Example sentences of "in [noun sg] [verb] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In the absence of either methanogenic bacteria or sulphate reducing bacteria in the colon , H 2 accumulates in excessive quantities and this may be an important factor in pneumatosis cystoides intestinalis .
2 The statement by Adam Smith that businessmen 's meetings , even for ‘ merriment and diversion ’ , usually end up in connivance to restrict competition , is often quoted , but the sentence which follows it is equally perceptive : ‘ It is impossible indeed to prevent such meetings , by any law which either could be executed , or would be consistent with liberty and justice . ’
3 1 tin anchovy fillets , soaked in milk to reduce saltiness
4 In decision making lack of adequate time means that you will make choices without sufficient thought for the consequences .
5 Some sharedealing and futures dealing firms that are no longer in existence paid commission of over half all monies received from clients .
6 Thirty of Germany 's best-known film-makers , including Wenders , Schlöndorff and Werner Herzog , put their names to an advertisement in Variety expressing regret at the decision , writing of ‘ the special responsibility the past imposes on us ’ .
7 the measurement used in typesetting to express quality of output .
8 Like advertising erm language , you know like erm , any courses that you study most of the text books will always be in in male identified language .
9 The sight of horses in harness hauling timber was commonplace fifty years ago .
10 Unlike in trial based research , the subject could be harmed but can not benefit and therefore , unlike in trial based research , there is potential conflict between advancing knowledge and ensuring the safety of the individual .
11 Unlike in trial based research , the subject could be harmed but can not benefit and therefore , unlike in trial based research , there is potential conflict between advancing knowledge and ensuring the safety of the individual .
12 Here there is a tendency in contract to do justice and in crime to be merciful .
13 Obviously further work needs to be done in this area , and long-term studies now in progress using antiplatelet agents such as aspirin and dipyridamole need to be evaluated for possible protective effects on the development of microvascular and macrovascular disease in diabetic subjects .
14 One of the examples of work in progress discusses research that has been carried out for the European Commission as part of the CORINE Project .
15 Although the Scottish Office would not say how far supplies exceeded MACs for lead , at least 17 schemes were in progress to reduce lead in water that would not be completed until as late as 1992 .
16 Research is in progress to modify crop plants genetically to make them yield more than one product .
17 There is little doubt that changes in teaching took place .
18 Several features of the older age groups which are currently taken for granted , including the predominance of women and the stereotype of the elderly spinster , in part reflect cohort effects ; future generations are unlikely to display these trends to the same degree .
19 But previous studies have demonstrated increased root respiration rates and faster root turnover associated with higher soil temperature , and we believe that higher soil temperatures at the southern forest act in part to accelerate maintenance costs and mortality rates throughout the entire system of fine , absorbing roots .
20 In the United States high mortality from sudden infant death syndrome among black infants has been attributed only in part to lower birth weight and socioeconomic disadvantage .
21 This work has been carried out by water authorities , internal drainage boards , and many councils , in part to reduce flooding of roads and houses , but largely to increase farm yields .
22 The aim of the ‘ new ’ hospital was in part to lessen overcrowding in the other twenty mental hospitals of the region , from which referrals would be taken , and in part to develop specialist methods of treatment for those who did not get better under ordinary therapeutic regimes .
23 The HNC in Computer Aided Engineering
24 The results of an MSC-funded Local Collaborative Project , investigating the training needs of the local electronics industry and completed in 1986 , highlighted the need in Fife to train and retrain engineers and technicians in hybrid skills and the techniques involved in Computer Aided Engineering .
25 At the time that these discussions were taking place , SCOTVEC had embarked upon its Advanced Courses Development Programme , and the college therefore seized the opportunity to meet these local training needs by submitting a proposal for a unitised HNC in Computer Aided Engineering .
26 Early versions of AutoCad , the market leader in Computer Aided Design ( CAD ) , and many other comparable products , have been justifiably criticised for being difficult to learn .
27 It is argued that the contribution that the technicians make to the industry will be severely limited due to their lack of training in computer aided design .
28 Over 95 per cent of graduates in agriculture obtain employment before the end of the year in which they graduate and most students have offers of jobs before taking their final exams .
29 Of interest two metabolic steps are involved in platelet activating factor biosynthesis : first , PLA 2 acts on choline-containing membrane alkyl-phospholipds resulting in the production of lyso platelet activating factor — that is , 1–0-alkly- sn -glycero-3-phosphocholine ; and , second , this lyso platelet activating factor compound is acetylated by an acetyltransferase to yield a biologically active platelet activating factor molecule .
30 Two metabolic steps play a part in platelet activating factor biosynthesis : firstly , phospholipase A 2 acts on membrane choline containing alkyl phospholipids such as alkyl-acyl-glycerophosphocholine ( AAGPC ) resulting in the production of lyso platelet activating factor , that is — 1-O-alkyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine ; secondly , this lyso platelet activating factor is acetylated by an acetyltransferase to yield the biologically active molecule .
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