Example sentences of "in [art] [noun pl] before " in BNC.

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1 In the scenes before battle Hal and Westmoreland address Falstaff in affectionate prose ( IV.ii.49ff. ) , and on the eve of battle Hal still shares that medium with his old crony ( V.i.121ff . ) .
2 Apparently , in the movements before a 360 ° loop the board is headed into the wind so that it takes off from the wave at an oblique angle .
3 ONE still finds it difficult to believe that the International Rugby Football Board will abandon any of the experimental variations in the laws before the Lions ' forthcoming tour .
4 A royal pardon was granted to all men outlawed for such offences before the king 's coronation in 1216 , and also for all assarts , purprestures and waste in the forests before then .
5 if it shall appear by the record of the books , rolls and memoranda of his court , or by ancient perambulations , or by any other sufficient evidence , that any royal demesnes , or lands or woods which were in the forests before the time of Henry II , had been excluded by the late perambulations , then they shall be re-afforested .
6 Crushed flint was used mainly in the manufacture of superior earthenware , which was being made in the Potteries before china and porcelain .
7 You will know how many rows there should be to the inch ( centimetre ) , all you need to do is to work a number of rows less than given in the instructions before finishing the sleeve .
8 It is thought that those who occupied the Malvern hill forts may have herded their cattle down the Worcestershire drove-ways to pasture them on Longdon Marsh in the summers before the Roman conquest .
9 Cool in the basins before turning out .
10 Ironically I was also third in the trials before Paris , but was sent that time and , as I have said , did better than the other two . ’
11 and my father was in the woods before the war and they , he , he looked after the woods and cut the trees down and everything and then they were sent
12 Earlier today police mounted a reconstruction of what they believe happened in the seaside town 's Upper Main Street in the hours before the terrorist explosion .
13 The court has been today hearing evidence from witnesses building up a picture of what the who defendants were doing in the hours before the alleged abduction of James Bolger .
14 SPRINTERS must also be single-minded fellows who blank out their own family in the minutes before the gun .
15 A hatch in the floor-plates before him irised open , revealing a shaft ; up from which rose a steel framework suspending within it a transparent clingtight one-piece tunic elegantly embroidered with fine silvery wires so that an exposed human nervous system seemed to be hanging there , a semicollapsed anatomy of nerves .
16 Once upon a time Shrove Tuesday was a holiday and there was feasting and fun in the streets before the quiet days of Lent .
17 Leave to cool slightly in the tin(s) before turning out and transferring to a wire rack to cool completely .
18 Another more elusive contribution by labouring people to the literature of the time can be identified in David Foxon 's English Verse 1701–1750 ; a large number of verses were published pertaining to occupational or craft concerns in the decades before Duck 's appearance .
19 Albert Funnel , a child in Brighton in the 1900s , evokes the long shadow of the workhouse over the lives of the elderly in the decades before Old Age Pensions :
20 In the decades before Emancipation only a few isolated individuals had carried dissent to the point of revolutionary commitment .
21 In his contribution to the present volume , the distinguished Soviet historian , Leonid Goryushkin , has added fresh insights to the body of literature on nineteenth and early twentieth-century peasant migration patterns by demonstrating how these reflected the fluctuating social , economic and political policies of the late tsarist regime and by analysing their impact on the agrarian economy and village industries of Siberia in the decades before the first World War .
22 Daunton asks the searching question : ‘ did the private market as it existed in the decades before the First World War fall , or was it pushed ? ’
23 Amid the clippings , I find a snapshot of myself sitting on top of a Syrian T-54 battle tank on the Beirut front line at Galerie Semaan ; another photograph taken by Zoheir Saade of the Associated Press shows Ed Cody of the AP and myself standing with Syrian troops in the mountains before the 1976 advance on Beirut .
24 One night when his parents were out David returned to the scene ; as expected everything was quiet not even a walker with a dog was passing through , David cautiously approached the old hut , he peered through a crack in the battens before going round to the door which to his surprise was ajar .
25 Thus , although the age at death is not recorded in the indexes before 1866 , it does appear on the actual certificates right from the beginning of the system in 1837 .
26 As a result , the Labour party was organizationally weak in the Dukeries before the 1950s , and had no base on which to mobilize electoral support through grass roots activity .
27 They will cast down the kingdoms of men and dwell in the ruins before the last day dawns and Chaos swallows the world .
28 There was no dispute in the proceedings before the judge , nor is there now , that the appellants were served with that notice of motion , as they had been earlier with the notice of the order made by the deputy judge .
29 Reference is made to the report for the hearing for a fuller account of the facts in the proceedings before the national court , the course of the procedure and the written observations submitted to the Court of Justice , which are mentioned or discussed hereinafter only in so far as is necessary for the reasoning of the court .
30 He used his star players to give chamber recitals , and others to play in the foyers before performances .
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