Example sentences of "in [noun prp] [adj] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Although in the end a good many men were taxed on wages , a number in Kerrier hundred initially had goods worth £2 , making the true overall percentage of labouring people a fairly normal 36.6 , almost the same as in Devonshire .
2 That could push the United States , with a pre-invasion force of about 13,000 troops in Panama responsible solely for protecting the canal , into the unwanted role of a long-term army of occupation .
3 NURI ‘ ABD AL-KARIM LAYEDH MUHAMMAD , a 62-year-old driver , and his two sons SABAH and ‘ ABD AL-KARIM : Iraqi nationals resident in Kuwait , they were ‘ disappeared ’ in March 1991 shortly after Iraqi forces withdrew from Kuwait .
4 In March 1991 both children were put on the child protection register , E. because of physical abuse and C. because of suspicion of physical abuse .
5 The convictions in those cases were overturned in October 1989 , in June 1990 and in March 1991 respectively after the forensic tests were discredited ( see pp. 36983 ; 37536 ; 38111 ) .
6 Relations between the two had been severed in March 1987 following Tunisian accusations that Iran was supporting Islamic groups opposed to the then President Habib Bourguiba .
7 A situation report from Hesse in March 1936 expressly mentions the opinion , allegedly widely held among the population in the area , though undoubtedly reflecting above all the views of Party activists , ‘ that the Führer had for outward appearances to ban individual actions against the Jews in consideration of foreign policy , but in reality was wholly in agreement that each individual should continue on his own initiative the fight against Jewry in the most rigorous and radical form ’ .
8 After wintering in London on they travelled in March 1572 up-country to Lancaster and from thence across the first part of the Morecambe Bay sands to their stop-over with the Prestons at Holker .
9 The newest Object was passed as a Resolution at the Special Delegate Conference held in March 1993 i.e. ‘ To establish equality of opportunity for all members within the Association and also in the workplace ’ .
10 The proposal passed its first and second readings in the European Parliament with minimal amendments , and was adopted in March 1993 substantially upon the lines of the text published in July 1992 .
11 At a fateful meeting in March 1982 even the manager of the wave energy programme , Clive Grove-Palmer , was deliberately excluded .
12 A request for military aid against Flanders from Philip the Fair in March 1304 certainly met with Edward 's support : twenty ships were promised .
13 National Democratic Congress ( NDC , centrist , Nicholas Brathwaite l. ) formed a government in March 1990 following an offer of support from Ben Jones , the leader of The National Party ( TNP ) .
14 Mr Morton was headhunted by Eurotunnel from a minor financial services group , Guinness Peat , in Febuary 1987 specifically to deal with another such crisis .
15 Peter de Neville lost his wardenship , and in February 1272 both he and his son Theobald were still in prison charged with these offences .
16 However , on 4 October 1987 , Barrie Penrose , a very experienced journalist with the Sunday Times , identified these two as Michael Randle and Pat Pottle , members of the left-wing radical group , the Committee of 100 , not CND , and in February 1962 both were sent to prison for 18 months for offences under the Official Secrets Act .
17 Eventually , Eden resigned in February 1938 allegedly as a result of Chamberlain 's attempt to make an agreement with the Italians without informing him , although Carlton puts the ball firmly in Eden 's court , suggesting that ‘ Essentially … his departure sprang from an unwillingness to treat with Mussolini . ’
18 By the time the contract is completed in February 1994 over 10,000 cubic metres of concrete , 3000 tons of structure steelwork , 500 items of mechanical plant , 44km of pipe , 30 tanks and vessels , and a new conveyor system at the Port of Aquaba , 200km south , will have been put into place .
19 [ For house arrest of Singh and Koirala in February 1990 following pro-democracy demonstration see p. 37247 ; for mass arrests of opposition activists in September 1989 see p. 37008 . ]
20 When convocation met in December 1373 even the prelates were alienated from the crown , or at least from Gaunt and those who carried on the government in the king 's name : the attempt to levy an unprecedented tax of £50,000 in 1371 had aroused great resentment , aggravated in the next year when , in an effort to speed its collection , all the bishops of the southern province had their temporalities seized .
21 Group financial accountant Tony Hall told ACCOUNTANCY that a decision to use the direct method was taken back in December 1991 so that adequate time could be devoted to making the necessary analyses .
22 In the last BT sale in December 1991 only eight organisations volunteered to set up shops , which provided low-cost , no-frills share dealing .
23 Yet it was privately admitted in Washington that American interests might suffer if British and Commonwealth forces ultimately failed to contain the Indonesian threat , and in December 1964 both governments agreed to acknowledge the importance of each other 's military efforts " in support of legitimate governments in South-East Asia , particularly in Malaysia and South Vietnam " .
24 HUMOUR is a personal thing as the Hippodrome comic 's pub crawl demonstrates but in December 1904 much of Darlington was chuckling about the way fate dealt a cruel blow to J F Latimer .
25 The amendments agreed in December 1988 duly provided that while the Council of the Union should concentrate upon economic , diplomatic and other matters affecting the USSR as a whole , the Council of Nationalities should particularly concern itself with the interests of all ethnic groups within the framework of the Soviet multinational state .
26 He has a habit of playing in at least the inaugural event held on one of his lay-outs and in December 1988 fully intended to play in the Austrian Open of 1989 .
27 Kuusinen 's report to the XIII Plenum of the ECCI in December 1933 still spoke of " the hypocritical and treacherous sophistries of social democracy " .
28 All the aircraft had been returned to service in December 1990 following V. P. Singh 's resignation in November and his replacement by Chandra Shekhar [ see p. 37854 ] .
29 The law enacted in January 1957 still governs in 1990 the operations of the agency .
30 The military itself was subject to serious unrest in January 1991 following new appointments by Gen. Luis Alonso Discua , the new C.-in-C. of the armed forces , who was known to be more moderate than his predecessor Gen. Arnulfo Cantarero López , who resigned in December 1990 .
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