Example sentences of "in [noun sg] [prep] example " in BNC.

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1 Thus , it is not surprising that interaction between the two can result in cumulative movements in income for example , if income is rising at an increasing rate , both investment and consumption will be rising , causing further rises in income in the next period .
2 In addition to example 4.4 , Forms 12 and 13 contain examples of rents based on turnover .
3 Members of the first family , which includes crocodiles , alligators and caymans , all have very much the same appearance , though naturally there are differences , in dentition for example .
4 So in mine for example , C er , is er , public courses , D is marketing , E are in-house courses , and F are computers .
5 Staverman and co-workers ( 1956 ) paid particular attention to approximations to the solution of the integral equations used in the exact theory , since , experimentally , observations can only be made over limited periods of time ( in creep for example ) or limited frequency ranges ( in dynamic methods ) whereas the exact theory of linear viscoelasticity requires the use of infinite integrals .
6 Did you check their tenancy agreement , because it was a pretty Machiavellian , Dickensian tenancy agreement , if you 're found smoking in bed for example , you were out the next morning , those sort of things , and I think you really ought to look at that very carefully .
7 Aid to Indo-China meant accepting French assurances that Vietnam would become a free state but if doubts occurred , in Congress for example , there was the sheet anchor of general resistance to communism and , in the case of China , and as the influential Congressman Walter Judd explained , a belief that China was the original domino and that Malaya , Indonesia , the Philippines and even India would not be able to resist communist pressure for long .
8 In iceland for example some 70% of the country 's energy needs are met from geothermal sources .
9 Programs chosen must also be relevant to the subject matter studied by pupils and not artificially inserted into the curriculum The software must relate directly to the way in which the sub being taught in a particular school and one disadvantage of generally produced software , in history for example , is that it may be rely in one school but not in another .
10 Even within disciplines there are differences as to how , in sociology for example , the " social " itself should be conceptualised .
11 At the same time , late nineteenth-century American petit-bourgeois music culture still retained ‘ progressive ’ elements , unlike its European equivalent , which by then was mostly intent on hedonistic quiescence ; and the active , energetic components of this anti-elitist , common-man tradition ( in vaudeville for example ) fed through into early Tin Pan Alley song where they formed an uneasy synthesis with the tendency to conservative mass-production stereotypes .
12 It is important to remember , however , that deictic and anaphoric usages are not mutually exclusive , as was remarked in connection with example ( 40 ) above .
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