combined with a realization of the ineffectiveness of western medicine in treating psychosomatic illness .
11 Down are going through something of an identity crisis in that their form fluctuates wildly from week to week .
12 She was fortunate in that her income came from a family trust fund , so Ralph had never been able to get his hands on the capital .
13 As Benazir Bhutto was sworn in the news came in that her choice for speaker had been elected in Punjab .
14 This class maintains the smooth running of the social order and economic system , but differs from the dominant bourgeois class in that its wealth is not derived from capital .
15 A whole series of arguments against correctionalism can be discerned , originating from various sources , but all gaining impetus in the 1960s and early 1970s : the corrective stance was seen as being inappropriate to an academic discipline in that its partiality had the effect of distorting the nature and appearance of the phenomena it was studying ; it was seen as neglecting the possibility that crime may have positive qualities and consequences ; correctionalism was seen as having led to the violation of fundamental human rights and principles of justice in its single-minded quest for efficient crime control .
16 The fluorite structure ( see figure 3.27 ) differs from those described above in that its stoichiometry is AB2 and also in that it has two different coordination numbers — and 4 .
17 What is usually glossed over is the fact that , in the process , democracy came to be " liberalised " in that its radical and egalitarian ideals were softened so that , in practice , democratic politics worked within the prevailing system of power in economy and society .
18 Brooke-Rose distinguishes her novel from the plethora of ‘ fiction about the writing of fiction ’ in that its purpose is to play with ‘ the reader 's habit of trusting the reliable narrator ’ ( 1976k:4–5 ) .
19 If he countenanced a philosophy of sadism , it was the more dangerous in that its stimulus was closely allied to puritan susceptibilities .
20 This gastropod is unusual in that its aperture lies on its left-hand side , not on the right as in most other species .
21 The discourse of ‘ diagnosis ’ represents a coercive use of metaphor in that its aim is to replicate itself faithfully in the conceptual idiolect of all people .
22 This concept of a line of infinite length has a remarkable property in that its detail is unaffected by a change of scale .
23 It is one of the ‘ true ’ whales in that its mouth is furnished with plates of baleen ( whalebone ) through which it filters the water from the shoaling small fish on which it feeds .
24 We call him ‘ gangling Chang ’ to distinguish him from the other Changs , because he is tall , thin , loose-limbed , and is ready to laugh about anything , although it appears he has some family problems in that his wife is away and his baby son is ill .
25 He was fortunate in that his choice of subjects and his robust story-telling were perfectly in tune with his reading public .
26 He also accuses Althusser of covert ‘ idealism ’ in that his structuralism in effect denies the genuine role of the economy in constraining legal and ideological forms .
27 He receives for his employment a take home pay of seventy three pounds per week , he lives with his parents and pays a board of twenty pounds per week he 's fortunate in that his employer takes him to work in the mornings but he has to catch the bus home in the evening and at lunchtime on Saturdays which costs him seven pounds forty .
28 He 's fortunate in that his employer takes him to work in the mornings but he has to catch the bus home in the evening and a at lunchtime on Saturdays which costs him seven pounds forty .
29 And the then Secretary of State for Health , Kenneth Clarke was involved in that his department granted the authorizations .
30 Finally , A could attempt to prove that C was contributorily negligent in that his fault was a cause of his injuries .
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