Example sentences of "in [noun pl] [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He picked up a groin injury during his heroic performance in Lions colours in France and , with exhaustion probably exacerbating his condition , he makes way for David Thresher in the second row .
2 Alan Pretty , a team leader in personnel services at Lincolnshire SSD , believes it is very much a management move and is not for social workers who want to continue in the caring role .
3 Clearly , the computer provided the ideal way to process the mass of information contained in personnel records in offices and depots all over the United Kingdom .
4 It would certainly be unwise to argue that in this respect there has been any fundamental change in personnel practices in recent years .
5 In Times Newspapers v.
6 This is now going on in accounts departments throughout the country and we aim to drive the level of the problem right down . ’
7 Using transactions data for the MMI for 1986 , Swinnerton , Curcio and Bennett ( 1988 ) found that the change in futures prices over the last five minutes had some predictive power for the change in the index over the next five minutes .
8 The pricing model for options on futures contracts developed by Black ( 1976 ) contains the variance of the percentage changes in futures prices as a parameter .
9 In particular , this business includes dealings in futures contracts with a nominal contract value of £500,000 if the qualifying conditions are met .
10 However , this is not relevant to dealings in futures contracts by SFA members ; the exemption ( in para 17(4) ) only applies if the firm is not authorised under the FSA and , as an SFA member , it will be .
11 To clarify this situation , all futures trades ( investment and trading ) conducted after 26 July 1990 by pension funds and authorized unit trusts were exempted from taxation ; and this has encouraged these institutions to participate in futures markets to a greater extent than previously .
12 To handle these matters , there is at Wilton a team which is as smart as any in the City of London , and operates in futures markets in the same way .
13 This paper emphasises some of the findings and lessons learned during early KBS work at British Airways and describes the value the approach has given to the shaping of current work being carried out in KBS applications for aircraft maintenance .
14 A wide range of sources has been sifted to reconstruct the changing ideas and goals of the masses : private correspondence and letters to the press , contemporary reports in the metropolitan and local press and the myriad publications put out by the new organizations which sprang to life after February , memoirs and official reports , conference protocols and records of the countless resolutions passed in grass-roots meetings in the villages , at the factory gate , in soldiers ' committees and local soviets .
15 Thus , intradermal injection in animals results in plasma exudation and massive neutrophil infiltration .
16 Le Page and Tabouret-Keller write : As the individual speaks he [ sic ] is seen as always using language with reference to the inner models of the universe he has constructed for himself ; he projects in words images of that universe ( or , of those universes ) on to the social screen , and these images may be more or less sharply focussed , or more or less diffuse , in relation to each other or in relation to those projected by others in their interaction with him …
17 Thus it has been observed that ‘ it remains unclear whether the abolition of corporal punishment in schools results from a spread of child-centred views or not : references to parents ' rather than children 's rights to decide school policies make such interpretation doubtful ’ .
18 After early education in Stirling , Dalmeny , and Musselburgh , he enrolled in arts classes at Edinburgh University in 1822 .
19 We still have to travel in guards vans like parcels , and are denied mobility in most forms of transport .
20 It was intended that with effect from Sept. 1 a " privatization account " worth 30,000 kupony ( coupons ) would be opened in savings banks for each citizen .
21 BCE Inc says it is ready to invest about $1,600m in telecommunications activities over the next five years in Asia , Latin America and Eastern Europe , and is interested in wireline privatisations , investment in wireless cellular licenses and joint ventures in both in different countries in those regions ; it has active negotiations with Mexico , India and Moscow for cellular licence investments , and is Cable & Wireless Plc 's partner in Mercury Communications Ltd ; BCE president L R Wilson also criticised Canada 's ‘ uncertain and confused ’ telecommunications regulatory framework , describing it as BCE 's biggest challenge , and calling for change ; at the annual meeting , he hit out at the policies of the Canadian Radio television & Telecommunications Commission , saying it is too slow in considering new products , services and rates — ‘ To be truly competitive , we need government policy and a regulatory framework which is clear , responsive and internationally relevant , ’ he said .
22 After leaving Richmond School , he gained a degree in sports studies at Newcastle Polytechnic .
23 Several schools also had a Wolf Cub pack , many of which excelled in sports meetings against other Wolf Cub packs .
24 The shoe is now available in sports shops around the country .
25 This year it includes a series of extravaganzas in sports centres at Omagh , Craigavon , Lisburn and Ballymena and the distribution of a booklet telling children how they can take up a sport .
26 This great expansion is to be explained by newly available resources — available in Lorraine because of the Thomas process , in Scandinavia because of railway-building — a fall in costs thanks to a better transport network , the development of integrated plants and improvements in fuel technology .
27 The orphans say they were beaten with straps , paddles and fists , sexually and psychologically abused , restrained in strait-jackets weeks at a time , plunged into ice water , lashed to beds .
28 The second point of note is that in places hollows in the ground were bridged on low piers , rather than filled , the more usual and cheaper method .
29 The last years of Henry VII had been a prosperous period for the port — the average annual sum paid in customs dues from 1504 to 1509 was over £10,000 , and in the early years of Henry VIII a group of merchants had maintained voyages to Brazil .
30 At present , only goods imported from outside the Community that are liable to Customs duties may be stored in Customs warehouses without immediate payment of those duties and the related import VAT .
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