Example sentences of "to avail [pn reflx] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It is useful to avail ourselves of the general habit of personifying the law and talking of what it requires , permits , claims , authorizes , etc .
2 There is help available : we all need at some stage to avail ourselves of it .
3 Well , having had to avail ourselves of the help of the officer who got rid of our gigantic wasp nest , I should like to say what a superb job they do , but I just wondered in view of the tremendous number , whether there is some kind of way of preventions .
4 A refugee is ‘ a person who , owing to a well-founded fear of persecution for reasons of race , religion , membership of a particular social group or political opinion , is outside the country of his nationality and is unable or , owing to such fear , unwilling to avail himself of the protection of that country ’ , according to the United Nations 1951 Convention and 1967 Protocol Relating to the Status of Refugees .
5 Certainly nothing would be gained if action was taken under s.92(1) ( d ) of the Public Health Act 1936 , as the defendant would be able to avail himself of the defence of best practicable means provided by s.94(5) of the Public Health Act 1936 .
6 His deafness debarred him from lectures , and he was unable to avail himself of the help of tutors , but he persevered and he graduated in 1911 , overnight becoming front-page news as the only deaf man ( then ) to achieve the academic distinction of Master of Arts of Cambridge University .
7 But the needs of his body , so long suppressed , caused him to avail himself of her a second time , and towards the end he felt himself impregnate her .
8 Such a riposte would not , however , be available to a defender of the interpretation of quantum mechanical measurement presently under consideration , supposing him to wish to avail himself of it .
9 And , a definition of the excellent guest , one who keeps promises given during the hospitality : as well as giving the lad his own Sallust , Johnson promised to create the introductions by which young MacAulay could enter university , and he kept his word , although the boy eventually chose not to avail himself of it .
10 Living at a time when the value of works of art in the market was one of taste and appreciation rather than of mere commerce , he was able to avail himself of an ample fortune to buy the finest specimens of the Fine Arts which came into the market . ’
11 A person who was swept along by the crowd ( in a literal bodily sense ) , or who encountered unexpected barriers when attempting to comply with police conditions , would be able to avail himself of this defence .
12 The sultan , however , refused to avail himself of this " Vienna Note " , on the grounds that it required him to make too many concessions .
13 In that case , it was logical to assume that Guy Sterne had decided at the last minute to avail himself of his unexpectedly empty villa for an impromptu break in the sun .
14 As to whether , and if so how , Parliament cares to avail itself of this opportunity , the Act is silent .
15 Arata Isozaki/James Stewart Polshek , consulting architects for the Master Plan , gutted the four-and-a-half-story wing , creating 30,000 square feet of new gallery space , but the museum has been unable to avail itself of its newfound riches .
16 The unfairness of such a result is compounded by the fact that , as a litigant , [ the defendant ] would be able to avail itself of the … procedures against plaintiffs .
17 If you feel that , over the years , you might wish to avail yourself of some loans for home improvement , a new car , or some major item of expenditure , then you really do need to keep favour with a bank .
18 Gaining New Clients — How to avail yourself of the opening of all public contracts to businesses throughout the Community .
19 If you would like to avail yourself of this invitation you may do so by giving your names to either Mrs. Hughes , No. 97 , or Mrs. Henry , No. 107 before December 16th .
20 ‘ If you wish to avail yourself of the bathroom facilities , feel free .
21 Other examples of applications of high energy technology to agriculture and stock-rearing , such as deep boreholes in semi-arid areas are discussed by Cliffe and Moorsom ( 1979 ) , and Kassapu ( 1979 ) , where it becomes even more difficult for those with dwindling resources to avail themselves of soil conserving and yield enhancing new technologies .
22 During the strike , there were allegations that the police used binding-over orders in cases which they knew could never result in convictions but in which they wanted to avail themselves of the opportunity for the imposition of bail conditions which they knew such a charge would give them ( Christian , 1985 : 133 ) .
23 The extension of legal aid after the 1939–45 war was bound to affect the numbers of people able to avail themselves of this service .
24 An abatement notice specifying these works would not be invalid , but should planning permission be refused and further action be taken to obtain compliance with the notice , the Justices need not take the local authority 's advice and order the defendants to implement those works , but if they do , and planning permission is again refused , the defendants may be able to avail themselves of the defence of ‘ reasonable excuse ’ , under s.95 , leaving the local authority to find alternative means to seek abatement of the odour .
25 ( i ) Ballot At the start of each session , all Members wishing to promote legislation ( or , more realistically , wishing to avail themselves of the opportunity of securing publicity for a cause ) may enter their names on a ballot .
26 Although people were endowed with different abilities and suffered varying degrees of misfortune , capitalism held out the promise that hard work and frugality would lead to increased prosperity for all those who wished to avail themselves of the opportunities it offered .
27 Floods : Fish in the Amazon have seasonal opportunities to avail themselves of plant material .
28 Where better than this great vault of abandoned statuary and skeletons , to avail themselves of their Catalepsean Nodes for a couple of hours ?
29 Organisations seeking to avail themselves of this opportunity need to catch a high speed train pretty quickly ! ’
30 The profession is well used to the hostility , indifference or apathy of that majority of the people , who have traditionally been unable to avail themselves of its services because of insurmountable financial barriers .
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