Example sentences of "in [adj] [noun pl] you " in BNC.

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1 In normal circumstances you would know this or be able to find it out , but this is still only a short case study and we have n't included it .
2 Now , there are good reasons why we might want to do that , but in economic terms you 'll reduce the net welfare of the economy , or the world simply because you 're diverting resources away from efficient modes of production into inefficient modes of production .
3 So in literal terms you have , you 've given me , among all flowers of the world , the flower of the rose is chief and beareth the prize , or and bears the prize , because obviously the erm , suffix for the third person singular is going to be , you 're going to use the modern version .
4 Ms Penumbra is n't the only one with friends in high places you know . ’
5 I mean , I do I do take your point about the culture , and it and it 's it is a significant issue , which will take some time , I mean , probably wi with your experience in Social Services you 'll know that a substantial number of directors of Social Services are in fact female , and maybe one of the questions that we have to ask at a senior level is , our s senior erm , chief officers , erm , the fact that we 've got no woman , chief officer , and it may well be because now that we 've got an equal opportunities policy , that we may get applications from erm , very able women who see that we have got a clear commitment to equal opportunities demonstrated in this paper .
6 Now in social sciences you very rarely get a correlation coefficient going about point six or seven , very unusual .
7 In public relations you 'll have to make friends with this powerful force and master it .
8 If you want to be successful in public relations you must be literate , articulate and numerate and have a flair with words .
9 In run-of-the-mill performances you often find yourself lamenting the absence of Lerner and Loewe 's songs from My Fair Lady , but in this detailed , absorbing production , Shaw 's verbal music is enough .
10 In medieval times you would have been a Sanguine , Melancholy , Choleric or Phlegmatic type .
11 In similar circumstances you are , therefore , more likely to come forward with ideas again .
12 There 's nobody in this room who could n't win a sprint race against a sumo wrestler now , without any practice , even in stockinged feet you could do it .
13 If you live in separate districts you must apply to both the registrars of both districts .
14 Deeper hard pans require more drastic operations such as double digging ; in established gardens you may prefer to delay the upheaval until each area affected is due for renewal and replanting .
15 By setting realistic goals and tackling your weight control programme in easy steps you will learn to control your eating behaviour in a way that pleases and satisfies you .
16 So in real terms you were getting nothing .
17 Here in sophisticated surroundings you can wine , dine and dance , or simply enjoy a pleasant lunch or good dinner .
18 Can I just say er , in in primary schools you 've got to catch the children young , but you never hear of any of the mothers taking the football teams it 's always one of the fathers !
19 In non-ELT materials you can look for situations which are likely to feature highly predictable language : scenes set in restaurants or shops , at parties , the reception desk or the dining table can sometimes be picked out of a longer programme and used in isolation to give an example of particular language functions in operation .
20 Whereas London cabaret bills tend to be filled with straight stand-up acts , in provincial gigs you are more likely to be put on with local bands , cringe-worthy performance poets , or singer-songwriters wielding acoustic guitars .
21 This is very important because once you start to perceive yourself in negative terms you will probably start to act in a negative way , being quarrelsome and finally looking to food for comfort .
22 In extreme cases you could even face prosecution .
23 In surgical wards you will often have to care for people who display anxiety .
24 I think it is fair to say that in practical terms you are likely to get substantial life out of the tool before the original battery is spent , perhaps several years .
25 It seems important that I should have links , in developing links you ought to see that as part of our agenda .
26 ‘ It strikes me that in new clothes you could be highly presentable .
27 Meeting Thomas reminded me that human relations do n't have to be like this , that in other countries you open your account in credit , and unless you squander that goodwill by behaving like a complete arsehole , the mutual warmth continues to grow with every subsequent encounter , as though it were natural for human beings to get on together .
28 The " I am lay " is a very old ritual that in other countries you can only read about in history books . "
29 In other Authorities you may have whole research and policy sections in the particularly departments , like a housing research and policy section .
30 Some employers provide lunch for you ; in other cases you will be expected to fend for yourself , like any other worker !
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